- zrob7997
- Supergirl Season 3
- Monday, 16 April 2018
I personally think that since they are in a irl relationship they do have a good chance of getting back together. I am not saying this because I ship Karamel, I am saying this because it makes the show a lot more interesting when Kara has a love interest because it proves how venerable she can make herself and gives Alex a time to shine as a big sis. I hope you are all excited for later tonight! I know I am!!
Somehow the topic I brought up about Kara and Brainiac 5 being the closest thing to an 'endgame' made its way to twitter (someone shared a link to this forum topic).
The twitter user, in a thread, goes through Kara and Brainy's history together in case some of you are interested. I'm not a big comic book reader so all of this information was new to me. They've also compiled what looks like a timeline of the history between Kara and Brainy. I've linked both the thread and timeline below.
Twitter thread
Their shared history timeline
Bah ha ha looks like, DraftingDrafter, peeps are intrigued by our comments on here. A month or so ago, something I said ended up on reddit as a discussion. I just happened to see a link to it on Twitter. I wonder how many other things have ended up on reddit and other places from here #TeamSupergirltvI like our crew and admins.
Since I don't spend much time on twitter I was surprised that I came across that particular Kara/Brainy thread, and even more surprised that it was all in response to the discussion being had here! But it's nice to have it confirmed that they have an extensive history together (both romantic and not).
I too wonder what else has made its way from this site to other social media platforms........
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 1
I understand that Supergirl has no true endgame, but would it be safe to say that Brainy is her main 'love interest' in the cb world?
And yes I didn't mean they were together for decades, but instead have a history of being together in multiple comic series that have spanned decades.
I actually don't know that i'ts safe to say that Brainy is her main love interest in the "Comic Book" world.
I've read Supergirl books since the 1990's, and tried to catch up on things prior to that. And I've tried to look up her and Brainy, prior to that. From what I can tell, if they were together, it was incredibly brief, and in the Silver Age. He's always had more of a "puppy love" vibe towards her, that either went unrequited, or that she left in favor of her life as Supergirl in the present, as opposed to staying with him in the future. This puppy love aspect was worked into other mediums, like when the Legion appeared in "Justice League Unlimited", and Brainiac 5 had a crush on Supergirl. Though, in that one episode, she seemed to recepricate by the end.
Those old comics were also super sexist, with many issues focusing on Supergirl crying over a one-issue boyfriend, or super villains wanting to make Supergirl their mate, or breed with her. Super creepy.
In reality, the longest relationship of Supergirl's that I know of is Alexander Luthor (Supposedly Lex's son, but in reality Lex in a younger clone body of himself). Lex used Supergirl to his own ends, before she realized it and turned on him. And that wasn't even the "Kara Zor-El" version of Supergirl. That was the weird "Matrix" Supergirl that existed in the 1990's.
Ever since Supergirl was rebooted in 2004 and brought Kara Zor-El back into continuity, she hasn't had a real long term relationship. She had an abusive 2 issue relationship with Power Boy (who she proceeded to beat the crap out of). Brainy has appeared, and professed his love, but she wasn't the Supergirl he knew (as he knew the Pre-Crisis Supergirl), so she didn't know him.
She didn't really have any relationships in the New 52 continuity. She might now have a boyfriend in Rebirth, as I'm about 5 issues behind on my reading.
Bottom line, the thing I've always loved about Supergirl is that she didn't have / didn't need a long term/main love interest. And personally, that's how I prefer the show.
It's honestly the same thing I loved, for a long time, about Batgirl. Yes, she'd had an on-again-off-again thing with Dick Grayson, but she never NEEDED to be with him, the way Superman needed Lois, Flash needed Iris, etc.
Just my thoughts. It's fine to want her and Brainy to hook up, I guess. I just really wouldn't consider him, or anyone else, her "main" love interest, in the comics.
I don't mind relationships, per say, as long as they don't overpower the show. And that was the really big problem with both Mon-El and Maggie. That is ALL that season 2 was. And that annoys me.
I don't mean decades as in that is how long they were together....I mean spanned decades in different iterations of the comics. As with all that she has a relationship with....she gets with none of them, which is why I do the "eye roll" thing when anyone says she had an endgame with any particular relationship.
I love it when I'm proven right, and I didn't have to lift a finger......hahahahahahahahaha

On the other hand, whoever put that timeline together has AAAAALOOOOT of time on their hands.

Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 2
Guess we becoming famous! Love the #teamsupergirltv. We have a great crew here and it’s all thanks to you guys!Somehow the topic I brought up about Kara and Brainiac 5 being the closest thing to an 'endgame' made its way to twitter (someone shared a link to this forum topic).
The twitter user, in a thread, goes through Kara and Brainy's history together in case some of you are interested. I'm not a big comic book reader so all of this information was new to me. They've also compiled what looks like a timeline of the history between Kara and Brainy. I've linked both the thread and timeline below.
Twitter thread
Their shared history timeline
Bah ha ha looks like, DraftingDrafter, peeps are intrigued by our comments on here. A month or so ago, something I said ended up on reddit as a discussion. I just happened to see a link to it on Twitter. I wonder how many other things have ended up on reddit and other places from here #TeamSupergirltvI like our crew and admins.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 3
Somehow the topic I brought up about Kara and Brainiac 5 being the closest thing to an 'endgame' made its way to twitter (someone shared a link to this forum topic).
The twitter user, in a thread, goes through Kara and Brainy's history together in case some of you are interested. I'm not a big comic book reader so all of this information was new to me. They've also compiled what looks like a timeline of the history between Kara and Brainy. I've linked both the thread and timeline below.
Twitter thread
Their shared history timeline
Bah ha ha looks like, DraftingDrafter, peeps are intrigued by our comments on here. A month or so ago, something I said ended up on reddit as a discussion. I just happened to see a link to it on Twitter. I wonder how many other things have ended up on reddit and other places from here #TeamSupergirltv

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 4
Somehow the topic I brought up about Kara and Brainiac 5 being the closest thing to an 'endgame' made its way to twitter (someone shared a link to this forum topic).
The twitter user, in a thread, goes through Kara and Brainy's history together in case some of you are interested. I'm not a big comic book reader so all of this information was new to me. They've also compiled what looks like a timeline of the history between Kara and Brainy. I've linked both the thread and timeline below.
Twitter thread
Their shared history timeline
The twitter user, in a thread, goes through Kara and Brainy's history together in case some of you are interested. I'm not a big comic book reader so all of this information was new to me. They've also compiled what looks like a timeline of the history between Kara and Brainy. I've linked both the thread and timeline below.
Twitter thread
Their shared history timeline
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 5
I think Kara can be like James Bond or Nancy Drew (files). A new guy every season.
But... the romance should be tertiary to SG, and Kara and superfriends and family.
As for Kara and Lena's sexuality. Sexuality is on a spectrum. It is perfectly possible for a woman to realise that she is attracted to other women in their 20's, 30's or even later. It is a thing. Both could turn out to be bi. (Men too.. ).
I don't think they should do that to be honest and there is a reason you have fan fiction. But.. you know, it happens in real life.
I don't personally want Kara (or Alex) to be defined by any romantic relationship. But, I think it is perfectly okay for Kara's character to define how she approaches relationships. For example, working with friends and family instead of going solo like for Superman.

But... the romance should be tertiary to SG, and Kara and superfriends and family.
As for Kara and Lena's sexuality. Sexuality is on a spectrum. It is perfectly possible for a woman to realise that she is attracted to other women in their 20's, 30's or even later. It is a thing. Both could turn out to be bi. (Men too.. ).
I don't think they should do that to be honest and there is a reason you have fan fiction. But.. you know, it happens in real life.
I don't personally want Kara (or Alex) to be defined by any romantic relationship. But, I think it is perfectly okay for Kara's character to define how she approaches relationships. For example, working with friends and family instead of going solo like for Superman.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 6
I understand that Supergirl has no true endgame, but would it be safe to say that Brainy is her main 'love interest' in the cb world?
And yes I didn't mean they were together for decades, but instead have a history of being together in multiple comic series that have spanned decades.
I actually don't know that i'ts safe to say that Brainy is her main love interest in the "Comic Book" world.
I've read Supergirl books since the 1990's, and tried to catch up on things prior to that. And I've tried to look up her and Brainy, prior to that. From what I can tell, if they were together, it was incredibly brief, and in the Silver Age. He's always had more of a "puppy love" vibe towards her, that either went unrequited, or that she left in favor of her life as Supergirl in the present, as opposed to staying with him in the future. This puppy love aspect was worked into other mediums, like when the Legion appeared in "Justice League Unlimited", and Brainiac 5 had a crush on Supergirl. Though, in that one episode, she seemed to recepricate by the end.
Those old comics were also super sexist, with many issues focusing on Supergirl crying over a one-issue boyfriend, or super villains wanting to make Supergirl their mate, or breed with her. Super creepy.
In reality, the longest relationship of Supergirl's that I know of is Alexander Luthor (Supposedly Lex's son, but in reality Lex in a younger clone body of himself). Lex used Supergirl to his own ends, before she realized it and turned on him. And that wasn't even the "Kara Zor-El" version of Supergirl. That was the weird "Matrix" Supergirl that existed in the 1990's.
Ever since Supergirl was rebooted in 2004 and brought Kara Zor-El back into continuity, she hasn't had a real long term relationship. She had an abusive 2 issue relationship with Power Boy (who she proceeded to beat the crap out of). Brainy has appeared, and professed his love, but she wasn't the Supergirl he knew (as he knew the Pre-Crisis Supergirl), so she didn't know him.
She didn't really have any relationships in the New 52 continuity. She might now have a boyfriend in Rebirth, as I'm about 5 issues behind on my reading.
Bottom line, the thing I've always loved about Supergirl is that she didn't have / didn't need a long term/main love interest. And personally, that's how I prefer the show.
It's honestly the same thing I loved, for a long time, about Batgirl. Yes, she'd had an on-again-off-again thing with Dick Grayson, but she never NEEDED to be with him, the way Superman needed Lois, Flash needed Iris, etc.
Just my thoughts. It's fine to want her and Brainy to hook up, I guess. I just really wouldn't consider him, or anyone else, her "main" love interest, in the comics.
I don't mind relationships, per say, as long as they don't overpower the show. And that was the really big problem with both Mon-El and Maggie. That is ALL that season 2 was. And that annoys me.
I don't mean decades as in that is how long they were together....I mean spanned decades in different iterations of the comics. As with all that she has a relationship with....she gets with none of them, which is why I do the "eye roll" thing when anyone says she had an endgame with any particular relationship.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 7
I understand that Supergirl has no true endgame, but would it be safe to say that Brainy is her main 'love interest' in the cb world?
And yes I didn't mean they were together for decades, but instead have a history of being together in multiple comic series that have spanned decades.
I actually don't know that i'ts safe to say that Brainy is her main love interest in the "Comic Book" world.
I've read Supergirl books since the 1990's, and tried to catch up on things prior to that. And I've tried to look up her and Brainy, prior to that. From what I can tell, if they were together, it was incredibly brief, and in the Silver Age. He's always had more of a "puppy love" vibe towards her, that either went unrequited, or that she left in favor of her life as Supergirl in the present, as opposed to staying with him in the future. This puppy love aspect was worked into other mediums, like when the Legion appeared in "Justice League Unlimited", and Brainiac 5 had a crush on Supergirl. Though, in that one episode, she seemed to recepricate by the end.
Those old comics were also super sexist, with many issues focusing on Supergirl crying over a one-issue boyfriend, or super villains wanting to make Supergirl their mate, or breed with her. Super creepy.
In reality, the longest relationship of Supergirl's that I know of is Alexander Luthor (Supposedly Lex's son, but in reality Lex in a younger clone body of himself). Lex used Supergirl to his own ends, before she realized it and turned on him. And that wasn't even the "Kara Zor-El" version of Supergirl. That was the weird "Matrix" Supergirl that existed in the 1990's.
Ever since Supergirl was rebooted in 2004 and brought Kara Zor-El back into continuity, she hasn't had a real long term relationship. She had an abusive 2 issue relationship with Power Boy (who she proceeded to beat the crap out of). Brainy has appeared, and professed his love, but she wasn't the Supergirl he knew (as he knew the Pre-Crisis Supergirl), so she didn't know him.
She didn't really have any relationships in the New 52 continuity. She might now have a boyfriend in Rebirth, as I'm about 5 issues behind on my reading.
Bottom line, the thing I've always loved about Supergirl is that she didn't have / didn't need a long term/main love interest. And personally, that's how I prefer the show.
It's honestly the same thing I loved, for a long time, about Batgirl. Yes, she'd had an on-again-off-again thing with Dick Grayson, but she never NEEDED to be with him, the way Superman needed Lois, Flash needed Iris, etc.
Just my thoughts. It's fine to want her and Brainy to hook up, I guess. I just really wouldn't consider him, or anyone else, her "main" love interest, in the comics.
I don't mind relationships, per say, as long as they don't overpower the show. And that was the really big problem with both Mon-El and Maggie. That is ALL that season 2 was. And that annoys me.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 8
We all knew Barry and Iris would be endgame. They are married in the comics. We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
The difference is that Supergirl has NEVER had one of those long term romances who she's been DESTINED to be with for decades, that have defined other characters. She doesn't have an equivalent of Lois Lane to Superman, Iris West to Flash, Dinah Lance to Green Arrow, Carol Ferris to Green Lantern. I think she had a short stint with Mon-El, at some point.
Sorry to butt in, but I would think that the closest thing to an 'endgame' Kara has would be Brainiac 5. Don't they have a decades long history together? If I remember correctly they first were together back in the 60s and it was a lot of off-and-on kinda thing.
Also, I don't remember there ever being a short stint with Mon-El... if there was does anyone which comic series?
Brainy is pretty much someone she dated...they were not together all that long, but through several iterations for sure......Supergirl in the end ends up with no one.
I understand that Supergirl has no true endgame, but would it be safe to say that Brainy is her main 'love interest' in the cb world?
And yes I didn't mean they were together for decades, but instead have a history of being together in multiple comic series that have spanned decades.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 9
We all knew Barry and Iris would be endgame. They are married in the comics. We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
The difference is that Supergirl has NEVER had one of those long term romances who she's been DESTINED to be with for decades, that have defined other characters. She doesn't have an equivalent of Lois Lane to Superman, Iris West to Flash, Dinah Lance to Green Arrow, Carol Ferris to Green Lantern. I think she had a short stint with Mon-El, at some point.
Sorry to butt in, but I would think that the closest thing to an 'endgame' Kara has would be Brainiac 5. Don't they have a decades long history together? If I remember correctly they first were together back in the 60s and it was a lot of off-and-on kinda thing.
Also, I don't remember there ever being a short stint with Mon-El... if there was does anyone which comic series?
Brainy is pretty much someone she dated...they were not together all that long, but through several iterations for sure......Supergirl in the end ends up with no one.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 10
We all knew Barry and Iris would be endgame. They are married in the comics. We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
The difference is that Supergirl has NEVER had one of those long term romances who she's been DESTINED to be with for decades, that have defined other characters. She doesn't have an equivalent of Lois Lane to Superman, Iris West to Flash, Dinah Lance to Green Arrow, Carol Ferris to Green Lantern. I think she had a short stint with Mon-El, at some point.
Sorry to butt in, but I would think that the closest thing to an 'endgame' Kara has would be Brainiac 5. Don't they have a decades long history together? If I remember correctly they first were together back in the 60s and it was a lot of off-and-on kinda thing.
Also, I don't remember there ever being a short stint with Mon-El... if there was does anyone which comic series?
Brainy is pretty much someone she dated...they were not together for very long. Certainly not decades.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 11
I have to say that I enjoyed this last episode because it seems to have put a nice bookend on the Mon-el/Kara relationship. It seems that both learned from it and are more than willing to move on.
I'm ready to move on....from all of the relationships of season 2.
If by chance Mon-el and Kara end up together in say.....Season 7? cool.....it will be a relationship built on trust, respect and friendship.
As far as Alex, I wish for her someone who respects her opinion, allows her to express her love in whatever way she wants....ie romantic dinners, stupid little cards, etc....whatever makes her happy. I want her partner to want to make her happy as much as Alex wants to do the same. That was not seen in the Maggie relationship. That is what I want for Alex.
I'm ready to move on....from all of the relationships of season 2.
If by chance Mon-el and Kara end up together in say.....Season 7? cool.....it will be a relationship built on trust, respect and friendship.
As far as Alex, I wish for her someone who respects her opinion, allows her to express her love in whatever way she wants....ie romantic dinners, stupid little cards, etc....whatever makes her happy. I want her partner to want to make her happy as much as Alex wants to do the same. That was not seen in the Maggie relationship. That is what I want for Alex.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 12
"And then there's the peeps who got offended at the beginning of the season"
By what?
By what? By WHAT?? Fedguy, are you extra tired right now? Lol Maggie leaving the show, that's what. *waits for Fedguy to pause, slap his forehead, and say "Ooohhhh yyyeeaaahhh, ddduuuhhh* lol
Gonna be honest. I was happy for it. Much like the Mon-El relationship, it was one of those relationships that seeped into every aspect of the show. I have absolutely nothing against LGBT relationships, but I was never a fan of Maggie as a character. As a character, she seemed very selfish.
Alex confronted her once, about Maggie calling her out for liking her, getting her to come out, then rejecting her. When trying to convince Alex to come out, she lied about how well her own family took her coming out.
She gets upset at Alex, for getting upset when Kara is missing in "Supergirl Lives". She says "you get one chance". Really not how a relationship should work.
Maggie gets upset because Alex wants to celebrate Valentines Day. WTF.
She draws the line of "I don't want kids", and that's the end of it.
And then the big thing that ALL of the Sanvers folk seem to ignore, Floriana CHOSE to leave the show. That's the big thing that annoys me about all of the "bring Maggie back" posts on social media.
Maggie was a great way to open a new doorway for new and more personal stories with Alex. But that relationship was never as perfect as people like to make it seem. Alex gave way more of herself, from what I can see, than Maggie did.
And then, side note, I don't exactly like how Alex completely lost herself in that relationship, to the detriment of other parts of her life. I'm referring to how she (and everyone else) were so involved in their own stuff that NOBODY realized Kara was missing in "The Darkest Place". Or how she bailed pretty easily on Kara's Earth Birthday in "The Martian Chronicles".
Again, these are just opinion. I will never spew hateful rhetoric towards others who supported the relationship. And if I'm being fair, I have just as many critiques in my back pocket about the Mon-El relationship, which is what the title of this thread is about.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 13
Keep in mind, I'm a man, as I say this, so I may not fully comprehend the way women feel on this topic. I can try to, but never will. Nature of the different genders. But I personally feel that there is this OVERWHELMING need for women, especially in tv and film, to be part of a couple. Like it's part of what defines them.Kdogg, I'm a woman and I can say that I feel exactly the way you do on the topic of women and their defined purpose in t.v. and film.
Supergirl's purpose (the show, not the character) from the start has been to fight for equality and to try and overcome a lot of the gender specific stereotypes. For that reason, I'd prefer Kara stay single, and not have part of herself (and by extension, her show) be defined by who she's in a relationship with. Or at the very least, not have a long term relationship. I don't want the "Supergirl and Mon-El" show, or the "Supergirl and Lena" show. I want "Supergirl".
This doesn't mean that women shouldn't be in relationships rather, it is completely about the focus of it within the character's story on the show. In many male dominated shows, it is not uncommon for most of a character's relationship to be implied, off-screen, and occasionally written into a story. However, often times in the case of women, specifically with Kara and Alex, the significant other is a main character and the relationship seeps into every aspect of the character's day to day life. I think that it is not just a character stereotype but, also an uninformed belief by those in charge that relationship heavy episodes are the only kind that female viewers (of any age) are interested in seeing.
I also agree with you on not wanting a "Supergirl and Mon-El" or "Supergirl and Lena" show. I think that some viewers tend to forget that this is not a show about Mon-El or Lena but, rather a show about Kara and those characters happen to be a part of her life at the moment.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 14
"I guess I'm just bored with them still talking about their relationship now after we spent nearly an entire Season (2) on it."
Exactly. The bit on this week's episode was overkill and just the writers milking it. Or trying to finish it awkwardly.
Kara knew all of Mon-El's faults back in S2, and she was already angry about them before, forgave them, and moved on. To double back on that, especially because seeing Mon-El as a better person now, makes no sense at all and makes her look mean.
Exactly. The bit on this week's episode was overkill and just the writers milking it. Or trying to finish it awkwardly.
Kara knew all of Mon-El's faults back in S2, and she was already angry about them before, forgave them, and moved on. To double back on that, especially because seeing Mon-El as a better person now, makes no sense at all and makes her look mean.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 15
We all knew Barry and Iris would be endgame. They are married in the comics. We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
The difference is that Supergirl has NEVER had one of those long term romances who she's been DESTINED to be with for decades, that have defined other characters. She doesn't have an equivalent of Lois Lane to Superman, Iris West to Flash, Dinah Lance to Green Arrow, Carol Ferris to Green Lantern. I think she had a short stint with Mon-El, at some point.
Sorry to butt in, but I would think that the closest thing to an 'endgame' Kara has would be Brainiac 5. Don't they have a decades long history together? If I remember correctly they first were together back in the 60s and it was a lot of off-and-on kinda thing.
Also, I don't remember there ever being a short stint with Mon-El... if there was does anyone which comic series?
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 16
As to kdogg’s thing, resuming with Mon-El may not be the best answer, but as to the amount of further romance drama this show can take, the options are, 1, many, or none.
Many = Doom and chaos
Only 1 or none may result in stability. I too would rather she just stayed with Mon-El. They spent a season building it up and justifying it, only to end it for a few episodes worth of drama.
Maybe it’s some kind of marketing. Maybe all the ships get them views.
But enough is enough. Next one either be final, or no more.
Many = Doom and chaos
Only 1 or none may result in stability. I too would rather she just stayed with Mon-El. They spent a season building it up and justifying it, only to end it for a few episodes worth of drama.
Maybe it’s some kind of marketing. Maybe all the ships get them views.
But enough is enough. Next one either be final, or no more.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 17
"And then there's the peeps who got offended at the beginning of the season"
By what?
By what? By WHAT?? Fedguy, are you extra tired right now? Lol Maggie leaving the show, that's what. *waits for Fedguy to pause, slap his forehead, and say "Ooohhhh yyyeeaaahhh, ddduuuhhh* lol
I felt relieved when that happened, didn’t notice. (Sanvers calls airstrike on my location in 3,2,1)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 18
We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
OOOOO... MMMM... GGG..... Thank you!!!! lol
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 19
"And then there's the peeps who got offended at the beginning of the season"
By what?
By what? By WHAT?? Fedguy, are you extra tired right now? Lol Maggie leaving the show, that's what. *waits for Fedguy to pause, slap his forehead, and say "Ooohhhh yyyeeaaahhh, ddduuuhhh* lol
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 20
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