- zrob7997
- Supergirl Season 3
- Monday, 16 April 2018
I personally think that since they are in a irl relationship they do have a good chance of getting back together. I am not saying this because I ship Karamel, I am saying this because it makes the show a lot more interesting when Kara has a love interest because it proves how venerable she can make herself and gives Alex a time to shine as a big sis. I hope you are all excited for later tonight! I know I am!!
The more I watch this season the more I wish that Kara and Mon-El just resumed their relationship in Episode 7 and Mon-El wasn't married to Imra and Karamel stayed steady until the show finished or Mon-El leaves. Write some other drama that doesn't involve their relationship.
I like to compare to Supergirl's brother shows where we find Barry (The Flash) and Oliver (Green Arrow) both now married and hopefully staying that way. I'd like the same for Kara, if she's not single she's in a steady relationship and there's not much relationship drama to be watched.
Your opinion is fair, even if I personally disagree with it. I, for one, feel like the relationship drama has been a weakness of absolutely all the shows. Barry and Iris felt the most natural, until they used this season to really shove Iris into the forefront. That's been annoying. It felt like it became the "Barry and Iris show" (and on some terrible occasions, the "Iris and company" show), this year. I feel like Iris should be a supporting character, not a co lead. That's kinda how I feel about Mon-El, as well. Although, I do have to say that his characterization, this year, has been much better, although he still lacks a degree of tact, when balancing his interactions with Kara and Imra.
Keep in mind, I'm a man, as I say this, so I may not fully comprehend the way women feel on this topic. I can try to, but never will. Nature of the different genders. But I personally feel that there is this OVERWHELMING need for women, especially in tv and film, to be part of a couple. Like it's part of what defines them.
Supergirl's purpose (the show, not the character) from the start has been to fight for equality and to try and overcome a lot of the gender specific stereotypes. For that reason, I'd prefer Kara stay single, and not have part of herself (and by extension, her show) be defined by who she's in a relationship with. Or at the very least, not have a long term relationship. I don't want the "Supergirl and Mon-El" show, or the "Supergirl and Lena" show. I want "Supergirl".
Don't get me wrong. Sometimes, the relationships are done well. I liked Oliver and McKenna, from season one. Or Barry and Spivot, in season 2 of The Flash. Neither of those characters overpowered the show.
We all knew Barry and Iris would be endgame. They are married in the comics. We all THOUGHT Oliver and Laurel would be endgame. They've been together in MANY iterations of the characters (don't ask me why they went the Felicity route, I don't hate the character, but the relationship felt forced, to me).
The difference is that Supergirl has NEVER had one of those long term romances who she's been DESTINED to be with for decades, that have defined other characters. She doesn't have an equivalent of Lois Lane to Superman, Iris West to Flash, Dinah Lance to Green Arrow, Carol Ferris to Green Lantern. I think she had a short stint with Mon-El, at some point.
I'm not saying Mon-El needs to leave the show. I don't dislike him. But I'm saying that they don't need to be a couple. This past episode was the first time, this year, that Kara actually acknowledged the negative elements of their relationship. And even as a crime fighting partner, they could stand to scale him back, a bit. He shouldn't end up becoming Supergirl's long term equal (refer back to my desire to not watch the "Supergirl and Mon-El" show). I think he should remain a supporting character, not a lead.
Sorry, that rant got a little long. Just wanted to illustrate how I feel about the topic. I'm sure I could have made a shorter summary. The biggest thing is that, as the only female lead superhero show on network tv, I don't want her defined by who she's dating. (Yes, I realize Sara leads the Legends, but that is definitely more of a team show, by it's very nature).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 21
"The problem with Arrow is, they fell to the ships.....they caved. Hopefully Supergirl does not."
If SG later retcons the sexuality of Kara and Lena to appease SC I'm done
If SG later retcons the sexuality of Kara and Lena to appease SC I'm done
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 22
Hence I said visible fandom lol. I’m aware that most normal people who enjoy the show don’t post much.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 24
- I don't even know how SuperCorp came to be, but they're angry too and have been angry from the start. They get angry every time Mon-El appears no matter what he does, or even if Karamel is dead, and now they probably get angry at James too.
- Both camps are angry with the show and angry with each-other, and apparently 90% of the visible fandom is from either ship, resulting the social media relating to the show a war zone utterly hazardous to anyone who doesn't ship.
I joke not when I say, this is the ONLY site I can go to now for REAL Supergirl talk. Twitter is a HOT mess due to overzealous parts of Karamel and Supercorp shippers. And then there's the peeps who got offended at the beginning of the season, who vowed not to watch ever again but follow the conversations just to shoot them down.
So...YAY us for keepin it real here

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 25
RIP Karamel 2017-2018 (post this episode)
I vote for no more dating with anyone in the future.
Let's examine what the romance kerfuffle has done
- Karamel fans are now angry. They got hyped up from last season, then thrice denied. First split, Mon-El leaves, returns but married, teased about reconciliation, reconciliation denied
- I don't even know how SuperCorp came to be, but they're angry too and have been angry from the start. They get angry every time Mon-El appears no matter what he does, or even if Karamel is dead, and now they probably get angry at James too.
- Both camps are angry with the show and angry with each-other, and apparently 90% of the visible fandom is from either ship, resulting the social media relating to the show a war zone utterly hazardous to anyone who doesn't ship.
- Future pairings will only generate new ships and new counter-ships, and old ones don't die. Those guys will be angry with each other, with KM and SC still going at it, and probably angry at the future ships too.
- Marc Guggenheim gleefully laughs at the Arrow method being so successfully repeated
I don't think both fandoms are anywhere near 90% of the fans of the show.....I think they are simply LOUDER than 90% of the fans of the show.
I think what we are now seeing is the writers and showrunners drawing a line in the sand. You are either a fan of Supergirl as a whole, or you are fan of 1 actor and or ship. So take your choice or move on. IMO, I'm all for that.....draw that line and see who crosses and who doesn't.
The problem with Arrow is, they fell to the ships.....they caved. Hopefully Supergirl does not.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 26
I think if the finale is indeed "heart wrenching" it'll have little to do with Kara and Mon El's relationship status, unless one of them dies. Any tragedy in the end should really revolve around Sam/Reign and Ruby.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 27
RIP Karamel 2017-2018 (post this episode)
I vote for no more dating with anyone in the future.
Let's examine what the romance kerfuffle has done
- Karamel fans are now angry. They got hyped up from last season, then thrice denied. First split, Mon-El leaves, returns but married, teased about reconciliation, reconciliation denied
- I don't even know how SuperCorp came to be, but they're angry too and have been angry from the start. They get angry every time Mon-El appears no matter what he does, or even if Karamel is dead, and now they probably get angry at James too.
- Both camps are angry with the show and angry with each-other, and apparently 90% of the visible fandom is from either ship, resulting the social media relating to the show a war zone utterly hazardous to anyone who doesn't ship.
- Future pairings will only generate new ships and new counter-ships, and old ones don't die. Those guys will be angry with each other, with KM and SC still going at it, and probably angry at the future ships too.
- Marc Guggenheim gleefully laughs at the Arrow method being so successfully repeated
I vote for no more dating with anyone in the future.
Let's examine what the romance kerfuffle has done
- Karamel fans are now angry. They got hyped up from last season, then thrice denied. First split, Mon-El leaves, returns but married, teased about reconciliation, reconciliation denied
- I don't even know how SuperCorp came to be, but they're angry too and have been angry from the start. They get angry every time Mon-El appears no matter what he does, or even if Karamel is dead, and now they probably get angry at James too.
- Both camps are angry with the show and angry with each-other, and apparently 90% of the visible fandom is from either ship, resulting the social media relating to the show a war zone utterly hazardous to anyone who doesn't ship.
- Future pairings will only generate new ships and new counter-ships, and old ones don't die. Those guys will be angry with each other, with KM and SC still going at it, and probably angry at the future ships too.
- Marc Guggenheim gleefully laughs at the Arrow method being so successfully repeated
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 28
It might be best if the actors/writers/showrunners keep quiet as much as possible from now until the finale. Melissa probably has a mandatory appearance at upfront where she’ll get asked questions but she’s pretty good at evasion. Let the network release synopsis/sneak peaks ect to speak for the show.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 29
I don't think attending cons is something the actors cannot do if they have a chance. As someone said on a forum I read, if the actors refused to go to these cons, they would be harassed too. Melissa was insulted by that guy who was an organiser. Pretty sure, if it is an LGBT con, some people (emphasis on some) would even consider those who refuse to go a bigot. Also.. it is possible the showrunners/and producers themselves encourage attending the cons. It is good promotion for them.
Besides... Media and entertainment--the stories that are told--that does mean a lot to people; especially to scary teens in lonely circumstances who wonder if something is wrong with them because they are different from everyone around them. As someone said.. ."Monsters don't cast reflections. Not seeing your reflection will make a monster out of you" ; or make you feel like monster.
But expecting any kind of reflection rather than generic and archetypal is not good. And as Kelly says it is harmful. Beyond just the initial superficial validation, for any innate contentment, you should look towards the real world and what it offers; friendship, jobs, relationships, hobbies. To base your happiness on what fiction does...well, they would need help. Also, there would be a difference between pleasure and happiness. You may be pleased that something happens your way in a story or show you follow. Just like you would be happy if you were to get a cup of coffee you like when you are tired. But, happiness would be so much more and it should be about your life and what happens in it.
PS; about ships; Chyler said during Clexacon (I watched Alex's panel) that Alex's identity is not about her relationship; that the arc was a way for her to grow and know more about herself; which is also true for Kara.. and everyone else, really.
I agree.....wholeheatedly with your comments on the cons. HOWEVER, there is good and bad timing, and IMO, there was some bad timing on this. There is far too much drama within some fandoms that are relentlessly targeting the writers and show runners calling for firings, etc. IMO, and again this is just my opinion....right now silence is golden and very much something that I think is needed to show cohesion within the inner workings of this series....AT THIS TIME. NOW, if they write Alex into another relationship, and that relationship continues to grow, then yes by all means, Clexacon here she comes. I, me, my opinion is....this was not good timing.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 30
I don't think attending cons is something the actors cannot do if they have a chance. As someone said on a forum I read, if the actors refused to go to these cons, they would be harassed too. Melissa was insulted by that guy who was an organiser. Pretty sure, if it is an LGBT con, some people (emphasis on some) would even consider those who refuse to go a bigot. Also.. it is possible the showrunners/and producers themselves encourage attending the cons. It is good promotion for them.
Besides... Media and entertainment--the stories that are told--that does mean a lot to people; especially to scary teens in lonely circumstances who wonder if something is wrong with them because they are different from everyone around them. As someone said.. ."Monsters don't cast reflections. Not seeing your reflection will make a monster out of you" ; or make you feel like monster.
But expecting any kind of reflection rather than generic and archetypal is not good. And as Kelly says it is harmful. Beyond just the initial superficial validation, for any innate contentment, you should look towards the real world and what it offers; friendship, jobs, relationships, hobbies. To base your happiness on what fiction does...well, they would need help. Also, there would be a difference between pleasure and happiness. You may be pleased that something happens your way in a story or show you follow. Just like you would be happy if you were to get a cup of coffee you like when you are tired. But, happiness would be so much more and it should be about your life and what happens in it.
PS; about ships; Chyler said during Clexacon (I watched Alex's panel) that Alex's identity is not about her relationship; that the arc was a way for her to grow and know more about herself; which is also true for Kara.. and everyone else, really.
Besides... Media and entertainment--the stories that are told--that does mean a lot to people; especially to scary teens in lonely circumstances who wonder if something is wrong with them because they are different from everyone around them. As someone said.. ."Monsters don't cast reflections. Not seeing your reflection will make a monster out of you" ; or make you feel like monster.
But expecting any kind of reflection rather than generic and archetypal is not good. And as Kelly says it is harmful. Beyond just the initial superficial validation, for any innate contentment, you should look towards the real world and what it offers; friendship, jobs, relationships, hobbies. To base your happiness on what fiction does...well, they would need help. Also, there would be a difference between pleasure and happiness. You may be pleased that something happens your way in a story or show you follow. Just like you would be happy if you were to get a cup of coffee you like when you are tired. But, happiness would be so much more and it should be about your life and what happens in it.
PS; about ships; Chyler said during Clexacon (I watched Alex's panel) that Alex's identity is not about her relationship; that the arc was a way for her to grow and know more about herself; which is also true for Kara.. and everyone else, really.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 31
Spoilers, rumors, etc...are simply something that comes with the territory of any show. There is no way to get away from it other than simply don't get on your computer. People are going to speculate, there is nothing wrong with that, that is part of the fun of following these shows, especially superhero shows.
sure.....Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]NOW, should people use spoiler tags?
I just don't think that they have been put up as a choice, so here is the way you do it.
using these [ ] type the word spoiler in the bars, then type what you want to type and then the same thing at the end, only put a / before the word spoiler. That is the code for spoiler tags. When you do that, you will see what you see up in my post. The only way to see what was typed is to toggle over it. Pretty simple.....but spoilers, rumors, speculation is going to happen on any message board, that is just how it is.
Lol I thought typing in bold then adding several spaces after "Warning warning warning.... If anyone doesn't want to know the rumors, scroll past this post:" would have done the job. I guess I assumed too much? Lol I should have known better... I mean... I teach high school.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 32
I didn't even think twice about copy/pasting what people are chatting about because I think the whole thing is hogwash. From everything we've heard, the entire Supergirl cast and crew are fiercely dedicated to the show. None of them are going to go and leak the ending. So, I'm currently imagining some anti-supergirl Internet user laughing his/her head off at the mayhem that's ensueing among some fans after he/she completely just made something up and posted.
So... Sorry Eric if my post to answer Fedguy's request caused you headaches today.
People people people... It's a show. Sit back. Watch. Relax. Enjoy. We haven't a CLUE how this journey's gonna end. It's been an incredible season...and we still have 9 glorious week's left to experience.
So... Sorry Eric if my post to answer Fedguy's request caused you headaches today.
People people people... It's a show. Sit back. Watch. Relax. Enjoy. We haven't a CLUE how this journey's gonna end. It's been an incredible season...and we still have 9 glorious week's left to experience.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 33
Spoilers, rumors, etc...are simply something that comes with the territory of any show. There is no way to get away from it other than simply don't get on your computer. People are going to speculate, there is nothing wrong with that, that is part of the fun of following these shows, especially superhero shows.
I just don't think that they have been put up as a choice, so here is the way you do it.
using these [ ] type the word spoiler in the bars, then type what you want to type and then the same thing at the end, only put a / before the word spoiler. That is the code for spoiler tags. When you do that, you will see what you see up in my post. The only way to see what was typed is to toggle over it. Pretty simple.....but spoilers, rumors, speculation is going to happen on any message board, that is just how it is.
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
[Toggle message]
NOW, should people use spoiler tags?
I just don't think that they have been put up as a choice, so here is the way you do it.
using these [ ] type the word spoiler in the bars, then type what you want to type and then the same thing at the end, only put a / before the word spoiler. That is the code for spoiler tags. When you do that, you will see what you see up in my post. The only way to see what was typed is to toggle over it. Pretty simple.....but spoilers, rumors, speculation is going to happen on any message board, that is just how it is.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 34
So I am getting several messages today about the spoilers that leaked and I guess people are pointing to this thread about it. Let me explain here so I can be done with it. I am not going to comment on which spoilers are correct and which are made up. Our site is here to support the show and the show does not benefit from this kind of speculating. We think you can either read them, panic and or delight in them and still wonder if they are true, or you can watch the show as it happens and enjoy it as it is intended to be viewed. Yes we have a spoilers section, but we gauge everything we put on there. Nothing is there that the show wouldn't approve of.
In the end, just remember, if it isn't from an official source, there is no way to know if it is true. Just because its plausible, doesn't make it inevitable.
In the end, just remember, if it isn't from an official source, there is no way to know if it is true. Just because its plausible, doesn't make it inevitable.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 35
There are bits and pieces of the rumors that could be true....I have always thought that one of the reasons for them not immediately renewing like they did last year was you possibly had several on Supergirl renegotiating contracts after possible 3 year contracts were ending this season. That would possibly be David, Mehcad, Jeremy, and Chyler... so I could see some leaving, some trimming down their time and some coming back just as they have for the first 3 years.
So, we shall see....I however do not see #Karamel back together at the end of this season....I see Alex possibly with a new someone in her life. The only thing I see possibly that I don't really like is that it seems New Krypton will be only a few episode arc.....this could encompass an entire season, and should in my opinion...so hopefully I'm wrong in that guess and it is simply the lead up to a great finale and a possible lead in to may a big New Krypton arc and maybe even a Super Woman arc.
So, we shall see....I however do not see #Karamel back together at the end of this season....I see Alex possibly with a new someone in her life. The only thing I see possibly that I don't really like is that it seems New Krypton will be only a few episode arc.....this could encompass an entire season, and should in my opinion...so hopefully I'm wrong in that guess and it is simply the lead up to a great finale and a possible lead in to may a big New Krypton arc and maybe even a Super Woman arc.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 36
Can someone please give me a TLDR about what the rumours are?
I got you, Fedguy. I didn't bother to read through the whole list... Just copy/pasted. I would find it hard to believe anyone, even crew, would leak the entire rest of the season.
Warning warning warning.... If anyone doesn't want to know the rumors, scroll past this post:
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
[Toggle message]
Purity and pestilence die.. during battle with team SG in 17.
-Reign kills Patricia.
-Legion talks about leaving in 17 but leave in 18
-Imra, brainy, and mon-el leave in 18. there is a group goodbye scene and mon-el gets inside the ship. but brainy asks him to stay to help supergirl and imra asks him to stay to ‘figure out his feelings’
The cult leader comes back and tries to create a new world killer but ends up making Reign stronger..
-Kara and Lena are on opposite sides on how to deal with the World Killers. James takes Lena’s side. Lena has Kryptonite.
-Black kryptonite is the key to separate reign and sam.
-Kara and Mon-el go to Argo City (which has apparently survived) in search of Black Kryptonite.
Alura is alive.. Kara’s best friend from her childhood is also there and Alura has sort of adopted her. No signs of Zor-EL.
Kara and Mon-el talk about their feelings for each other possibly in the same field as 301.
-Alura comes back to earth with Kara… but leaves in the finale.
-the kryptonian priestess that is guiding reign is also in Argo and she is trying to murder Kara in Argo.
-Lena goes increasingly insane. goes full mad scientist by the finale, experimenting on people. James comes out to the world as guardian and could possibly go to jail.
-Sam and Reign are separated. Sam has her powers only temporarily while Reign is at full strength.
-final battle is the kryptonian priestess plus reign against rest of team SG with legion.
-J'onn’s father dies and at the end of the finale, he goes 'exploring’ so leaves the team. Not sure how permanent it is.
Alex is the head of the DEO.
-Sam survives and she takes ruby with her to another town hence leaving the show. -Imra and Mon-el break up at the start of the final episode.
Apparently in the future brainy’s race is dying because of a virus so he needs to stay in the present for a while. He asks Winn to find him a cure in the future.
Mon-el and kara have a talk in the finale and they both decide he should go to the future.
-It looks like Karamel will be heavily implied until the very end only for Mon-El to go back to the future.
-Reign kills Patricia.
-Legion talks about leaving in 17 but leave in 18
-Imra, brainy, and mon-el leave in 18. there is a group goodbye scene and mon-el gets inside the ship. but brainy asks him to stay to help supergirl and imra asks him to stay to ‘figure out his feelings’
The cult leader comes back and tries to create a new world killer but ends up making Reign stronger..
-Kara and Lena are on opposite sides on how to deal with the World Killers. James takes Lena’s side. Lena has Kryptonite.
-Black kryptonite is the key to separate reign and sam.
-Kara and Mon-el go to Argo City (which has apparently survived) in search of Black Kryptonite.
Alura is alive.. Kara’s best friend from her childhood is also there and Alura has sort of adopted her. No signs of Zor-EL.
Kara and Mon-el talk about their feelings for each other possibly in the same field as 301.
-Alura comes back to earth with Kara… but leaves in the finale.
-the kryptonian priestess that is guiding reign is also in Argo and she is trying to murder Kara in Argo.
-Lena goes increasingly insane. goes full mad scientist by the finale, experimenting on people. James comes out to the world as guardian and could possibly go to jail.
-Sam and Reign are separated. Sam has her powers only temporarily while Reign is at full strength.
-final battle is the kryptonian priestess plus reign against rest of team SG with legion.
-J'onn’s father dies and at the end of the finale, he goes 'exploring’ so leaves the team. Not sure how permanent it is.
Alex is the head of the DEO.
-Sam survives and she takes ruby with her to another town hence leaving the show. -Imra and Mon-el break up at the start of the final episode.
Apparently in the future brainy’s race is dying because of a virus so he needs to stay in the present for a while. He asks Winn to find him a cure in the future.
Mon-el and kara have a talk in the finale and they both decide he should go to the future.
-It looks like Karamel will be heavily implied until the very end only for Mon-El to go back to the future.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 37
I read the rumored spoilers and just rolled my eyes. Probably a disgruntled Sanvers or Arrow fan wanting to stir the Supergirl pot.
Anyone who actually knows the finale wouldn't reveal secrets.

Anyone who actually knows the finale wouldn't reveal secrets.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 39
Honestly this show needs two things. Either no pairings ever, or an actual endgame pairing. CW writers have an unhealthy obsession of milking separation drama. It creates chaos like this.Flash does not have peaceful fans....ask Candice Patton..... she has gotten all kinds of tweets aimed at her. And there are those that are extremely ticked off that Barry married Iris... They are extremely vocal.
Which is why Flash, which has a endgame pairing with which no one can argue, has peaceful, normal fans. The focus isn’t on the romance and that’s not what its fans care about.
Arrow and Supergirl milks the relationship drama and that attracted tons with the “ship” mentality, until they cannot even try to give Kara a friend without thousands chanting they want them to bang.
But if you do go to any random tweet about the Flash from the CW or the actors, you will not see anyone talking about ships. On Supergirl, on any tweet, the comments are basically all about ships
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 40
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