1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Speculation
  4. Thursday, 30 July 2020
I decided to start basically a Supergirl season 6 thread.I was already figuring we may get some news at DC's FanDome event next month but apparently there was a Virtual Wizard World Con in the past few days and several cast members were there.Apparently there was some season 6 news there.TheDCTVshow has a report on it.

The Major news points.

1)Jesse Rath revealed they plan to begin shooting September 28.

DCTVshow speculates that they might do what they did at the start of season 4 where other cast members like Jesse will begin shooting September 28 but Melissa might start a little later.

2)Helen Slater will be in a couple episodes in season 6.

The next bit I'll spoiler highlight since it could be considered a spoiler.

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From Jesse Rath:"The writers are working on,not a Legion story but what I think is the essence of what The Legion Of Superheroes is."

DCTVShow speculates he's not expecting Legion members appearing but more the idea of what The Legion is.A team of superheroes coming together.So really Team Supergirl really coming together as a team and becoming the basis of what The Legion becomes in the future.


I think I found the actual panel video.

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As far as I'm concerned the Guardian Character is dead. Someone once said that an error does not become a mistake unless it's corrected. Oh Brother here we go again.

July 20,1969 "The Americans Are On The Moon"
American Land (London Calling: Live In Hyde Park, 2009)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 41
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Kelly goes /redacted/


Cause that turned out so well before...

!#*& !#*& !#*&

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 42
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Kelly goes Guardian
Spoiler alert on this article. Jessica Queller made a rare slip up and reveled Alex’s vigilante/hero name. I heard the name had been decided on and would’ve been said if the season hadn’t been cut short. I expect it will be said tonight.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 43
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Kelly goes Guardian

... we knew it was coming, as James left her his shield.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 44
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A bunch of stuff.First,a extended version of the first preview clip from tonight's premeire.

Second,another interview with Melissa,this time with Entertaiment Tonight.

Among other things,Melissa reveals her favorite season of the show is season 4.

My favorite season that we've done so far was season 4 where we really laid heavy on the commentary. This season will be no different. This will be inspired by real-world issues -- both the Black Lives Matter movement and how some people felt disempowered because of circumstances that we're all living in with the pandemic.

Her one request of the showrunners was for something she didn't want them to do which they aren't

Just don't do this and I'll be happy. And you know what, they're not doing it. So I'm happy.

I'm hoping her request was that Kara doesn't die at the end of the series.

She's been DMied new big screen Supergirl Sasha Calle..

Sasha Calle was recently cast as the DC movie universe's Supergirl. Any words of wisdom for her as she gears up to don the cape? And what do you feel is your legacy from your time as Kara and Supergirl?

You know what? I don't have any words of wisdom because it's such a personal thing. All I can say is that I can't wait to see her version of the character, and her and I have DMed on Instagram. I reached out to her when she got the news in the video when she found out she got the role, which made me cry, because I felt that and this role, she just seems perfect for it. I think that staying true to yourself and playing this role is the best thing you can do. I have no doubt that she's going to do that. I feel like that's what I'm most proud of, is that I've never compromised in playing this role what I really felt mattered for her and for what we were saying to young girls out there. What we represent was always at the forefront of my mind in every line I said and every step I took. Every heat vision I did, every freeze breath I blew, it always came back to this. This is for young girls. I did it as the first female superhero show since Wonder Woman, but Sasha will be doing it as the first Supergirl who is a person of color.

The whole interview is really worth a read.

Finally,on location photos for episode 6x11..

The next ones have a big spoiler in it so I'll hide those.

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Mxyzptlk is back.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 45
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Supergirl 6x01 Sneak Peek 2

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 46
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@comic fan Very curious about what her one request was.

Me too!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 47
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I thought this may be of interest to fans...

Great interview.This stood out to me.

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So, I'm not absent from the first part of the season, but I'm in a different place. Supergirl is quite isolated.

I think that is another clue Kara is trapped in the Phantom Zone.

Sounds like Melissa is happy that they've now moved passed the Kara & Lena season 5 storyline.

Interesting that the showrunners asked for Melissa's imput on where Kara is at the end of the series.Very curious about what her one request was.

and it wasn't even something they were thinking about doing.

Again,very curious about what that request was.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 48
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 49
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Here is a sneak peek of Tuesday's premiere. From The CW Supergirl Instagram page.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 50
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The DCTVShow has revealed who Jason Behr & are playing amd whermn they first appear.Spoiler hiding.

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See new Tweets
*EXCLUSIVE* #Supergirl News:

Jason Behr has been cast as Kara's father Zor-El for Supergirl Season 6!

Want to find out what episode Zor-El will be appearing in... + the confirmed cast list for Episodes 1 & 2, check it out here!:

Replying to
Guys, this was not confirmed when he was cast. They only said "Kryptonian" - now, I can confirm he will be playing Kara's father Zor-El and what episode he will first appear in!

*EXCLUSIVE* #Supergirl News:

Claude Knowlton has been cast as a character named 'Silas' for Supergirl Season 6!

Want to find out what episode he AND Zor-El will be appearing in...? Check it out here!:

According to The DC TV,Show Zor-El will make his first appearance in episode 2 .Claude Knowlton will also first appear in episode 2.According to The DCTV Show,Otis is appearing in episode 1 and 2.

Regarding the TVLine comments about Mon-El.

Yeah,Chris would be the easiest guest star since he's up there with Melissa and I don't think he has any other projects lined up.But also agree,they wouldn't give that info up this early before the series ends.I am glad they are planning for some returning faces though.

With recent information I’m cautiously optimistic that this isn’t what they’re doing and the series won’t end with Kara’s death or even have her preparing for her imminent death. I really didn’t like the first 8 episodes of Flash season six where Barry was preparing for his death in Crisis. I’m all for Kara having a quarter life crisis and contemplating her mortality and what she wants.

Of the many ways the series could end I would be truly disappointed if ends with Kara’s death. This is a show with an underlying theme of hope and to date no non villain has died heck, compared to other shows there’s been hardly any deaths

Really pulling for you being right.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 51
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... although, I suspect if they were planning to bring him back, they'd keep it under wraps. My thought are still that she will travel to the future and join Mon-el and Winn as part of the Legion.
Jessica Queller’s being cagey and of coarse wants to keep things under wraps. I would think logistically Chris would be an easy guest star. I assume he moved to Vancouver with Melissa and their son, by extension he’s already in the shows COVID “bubble”.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 52
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... although, I suspect if they were planning to bring him back, they'd keep it under wraps. My thought are still that she will travel to the future and join Mon-el and Winn as part of the Legion.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 53
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I'm wondering now if Supergirl season 6 could be doing a take on All Star Superman?

For those who are unfamillar,All Star Superman was a 2005-2008 twelve issue limited series by writer Grant Morrison & artist Frank Quitely.It's considered one of the great defining Superman stories and we've seen Supergirl use storylines and elements from Superman before.

It's basically a Death Of Superman story.The gist of the story is that Lex Luthor orchestrates a situation where to save everyone,Superman is forced to absorb a high level of solar radiation.The result is that while it causes him to be even more powerful,it's also slowly killing him.So the setup is that Superman only has one year to live(he keeps this from the public) and the series follows him over that year putting his affairs in order.The comic was adapated into a animated movie a few years ago.
With recent information I’m cautiously optimistic that this isn’t what they’re doing and the series won’t end with Kara’s death or even have her preparing for her imminent death. I really didn’t like the first 8 episodes of Flash season six where Barry was preparing for his death in Crisis. I’m all for Kara having a quarter life crisis and contemplating her mortality and what she wants.

Of the many ways the series could end I would be truly disappointed if ends with Kara’s death. This is a show with an underlying theme of hope and to date no non villain has died heck, compared to other shows there’s been hardly any deaths.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 54
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From TV Line.Light tease of Kara's fate.So I'm spoiler hiding.

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Any scoop on Supergirl‘s storyline for the first half of the season? –Olivia

That is a good question, and the very final moments of this Tuesday’s long-delayed final season premiere appear to reveal the understandably unspoiled answer. (In my surprise, I may have uttered an expletive.) P.S. Fans of Cat Grant should be pleased with the cover story used to account for Kara’s absence from CatCo’s bustling newsroom during the premiere.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 55
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I can't wait. I am convinced this will be the most action packed premiere. I also fully expect things to end badly for Supergirl and set up for her reduced presence in upcoming episodes. But, hope will prevail.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 56
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Here's a another promo.This one a combo with Superman & Lois.

And a advanced review of the season premiere.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 57
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Brief early reviews via screeners for the season 6 premiere.Will spoiler hide.Nothing major that can't be gathered via pre release stuff but to play safe

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Alex Zalben
#Supergirl Season 6 premiere is my favorite episode of the show in a long time. Dispatches some of the weirder elements of Season 5 quickly, focuses on the core relationships, and has some big action. Oh, and there's one line you're gonna add to your Supercorp edits immediately.

See new Tweets
Nora Dominick
Hello, yes, hi. I’ve missed #Supergirl so much and the Season 6 premiere refocuses on the important relationships that have made this show so compelling in the past. It’s a big Lena episode, so naturally I was on the floor and I can’t wait to screech about it Sparkles

Also another person who saw a screener of the premiere indicates that things aren't looking good for Kara in this episode.

One of the reviewers, Jay, who got a screener said what happens to Kara is worse than he ever thought it would be. So...…

You mean Jay's tweets? I'm a little concerned by what he said concerning Kara's sacrifice being worse than anything we imagined, but mostly because I'm expecting it to be a dumb idea that's badly executed.

And he said the bench scene has been cut


The Jay is Jay Snow from Hypable who does lots of articles on Supergirl & Batwoman.He may do a full screener review of the premiere later today or tomorrow for the site but here's more of his tweets.

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jay snow.
Additionally, Nia and Alex get some killer time as their hero personas. We see some new things from Dreamer, while something surprising happens for Alex.

It’s a strong episode, and while not every moment was enjoyable, it’s an interesting start to the final season of #Supergirl.

jay snow.
It’s a big episode for Lena, who is proving herself to everyone and showing tremendous growth. Several fantastic moments with Lena and Kara, Alex, and Brainy (separately). Very pleased by how this ep began to handle Lena’s arc over #Supergirl S5.

jay snow.
Here’s what I’ll say: It is good to have the super friends back. So much happens on #Supergirl 601 — a lot of good, some not so much — and ends on something rather unexpected. We’ve all had our theories about what’s going to happen to Kara, but it’s worse than I imagined.

jay snow.
I’ll try to post a #Supergirl 601 preview tomorrow or Wednesday! Smiling face with 3 hearts Be sure to follow for coverage all season long!
jay snow.
for anyone asking, william feels just as forced into this ep as he did in all of S5... but there’s not much of him, so don’t worry about it.

jay snow.
my reaction to #Supergirl 601, in order:

See new Tweets
jay snow.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 58
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Real-world political and social issues have inspired Supergirl's last two seasons and that will remain the case in the forthcoming run, especially in the back half of season 6 as the show turns its attention to power. Following the destruction of the DEO last year, the Superfriends must figure out how to superhero responsibility now that they're operating without government oversight (you know, with great powers comes etc...).

Sacrifices of Supergirl or not...this WORRIES me. Although season 5 IMHO, except for one or two episodes, basically held the line on politics.

But now given the current scenario with the left in control (by hook and by crook and bolstered by a cowardly judiciary and big money elites selling out to China) this to me will be a victory lap for the show given the results they have gotten...then again Warners is one of the Hollywood studios financed by the People's Republic of China.

I still have that rancid, sour, bitter taste in my mouth over season 4 and their attack on conservatives, libertarians, old school liberals, talk radio and al-media (namely Infowars, Breitbart, Newsmax, One America News, etc.).

After 6 years of joy and eventually anger and disappointment, I am happy and sad to see this show go...

Sad...because it's the culmination of a dream of mine to have Supergirl on TV and have it turn out to be more successful than Wonder Woman with Lynda Carter or other female superhero TV shows, perhaps put together (Black Scorpion or Sheena ring any bells?).

Happy...because I won't have to suffer through the woke communist propaganda and politics when this show's final sign-off happens.

On the other hand...having be sans government oversight might give Team Kara and company more freedoms to handle crime and such...and I do not mean like The Crows on Batwoman who are making Gotham into a further police state.


Now...given SG's going to be on Tuesday at 9, one can assume The Flash will lead in...which to me would've been my dream line-up. The two most hopeful superheroes on TV on a night when people might still have a slight case of the Mondays. And it would give a whole new meaning to Super Tuesday...not that Flash and Superman and Lois are doing that at the moment of course.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 59
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Well,it looks like from the trailer that something kryptonite related(kryptonite poisoning?) befalls Supergirl.I'm still on my All Star Superman speculation theory for this season so I can see two ways to connect that to my theory.

1)Kara is suffering from kryptonite poisoning putting the ticking clock on her life for the season(unlike Ryan Wilder over on Batwoman,Kara could probably last a bit longer due to her kryptonian physiology).

2)Kara suffering from kryptonite poisoning needs a cure that also puts a ticking clock on her life.Could go full All Star Superman and have her need to get over exposed to solar radiation to cure her which does(and may give even a power boost) but like in the comic with Superman,that will slowly kill her too.

Nia screaming is definitely to Brainy.

You know,since the Fortress looks to get trashed in the premiere,and since timeline wise,this episode seems to be set immediately after the season 5 finale,they actually have a good in story reason for The Fortress looking different in Superman & Lois.I mean the Fortress gets destroyed and rebuilt slightly different all the time in the comics.Sometimes the location even changes too.

The CW trailer is longer.

Lex gets superpowers again.

Lena decks Lex.

Lots more footage.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 60

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