It was a big night for the Girl of Steel, Melissa Benoist! The actor walked away with a Teen


Another Kryptonian is coming to Supergirl, however, there isn't much known about the new role yet!


They've been known as episodes S301, S302 and S303 but in our heart of hearts, we know that just


Breaking News! We can definitively confirm that Carlos Bernard, known from Fox's 24, and Flame


"Guess who's coming to dinner"! While I know there are many uses of that quote the one that sticks in


"Sanvers" is undeniably a relationship that has provided many MANY fans with a narrative that they


Last year, fans may have felt that the big invasion crossover event was one episode short of being a


The haze of Comic Con is slowly dissipating and we are starting to hunger for more information


Supergirl is continuing to film on location today in Canada! Of course, because they are on


Good evening everyone! Another benefit of filming in Vancouver BC, Canada is coming our way! The


We still feel like we are at Comic Con, that much I can tell you right off the bat! There is so


Well, well, well. Here we are again. This article is a very VERY special news article for


Everyone knows just how good all the actors are on Supergirl. They have made us laugh, made us


Being at San Diego Comic Con this year has been incredible! We've done things we never thought we


It's an early start for the cast and showrunners for Supergirl at SDCC today! They have already
