- zrob7997
- Supergirl Season 3
- Monday, 16 April 2018
I personally think that since they are in a irl relationship they do have a good chance of getting back together. I am not saying this because I ship Karamel, I am saying this because it makes the show a lot more interesting when Kara has a love interest because it proves how venerable she can make herself and gives Alex a time to shine as a big sis. I hope you are all excited for later tonight! I know I am!!
Honestly this show needs two things. Either no pairings ever, or an actual endgame pairing. CW writers have an unhealthy obsession of milking separation drama. It creates chaos like this.Flash does not have peaceful fans....ask Candice Patton..... she has gotten all kinds of tweets aimed at her. And there are those that are extremely ticked off that Barry married Iris... They are extremely vocal.
Which is why Flash, which has a endgame pairing with which no one can argue, has peaceful, normal fans. The focus isn’t on the romance and that’s not what its fans care about.
Arrow and Supergirl milks the relationship drama and that attracted tons with the “ship” mentality, until they cannot even try to give Kara a friend without thousands chanting they want them to bang.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 41
Honestly this show needs two things. Either no pairings ever, or an actual endgame pairing. CW writers have an unhealthy obsession of milking separation drama. It creates chaos like this.
Which is why Flash, which has a endgame pairing with which no one can argue, has peaceful, normal fans. The focus isn’t on the romance and that’s not what its fans care about.
Arrow and Supergirl milks the relationship drama and that attracted tons with the “ship” mentality, until they cannot even try to give Kara a friend without thousands chanting they want them to bang.
Which is why Flash, which has a endgame pairing with which no one can argue, has peaceful, normal fans. The focus isn’t on the romance and that’s not what its fans care about.
Arrow and Supergirl milks the relationship drama and that attracted tons with the “ship” mentality, until they cannot even try to give Kara a friend without thousands chanting they want them to bang.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 42
WestAllen was obviously endgame as it had been his stated goal since the very beginning, the narrative bended around that, and it was the way in the source material. You can’t even really call it a ship because it’s just a part of the natural story.
Nothing on Supergirl is like that. I wish we had it, that’s the thing, because The Flash is so good without all the alternating romance, but so far nothing on this show is depicted like that.
Nothing on Supergirl is like that. I wish we had it, that’s the thing, because The Flash is so good without all the alternating romance, but so far nothing on this show is depicted like that.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 43
Yeah they will get together again. They are an endgame couple ala Delena, WestAllen, Olicity. We seen all kinds of angst thrown their way too. Its the exact same with Kara and Mon-El
Well, it is for sure, someone will be eating some crow....those that swear by endgame, or those that say no way.
I for one, don't really care, but them getting together this season or next would not be cool.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 44
episode 20 has some “Argo” city scenes yes. But before we go on, in light of the tumblr spoilers that were leaked earlier this week, we have it on good authority that much of what was said is wrong. It was a plausible outcome presented as fact. So we urge much caution about reading into any of that messThe rumors floating today came from reddit. I kinda sorta skimmed over them, and can't see how they are true, being they haven't filmed the finale, yet. I could see where rumors could occur for people on set as an episode is filming. But, being even the cast has said they don't know fully what is coming down the pipes until a week or two before hand, I'm just not thinking anything supposedly "leaking" right now would be true. Just my take on it.Do we know what eoisode the Krypton scenes are on?
Good question. I've seen pictures on Twitter of set props coming from fans watching this week's on location filming. They're speculating it's Krypton. Eric/Kelsey...do y'all know episode #?
Excellent news....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 45
episode 20 has some “Argo” city scenes yes. But before we go on, in light of the tumblr spoilers that were leaked earlier this week, we have it on good authority that much of what was said is wrong. It was a plausible outcome presented as fact. So we urge much caution about reading into any of that messThe rumors floating today came from reddit. I kinda sorta skimmed over them, and can't see how they are true, being they haven't filmed the finale, yet. I could see where rumors could occur for people on set as an episode is filming. But, being even the cast has said they don't know fully what is coming down the pipes until a week or two before hand, I'm just not thinking anything supposedly "leaking" right now would be true. Just my take on it.Do we know what eoisode the Krypton scenes are on?
Good question. I've seen pictures on Twitter of set props coming from fans watching this week's on location filming. They're speculating it's Krypton. Eric/Kelsey...do y'all know episode #?
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 46
The rumors floating today came from reddit. I kinda sorta skimmed over them, and can't see how they are true, being they haven't filmed the finale, yet. I could see where rumors could occur for people on set as an episode is filming. But, being even the cast has said they don't know fully what is coming down the pipes until a week or two before hand, I'm just not thinking anything supposedly "leaking" right now would be true. Just my take on it.Do we know what eoisode the Krypton scenes are on?
Good question. I've seen pictures on Twitter of set props coming from fans watching this week's on location filming. They're speculating it's Krypton. Eric/Kelsey...do y'all know episode #?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 47
The posts on Twitter that I find the saddest are those that tweet that this or that relationship validates them, or makes them whole, or makes them feel like they are valid in some way. That to me is extremely sad commentary because that is putting all that you are into a fictional world and all of those things need to come from within, not from a fictional TV show. The numbers of these tweets are growing, and unfortunately, some of the actors involved in these ships are perpetuating that feeling IMO. When you as the actor "likes" or even says "thank you" or comments to these types of posts you are helping to perpetuate, IMO, a very, very harmful way of thinking to these people. IMO, the actors involved in some of these toxic fandoms have helped continue the vitriol because through their tweets, or likes and even some of the cons they are choosing to go to are perpetuating those feelings. I think it is sad and pretty damn scary.Well said.
And let me clear, I am not talking about the wonderful stories of people coming out because they felt inspired by Alex's story.....those are fantastic stories and should high fived for sure....but they should also begin to seek out people in their own lives to help support them in these times, not actors on a fictional show.
Wanting people on a television show that we can relate to is understandable but, expecting that a television show in which problems are introduced and solved within 45 minutes to mirror real world experiences is unrealistic. Real life doesn't get all tidied up within 45 minutes or even an entire season of 45 minutes. In real life, people are introduced, people leave, we make life altering decisions, events impact our lives and we have to figure out ourselves, with the support of real life family and friends, the best way to deal with those situations. Someone who looks at a fictional show that is specifically created and thrives on creating conflict for its character's lives as support for one's own life is extremely dangerous, emotionally, for that person.
As for the actors, I think that they're put into a difficult situation with social media. They believe that they're being supportive and I think that they are also afraid of losing their own fans. But, they are unable to realize all of the possible implications of something as simple as a "like" or a friendly shout-out. The entertainment industry really needs to require producers to provide a class for all of its actors and crew on the dangers of fandoms and social media

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 48
The rumors floating today came from reddit. I kinda sorta skimmed over them, and can't see how they are true, being they haven't filmed the finale, yet. I could see where rumors could occur for people on set as an episode is filming. But, being even the cast has said they don't know fully what is coming down the pipes until a week or two before hand, I'm just not thinking anything supposedly "leaking" right now would be true. Just my take on it.Do we know what eoisode the Krypton scenes are on?
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 49
The posts on Twitter that I find the saddest are those that tweet that this or that relationship validates them, or makes them whole, or makes them feel like they are valid in some way. That to me is extremely sad commentary because that is putting all that you are into a fictional world and all of those things need to come from within, not from a fictional TV show. The numbers of these tweets are growing, and unfortunately, some of the actors involved in these ships are perpetuating that feeling IMO. When you as the actor "likes" or even says "thank you" or comments to these types of posts you are helping to perpetuate, IMO, a very, very harmful way of thinking to these people. IMO, the actors involved in some of these toxic fandoms have helped continue the vitriol because through their tweets, or likes and even some of the cons they are choosing to go to are perpetuating those feelings. I think it is sad and pretty damn scary.
And let me clear, I am not talking about the wonderful stories of people coming out because they felt inspired by Alex's story.....those are fantastic stories and should high fived for sure....but they should also begin to seek out people in their own lives to help support them in these times, not actors on a fictional show.
This. I feel the same way.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 50
The posts on Twitter that I find the saddest are those that tweet that this or that relationship validates them, or makes them whole, or makes them feel like they are valid in some way. That to me is extremely sad commentary because that is putting all that you are into a fictional world and all of those things need to come from within, not from a fictional TV show. The numbers of these tweets are growing, and unfortunately, some of the actors involved in these ships are perpetuating that feeling IMO. When you as the actor "likes" or even says "thank you" or comments to these types of posts you are helping to perpetuate, IMO, a very, very harmful way of thinking to these people. IMO, the actors involved in some of these toxic fandoms have helped continue the vitriol because through their tweets, or likes and even some of the cons they are choosing to go to are perpetuating those feelings. I think it is sad and pretty damn scary.
And let me clear, I am not talking about the wonderful stories of people coming out because they felt inspired by Alex's story.....those are fantastic stories and should high fived for sure....but they should also begin to seek out people in their own lives to help support them in these times, not actors on a fictional show.
And let me clear, I am not talking about the wonderful stories of people coming out because they felt inspired by Alex's story.....those are fantastic stories and should high fived for sure....but they should also begin to seek out people in their own lives to help support them in these times, not actors on a fictional show.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 51
The rumors floating today came from reddit. I kinda sorta skimmed over them, and can't see how they are true, being they haven't filmed the finale, yet. I could see where rumors could occur for people on set as an episode is filming. But, being even the cast has said they don't know fully what is coming down the pipes until a week or two before hand, I'm just not thinking anything supposedly "leaking" right now would be true. Just my take on it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 52
I don't know where I was in the past decade or so when "shipping" went from "wouldn't be cool if" to "f**k this show if my ship isn't canon, doesn't stay canon, and isn't endgame, and anyone else who thinks otherwise is garbage".I think the last "hardcore" ships that I had were Lorelei/Luke and Rory/Dean in Gilmore Girls. I can remember being disappointed when Rory and Dean didn't pan out but, it didn't keep me from watching or from enjoying it as I watched. I see absolutely nothing wrong with people shipping but, in the case of SG, the constant whining and nagging by some shippers on social media is so extensive that it dampens the enjoyment of the show for me. The writers and network feeding into it doesn't help either. So, if all of the ships did crash and burn at the end of the season, I would be perfectly content and that's the only spoiler I would want. My only question would be, why wait til the end?
I personally believe that if someone only watches a show for a "ship", and refuses to watch because it's not, or is no longer, canon, then good riddance. You were never truly a fan of that show.
Do I "ship"? Sure. I ship relationships that I know will never happen. I acknowledge that, I bear no hatred to anyone who disagrees, or to the writers for not putting together the characters I like.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 53
And the worst is those who think their shipping amounts to fighting for a social cause.
By obsessing over people on TV, ranting about, saying so and so is endgame etc, you are not fighting for LGBT rights. You are not fighting for feminism. You are not fighting for anything other than a fanfic.
Being a shipper doesn't make you a champion of social justice. And opposing your ship doesn't make others a bigot.
Go march. Go vote. Go do something real if you actually care about the cause. Having twitter handles like "Supergirl is Supergay" while tweeting about SuperCorp 24/4 and hurling insults every time a male character is paired with Kara does not advance anything.
By obsessing over people on TV, ranting about, saying so and so is endgame etc, you are not fighting for LGBT rights. You are not fighting for feminism. You are not fighting for anything other than a fanfic.
Being a shipper doesn't make you a champion of social justice. And opposing your ship doesn't make others a bigot.
Go march. Go vote. Go do something real if you actually care about the cause. Having twitter handles like "Supergirl is Supergay" while tweeting about SuperCorp 24/4 and hurling insults every time a male character is paired with Kara does not advance anything.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 54
"I personally believe that if someone only watches a show for a "ship", and refuses to watch because it's not, or is no longer, canon, then good riddance. You were never truly a fan of that show."
Thank you sir. Once when I told a crazed shipper to stop disruptiong SG tweets, they told me to stop b*tching and leave them to do what they are passionate about.
I hardly see anyone that passionate about the show itself. If your sole interest is the imagined pairing of particular TV characters, then what a sad passion it is. Grow up. Wake up.
Every time I look in the comments section in Twitter from anything the staff or CW account tweets, I regret. The infestation of shipping has utterly corrupted and hijacked the enjoyment of the show by normal people.
Thank you sir. Once when I told a crazed shipper to stop disruptiong SG tweets, they told me to stop b*tching and leave them to do what they are passionate about.
I hardly see anyone that passionate about the show itself. If your sole interest is the imagined pairing of particular TV characters, then what a sad passion it is. Grow up. Wake up.
Every time I look in the comments section in Twitter from anything the staff or CW account tweets, I regret. The infestation of shipping has utterly corrupted and hijacked the enjoyment of the show by normal people.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 55
Well, if the rumors that are flying around twitter are correct........ no "ship" is left sailing this season....lol
I saw posts that there ARE rumors, but I haven't seen the actual rumors. And I kinda don't want to. I'd prefer not to have the plot spoiled. Especially with 9 episodes left.
That being said, I am 100% okay if all existing ships are history after this season. I said it before, I feel like Kara and Mon-El getting back together would be a backpedal, after Kara's growth, this season. And I'm sure there are respectful Supercorp shippers, but Good Lord, the ones who make noise online seem genuinely hateful people.
And then there are the still VERY faithful Sanvers shippers, saying they wont watch the show until they "Bring Maggie Back", failing to acknowledge that it was Floriana's choice to leave.
I know that Supercorp, Karamel, and Sanvers all have respectful shippers, and completely disrespectful jerks as shippers. We just don't normally hear from the former, and I'm sick of hearing from the latter.
I don't know where I was in the past decade or so when "shipping" went from "wouldn't be cool if" to "f**k this show if my ship isn't canon, doesn't stay canon, and isn't endgame, and anyone else who thinks otherwise is garbage".
I personally believe that if someone only watches a show for a "ship", and refuses to watch because it's not, or is no longer, canon, then good riddance. You were never truly a fan of that show.
Do I "ship"? Sure. I ship relationships that I know will never happen. I acknowledge that, I bear no hatred to anyone who disagrees, or to the writers for not putting together the characters I like.
Sorry for the rant. I made the mistake of reading comments on Supergirl's official posts on their social media accounts, and the rude, hateful folk just got me worked up.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 56
Well, if the rumors that are flying around twitter are correct........ no "ship" is left sailing this season....lol
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 57
Maybe yes, maybe no. Here’s an idea. Why don’t they make her single from now on? Seems the most reasonble choice, and hopefully contains new ships from being formed. Just in the last season have her get with someone.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 58
By the term heart wrenching...I think someone dies...and I am afraid it might be Samantha/Reign. The title of it in case you haven't heard is "Battles Lost and Won." Perhaps that "Won" will refer to Supergirl's ultimate defeat of Reign.
While this isn't a confirmed season finale title, it's believable. After last night's episode I think M'yrnn will sacrifice himself both to save his son and his new family and spare J'onn the pain of watching his father lose who he is.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 59
By the term heart wrenching...I think someone dies...and I am afraid it might be Samantha/Reign. The title of it in case you haven't heard is "Battles Lost and Won." Perhaps that "Won" will refer to Supergirl's ultimate defeat of Reign.
Honestly, I could see this possibly, POSSIBLY a catalyst for Lena to stray into the dark grey--Sam being revealed as Reign, yet Supergirl being the reason for Sam's ultimate death. After all, we have been told of the triangle that will arise between Kara, Supergirl, and Lena. Couple that with a death or "removal" of Sam from earth = a visit into the darker grey for Lena.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 60
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