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  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 14 July 2017
By now, if you are an active member in the Supergirl fandom community, you are undoubtedly aware that there is a lot going on with the Supergirl fan base. Division, attacks, collusion, planning, tweeting, posting, retaliation and so on. There is much that is dragging our fandom's reputation through the mud.

I want to give you a place where you all can come and discuss what is going on but I am going to set up some additional ground rules for this thread to help keep things more friendly because this could get out of hand very fast.

FIRST: There is a very easy tendency to make claims against certain groups that will generalize that group to a particular opinion. Please don't do this. For example: (Olicity "Oliver and Felicity shippers" all hate Laurel). That is clearly not true and no one could ever possibly know that. Its a sweeping generalization that causes those that are Olicity members who don't hate Laurel to become defensive. So please don't use sweeping generalizations in your observations.

SECOND: As much as possible, temper your emotions and take a moment to breathe before responding. We are discussing complex, difficult issues here. Issues that are reflected in the real world and have very real consequences. We are discussing topics here that have deep personal connections to a wide variety of people. You'll never know if your comment, however innocent you may feel it is, actually affects someone on the other side of the screen. So let's take a moment to note that these issues are very VERY complex and require care when brought up in conversation. Breathe and above all, be respectful.

FINALLY: My scrutiny meter on these posts is going to be at a maximum on this. If I feel, for whatever reason, that a post is in anyway hurtful, derogatory or attacking I am just going to delete it. I'll start tossing posts like Kobe hits three pointers (I'm not a basketball guy I have no idea if that analogy makes sense).

ADDITIONAL: (1) when speaking of LGBT+ to not make general assumptions about the community, especially for those not a part of it and (2) users who aren't LGBT+ should avoid speaking on behalf of the community.

Please be respectful and uphold the reputation of this site as a bright spot in the Supergirl fan community.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
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Wait so ships have to be validated now? The writers and cast needs not worry about fan interpretations of their work. Perhaps I firmly believe J'onn should hook up with Barry and Martin Stein while we're at it. Maybe I think there is a serious romantic spark between Metallo and Lilian Luthor. Maybe I think Oliver should date his arrows. Should the cast pay attention to me? Should they validate or encourage me? I wouldn't if I was the cast.

Jeremy stated a fact. Within the universe of Supergirl the show, Kara and Lena are just friends. What is wrong? I'm in luck the legions of fans of say Star Wars don't have the SuperCorp mentality, else when Daisy Ridley said Jyn and Rey have no relation there'd be a riot too. I think fans of other franchises at least understands to keep fan-fiction to fan-fiction. This is the first time I've seen a community so boldly aggressive they think their obviously non-canon interpretation should not only be respected by other shippers but the people involved with the show themselves.

Of course not. But should they be so publicly invalidated? Especially a non-canon ship that (aside from shippers) no one cares about. I'm not saying SC should've been validated, I'm saying it should've never been addressed in the first place.

Gosh you still don't get it. This isn't about the ship itself. This is about the respectful wlw viewers who were mocked in the rudest of ways. It was unnecessary. Take a look outside of the fandom and see what the LGBT community is saying about it. Look at this from their perspective. Stop falling back on to the shipping part of it as that isn't the issue here.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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Granted, I am not able to see this from the view of an LGBT person. So to address what you said about seeing it from their perspective, I admit I cannot accurately reflect how that would feel. However I have been subject to my fair share of prejudice.

I am a asian person living in Australia. I encounter racial abuse almost every day. I've been called worst things imaginable. When I walk outside, it is common for people driving by to shout "get the f*** back to China." I also have autism. Yeah. So, to confidently state, combined with my own experiences and that of people in my life mocked for their race, gender identity or sexuality, I have a grasp of what marginalisation feels like.

So I will simulate myself in such a situation then. Suppose I'm watching Supergirl and there is an acute lack of asian characters. (There is, by the way. Oh and you will never find anyone with autism). Firstly I don't think I will formulate my own fan ideas to adjust to that, but, again granted, that is just me. Say I did.

Pretend enough people feel the same way, pretend enough people stood up for the lack of representation of asians (oh I wish), or people with ASD (oh boy I mega wish). Pretend we start heckling cast and writers and causing a ruckus on social media (now this I don't wish). Our particular interpretation of one aspect of the show is so famous the cast knows it. But obviously it isn't true. So, while summarising the plot, Jeremy takes a few extra seconds to clarify we aren't right. How do I feel?

I know I'm not right. Congrats, a show's plot isn't going my way. Oh goody that is an invalidation of my whole race. I should tell my mum dad and uncle, watch them tremble with outrage? How I feel about my identity shouldn't even be based on the interpreted plot of a TV show. I laugh and carry on probably.
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So in summary, at some point we concurred that what Jeremy said is not homophobic. Just then we also agreed fan's interpretations needs no validation.

So, given that, Jeremy stated Kara and Lena are just friends, granted, with emphasis. Also addressed the past aggression of the SC shippers have left a lasting impact on the cast, and not confined to shipping, they frequently claim that Kara and Lena are in fact romantically attracted, and therefore Jeremy emphasised that in recognised canon, they aren't, as is the right thing to do. No other shipdom has warranted such response because none were that assertive.

So....."the rudest of ways"? He sang a song with a smiling face. It is clear he was in a friendly mood. He stated a fact. If that was the rudest of ways, I dread to think of your reactions to the vast quantities of real homophobia present in reality.

The underlying issue is that Jeremy's recognition of SC wasn't necessary. It was done purely to spite those SC shippers but ended up hurting others too. You keep making it all about the ship when I keep telling you it's more than that.

Ahh yes so if someone was insulting you with a smile on their face then it's all good huh? He made it all into a big joke; that was rude. His inclusion of SC was unnecessary and to be done is such a jovial manner while simultaneously being mean is rude. I live through vast quantities of homophobia in my everyday life; this was not one of them. This was purely a hurtful thing, not homophobic.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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In reflection my responses are likely also influenced my my animosity towards shipping in general. I don't retract my defense of Jeremy, but, I do feel that if you are offended by this, it is probably built on unimaginable prejudice faced during everyday life, and understandable to a degree.

Outside of this particular debate, I would like to apologise on behalf of every privileged community I belong to, to any marginalised people, for a society so unfair that this kind of controversies could arise.

I just beseech that reason be seen though.
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Granted, I am not able to see this from the view of an LGBT person. So to address what you said about seeing it from their perspective, I admit I cannot accurately reflect how that would feel. However I have been subject to my fair share of prejudice.

I am a asian person living in Australia. I encounter racial abuse almost every day. I've been called worst things imaginable. When I walk outside, it is common for people driving by to shout "get the f*** back to China." I also have autism. Yeah. So, to confidently state, combined with my own experiences and that of people in my life mocked for their race, gender identity or sexuality, I have a grasp of what marginalisation feels like.

So I will simulate myself in such a situation then. Suppose I'm watching Supergirl and there is an acute lack of asian characters. (There is, by the way. Oh and you will never find anyone with autism). Firstly I don't think I will formulate my own fan ideas to adjust to that, but, again granted, that is just me. Say I did.

Pretend enough people feel the same way, pretend enough people stood up for the lack of representation of asians (oh I wish), or people with ASD (oh boy I mega wish). Pretend we start heckling cast and writers and causing a ruckus on social media (now this I don't wish). Our particular interpretation of one aspect of the show is so famous the cast knows it. But obviously it isn't true. So, while summarising the plot, Jeremy takes a few extra seconds to clarify we aren't right. How do I feel?

I know I'm not right. Congrats, a show's plot isn't going my way. Oh goody that is an invalidation of my whole race. I should tell my mum dad and uncle, watch them tremble with outrage? How I feel about my identity shouldn't even be based on the interpreted plot of a TV show. I laugh and carry on probably.

I'm sorry for the prejudices you'v been subjected to, I know from experience that it's an awful feeling. As a bisexual Latina living in America, I've experience prejudice not only for my sexuality but for my race too.

Let's continue with your scenario. Let's make it clear that Jeremy took a few extra seconds to clarify that you aren't right. But those few extra seconds weren't just a simple "these characters aren't asian", no, these few extra seconds were repetitive " they aren't asian! they aren't asian!! THEY AREN'T ASIAN!!!". Would you really find that ok? Was all of that necessary? Were you ever under the guise that they were in fact asian?

How you would react to this situation isn't gonna represent how others would react. The LGBT community suffers from so much hate from every part of the world. And to get this tasteless joke from a show that is supposed to be pro-LGBT is messed up.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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Liking these last few posts by Fedguy and DraftingDrafter.

I can't say I face any prejudices that you both face. I'm a straight male. I'm off-white (I say that, jokingly, because I'm not exactly white, but I don't know what my heritage is).

Only prejudice I've faced is that I'm short. Like, REALLY short, for a guy. So yeah, I can't say I know what it's like to face racial prejudice, or against sexual orientation. And I can never pretend that I know what you each go through.

But one thing I will say, and it may or may not apply to Jeremy's situation, is this:

Because I don't face those challenges, I sometimes don't realize that something I've said, that has absolutely no ill will behind it, was offensive to somebody. This might be the case with Jeremy. While a LGBT supporter, he is not LGBT, so he may not have realized the impact it would have on that community.

But he made an apology, afterwards. And when I make a mistake like that, I try to do the same.

On the flip side, I think the offended person or people should make an attempt to realize that the comment, whether in this situation or in others like it, may not have had negative intentions behind it. We need to use those opportunities, and instead of being outraged and spewing threats, explain why something may have been offensive to the person involved. And if they apologize, I think we need to do our best to accept that apology.

We're going beyond this situation with Jeremy, at this point, but I just think it was a good example.

When it comes to shipping, I've just never personally understood how some people can take it so very seriously. And I think this might apply to Jeremy's situation, as well. The important part is that he tried to make some sort of amends.

So while people need to try to be more cognizant of what they are saying in the moment, I also think that people need to recognize when something was genuinely said with ill intent, versus when it was said without knowing the extent of the impact it would have.

Regardless, I think everyone here (at least those still online) recognize that the online reaction was extreme, compared to the situation.

Excellent post kdogg87. I feel like all of our opinions and feelings on this situation have sort of boiled down to this: it was a joke of no ill intent that inadvertently offended fans and he apologized for it, The backlash has gotten out of control, but over the past few hours I've seen lots of people on social media trying to douse the flames.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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Jeremy wouldn't have said this if some Supercorp shippers weren't bullies and they proved how much they are bullies after the incident.

Kara and Lena's relationship is not LGBT rep. Fans making it a fanon relationship doesn't change that and if the actors and the show weren't constantly being attacked by these fanon shippers who want to make this canon, Jeremy wouldn't even know about them nor would he firmly state that they were only friends.

All this is another episode of online bullying in the Supergirl fandom.

Jeremy shouldn't have said it period. SC has nothing to do with the show, it's non-canon but he chose to include it in his recap. Those shippers were deliberately targeted and Jeremy knew there would be backlash.

You don't get to decide what is or isn't LGBT rep for my community. We have so little rep that we have to create our own, that's how SC came to be. I've been around fandoms for a while now, so while I knew better than to invest in a non-canon ship, young wlw girls did not. And those are the shippers that are upset about it, cause they just wanted to ship their ship in peace. But bc SC gained a bad rep the cast took it out on the entire SC fandom, which was a poor move on their part.

And here I am, yet again, repeating myself that this situation wasn't because he said they were friends. This has everything to do with how the cast approached the topic of SC, not what was said per se.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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It was on Mel's latest Instagram post. Guess someone deleted it But i do see the reply to it there Where its mentioned. This is pretty insane. Thank god it got deleted though

Ok that's good it got deleted. That either means it was reported and removed or the account deleted it themselves. If you (or anyone here) ever sees hate directed at the cast, especially to this degree, please notify us in this thread. The more people we can get to report these accounts, the better.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
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Not to go OT here, but I note in the post a button that says "Accept Answer." What will happen if one clicks it?

Perhaps that ends the thread.
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Not to go OT here, but I note in the post a button that says "Accept As Answer." What will happen if one clicks it?

Hit it.....I dare ya.
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I'll start tossing posts like Kobe hits three pointers (I'm not a basketball guy I have no idea if that analogy makes sense).

Kobe Bryant has retired from basketball, so the analogy can be like Russell Westbrook, who plays on the Oklahoma City Thunder (the former Seattle Supersonics!)

But as to the fandom, these people live up to the word FANATIC which Merriam Webster describes as...

marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion

But when said criticism is mentioned, they melt like the snowflakes they are!

This entire witch hunt at the cast has really gone too far now. On YouTube the amount of hurtful comments from people are so vile even people who do all those reaction videos are posting vids on about it. I don't understand how they think their words are God and saying thousands of people kids etc are hurt. Which I think is a complete fabrication. They go about saying they will no longer make / watch SG anymore and want their subscribers to do the same. Even on Jeremy's instagram people post they have been deeply hurt by him you would think he committed a terrorism act

Steven sometimes what you write on here is just ranting about ratings. BUT MAN OH MAN DID YOU HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK!

These people are coddled, babied pieces of inhumanity who do not like it when their lifestyle is threatened, even if it comes in something non-threatening like Jeremy's song...made up on the spot might I add. These people wanting him silenced...well as it took place on US soil in San Diego, is his FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND OF SPEECH. First Amendment you know. I did see postings on IG from some in the LGBTQ community, well, blasting the blasters if you will. One said they actually LIKED the song. I think it was silly, but it had a nice beat to it. It was a commentary wrapped in a song perhaps soaked in sarcasm. We all could use a little sarcasm in our lives.
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Not to go OT here, but I note in the post a button that says "Accept As Answer." What will happen if one clicks it?

Hit it.....I dare ya.

Already done it (i didn't have the rigths for the action :p)
I would spend all of my days on set watching the show being made
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If I were a showrunner, it would definitely give me pause to introduce any LGBT storylines if there's even a remote chance of opening up my cast to such attacks.

Hmmm... Anyone who was around here last summer when it was mentioned a gay character was being introduced, I openly hoped it wasn't Supergirl for...this...very...reason--making note of the venom cast at show runners and actors of The100. I feared same thing would happen here. Could never have predicted THIS, however. Good grief, Charlie Brown.

The only potential silver lining in all this is that I hope the hooligans actually follow through with their threat to stop watching the show (yeah, right). To that I say good riddance. Please go ruin some other show and leave us alone. The SG fandom will be so much better without them.

This this this this this this!*head nods Squishpanda*

Thanks for passing this along, Kelly....
Attachments (1)
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I would like to add a few other things.

1. Do not tell me what the cast meant by the song. Ya'll are not the cast so don't speak for them. Unless your superpower is mind reading just stop.

2. Stop blaming all SC people for what some do. I am old, but I am not their mother so I can't ground them from the internet. And I have seen many SC fans tell people to stop doing things but again not one can make them. Unless of course there twitter or instagram account is reported.

3. Stop generalizing and saying that the only bad fans are SC fans. Ya'll all love Monel so you probably don't get hate from Karamel fans but it's out there.

4. Last but not least. I reiterate that the hate against the actors is wrong. No one is denying that. But that doesn't mean people can't be upset or disappointed in the cast.

1. Isn't that what everyone is doing...I take the history of this cast along with me as I watch that video. I take what Melissa said in an interview just a couple of hours before if that....where she is specifically asked about #Supercorp and she says, Katie said the same exact thing, and everyone is oooooh glorious she's our something like So, I think everyone is interpreting what they meant.....I just simply take in to account, the numerous times they (Melissa and Jeremy) have worked with different LBGQT charities, they have stood up for them, they have many, many friends within that community. I simply take all of that into account, as well as the months of harassment.

2. The reason SC people are getting blamed is because when we see their tweets, it is in their profile, they have hashtagged in their reply, on tumblr all they talk about is @Supercorp....that the VAST MAJORITY of the tweets and posts we are talking about are coming from people that SAY THEMSELVES THEY ARE A PART OF #Supercorp. What the hell are we supposed to think? You are correct there are some that have asked them to stop....I follow a few of those people, so you are correct....but that doesn't negate that the vast majority of the harassment tweets and posts are from people who call themselves #Supercorp people.

3. I believe everyone here has stated that they understand that there are some that follow #Supercorp that are not a part of this fandom.

4. Again, we have all stated that we understand that you believe that the harassment of the actors is wrong but that you are still disappointed in the cast. There are those of us that simply are not disappointed in them because we don't see what happened as a grand, huge thing that should be put up there with all of the horrible things that the LGBQT community is up against. Especially since these two actors have proven themselves time and time again how much they support that community. It is like ALL OF THAT IS WIPED AWAY because of this, and that IMHO is ridiculous.

I don't know why you keep repeating these things. Are you thinking that we will at some point totally agree with you? We understand that you are upset with the cast and have every right to be, that is totally your thing. Go for it.... We just simply are not upset with them...and see a different side of it, that's all.
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Just one thing to clarify, Chris wasn't at the charity event. Katie and Teri represented Supergirl.

But speaking of Chris, a comment he made sarcastically and even stated was sarcastic has been used against him to paint him as homophobic. These people were very clear to exclude his follow-up words that it was sarcasm and intentionally misrepresented him. These posts have gone viral on Tumblr and resulted in a fresh attack on his instagram page. He's being attacked for saying the exact opposite of what they claim he is saying. They also claim that Mehcad told Katie to shut up in Italian. That also led to attacks on Mehcad's instagram. He's disabled the comments in his most recent posts. I don't know if Chris will do the shame.

They are relentless and intent on forcing the cast to kowtow to them.
This is the video with Katie's comments setting it up.

Chris' fans are now flooding his page with positive comments to drown out the hate.
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How do we go about that rally? Should we use that image in our tweets and posts?

On twitter, Instagram and tumblr use it as your profile pic.....if you are tweeting something that you think is important and is a high five to the cast, or a cast member, you can put attach it to your tweet. You use it however you want..... ;)

Kelly, what is this rally, campaign you speak off? Can you provide some background to it.
I've been living under a rock all week with a family emergency and came on today to catch up on SDCC, and WOW, JUST WOW. I'm just starting to get a grasp of it all. I'm still completely gobsmacked by how this have blow up. Right now, I'm actually quite depressed by how the cast is being bombarded with so much vicious hate. I'm not a social media person, so it baffles me.

But THIS, this might actually get me on it just to join in a supportive rally for the cast. Especially Melissa, who, as the lead seems be be getting the brunt of it. Poor Kid. It really couldn't happen to a nicer, more generous actor and person.

I really haven't caught up most of it yet, so I probably can't speak accurately to it, but it seems like a lot of misinformation is out there too. Then bringing up stuff that has nothing to do with this particular incident just to attack a cast member. What a horrible way to end the event. :(
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Not to mention that Mary Sue is one of biggest instigators of this. She has shown time and time again she is part of the toxic side of SC. She should be ashamed of her behavior all year. Her articles been one sided and truly despicable to read.

The two articles are just two sides of the same coin....both are the extremes within their genre of click bait editorializing....

I'm really ready to just move on and enjoy the 3rd season.

I don't know much about this particular writer for Mary Sue but the Season 2 recapper is far from Supercorp and unfair. She's actually very fair to all the characters and relationships on the show, which frustrates many of those who comment and focus on negativity and character bashing.
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*waves hi*

Welcome, DocD666. Happy to have ya.
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Doc, first off welcome aboard here.

Second, this fandom fracas has now hit the mainstream press...if one cares to call The Daily Caller mainstream. At least I do. This is a news website founded by Tucker Carlson who now hosts his own show on...dare I say it here...Fox News weeknights at 8:00PM. I found this on their twiiter feed...

Feminists Riot Over Supergirl Actor’s Joke

The meat of this article focuses on a leftist website The Mary Sue

Actor Jeremy Jordan had other plans, and sang a song about how Kara and Lena are only friends and nothing more to riff on the “Supercorp” relationship. “They’re only friends! They’re not gonna get together! They’re only friends!”

Feminist vertical The Mary Sue took their offense at Jordan’s joke to the next level, claiming that his decision to make light of the “relationship” displays a “fundamental misunderstanding of why shipping is so important to LGBTQIA fans.”

Writing for the site, Vivian Kane says that representation of such minorities is “severely lacking on television” and that it’s important for fans to be able to dream up queer relationships between otherwise heterosexual characters to make up for it.

“And the very last thing those fans need is to be laughed at by someone on the show,” she says.

The Daily Caller also reports...

It’s an argument falls flat when one considers the fact that Supergirl is by and large one of the most progressive TV shows currently on TV, alongside Wynonna Earp and Orphan Black.

Responding to the backlash, Jeremy Jordan took to Instagram to state that there was nothing homophobic about his song, which was not intended as a putdown of the LGBTQ community. In his message, the actor also called out a “select few people” for trying to “find hidden meanings in silly jokes.”

“Yes, fight for what you believe with all your heart, but understand that we are all human. And we all deserve respect,” wrote Jordan. “That being said, I know now that I made some of you feel pretty s*****, and I’m really sorry for that. I think you can guess you’ve succeeded in making me feel the same. The difference, however, is mine is unintentional. So enough with the hate. Let us live our lives with love (and humor). We are all super.”

His message caused his detractors to double down, prompting him to make a second apology, in which he wishes he could “go back in time” to redo the whole segment with MTV with a promise to do better next time.

NOTE--edited out one curse word.
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I hope whoever I responded to saw my post before it got deleted (the username was unfamiliar and I can't remember who it was. Bill something?). If they want to continue the discussion, they're more than welcome to do it here. But do NOT call me delusional.

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