1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Friday, 16 April 2021
Starting a new thread under the Season 6 Category.

Another blog for episode 12 from Canadagraphs.

#Supergirl episode 6x12 filming with Azie Tesfai and David Ramsey yesterday

The blog confirms that David Ramsey is in episode 12 as Diggle as well as directing it.
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It was definitely a "Brainy" PSA. I could feel Kara's cringing pain.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 1
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Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks the Lena witch story is stupid. Is it just me or didn't Katie McGrath also not give a single interview on the storyline yet? Even though that is supposed to be Lena's big revelation about her mother? Me thinks the actors probably think the storyline is stupid as hell as well if they are not even trying to spin it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 2
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Gotta agree with Brierrose.

Unless you know what it's like to be in that position, then don't judge. Melissa wasn't just in that rig for a few minutes at a time. She was up there sometimes for hours. He'll, I know they would set days aside just to get these flying green screen effects. When you are in that position for an extended amount of time, it's more than an inconvenience.

You say "rub some dirt on it and move on". She didn't once complain publicly until the show ended. She powered through, despite the pain and/or discomfort, and did the job.

Point being, don't judge unless you've been in their position.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 3
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Not really speculation related, but this thread seems to have become our "misc. thread" for general musings.

I thought this was interesting. Laura Vandervoort recently did Michael Rosenbaum's podcast. It was only very brief, but they touched base about Laura's role as Indigo, back in season 1. She wouldn't really get into it, but it sounds like she didn't really have a positive experience. Genuinely makes me curious, because we've generally only heard good things about guests' on set experience. The red flags usually come later when the more extreme segments of the fandom bash certain guest stars.

Anyway, I just found that interesting. I know Erica Durance was also on Rosenbaum's podcast back in December. He asked about her time, and she said that it felt very much like the old Smallville set, only with different cast and crew, and everyone was nice, and in particularly spoke of how nice Melissa was. Her only "negative" was that she felt like, as a non regular, she was intruding in their space.

Genuinely makes me curious about Laura's experience. I mean...season 1 had different crew, different showrunners. And by the nature of her role, the person she interacted most with was the guy who played Non. We never know, but I really hope that whatever caused the experience was left behind when the show changed locations and networks in season 2, and that none of the cast and crew we've come to care about was the cause of such a thing.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 4
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comic fan

I wonder if the issue was Andrew Kreisberg.He was a co-creator and showrunner of the first two seasons of Supergirl and part of season 3 as well as co-creator and showrunner on the early seasons of The Flash(He co-created and produced Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow as well as wrote for all four shows).He was fired for allegations of sexual harassment and physical misconduct.15 women and 4 men accused him.

That's why in Supergirl season 3,the show sort of lost it's way a bit and the back half of the season aired later if you remember.They had to replace him as co-showrunner in the middle of the season.

Here's a article with Melissa about the situation back in 2018.

Shantel VanSanten who played Patty Spivot in season 2 of The Flash just this past year gave her own accounts of her dealings with Andrew Kreisberg. which led to her Flash role being cut short.She was supposed to be in the whole season but was basically fired by Kreisberg.He was angry she booked another show even though she had arranged and worked out a way to continue on the Flash for the rest of season 2.That's why her exit was so abrupt.Here's a article where she talks about it.

So it wouldn't surprise me if Laura Vandervoort had a poor experience on Supergirl due to Kreisberg.

Yes, this confirms what most fans suspected when Kriesberg was let go for sexually misconduct. Every show that he was a vital part of went south. It's like having a great band but if the writer of your songs is gone then the band isn't as good.

July 20,1969 "The Americans Are On The Moon"
American Land (London Calling: Live In Hyde Park, 2009)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 5
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Camera with flash Chyler Leigh via Instagram Stories: “Sempre vou amar você.”
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 6
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Very interesting indeed. This is a prime example of Fake News. I don't think there is anyone on this lovely forum that wants a spin off with Kelly as the guardian. In my opinion a show featuring the guardian will fail. I don't care either way because I won't watch it. I wonder if Jay Snow is her agent.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Warren Zevon Werewolves Of London (official video)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 7
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For real, though, if CW isn't gonna make a new Supergirl poster, then some fan artist better make some new posters with the season 6 suit and hair, lol.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 8
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This article echoes what we've been saying here:

Although Supergirl’s characters have not interacted with others outside of their show this year, largely due to having no crossover event, the references are a reminder of these relationships and the connection forged over the years. This is in stark contrast to its sister show. One of the biggest complaints some fans had about Superman & Lois season 1 was that it never really felt like it belonged on the same Earth as the other Arrowverse shows. Most, if not all, the references to other Arrowverse shows were cut and there was no major acknowledgement of the impact Crisis on Infinite Earths had on the events of the show, either. If it wasn’t for John Diggle’s brief appearance in season 1, Superman & Lois would have been completely siloed from its Arrowverse predecessors.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 9
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That is so sweet and so them that Melissa didn’t want to finish alone and Chyler and David didn’t want her to have to. Definitely fitting, Stronger Together until the very end.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 10
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So as expected,episodes 19 & 20 will air together.

That’s a horrible picture. Even if it’s Melissa’s body and head they’re obviously not from the same picture. It’s completely out of proportion, the head is too small for the body or vice versa. Please WB can we get a good picture from this season.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 11
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Preview for tonight's episode.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 12
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It's gonna be interesting how the actors defend the "Lena turns into a witch 10 episodes before the show ends" plot as anything but a jump the shark moment. :(

It feels particularly ironic considering how some fans Lena for being a role model for women who love sciences. And 10 episodes before the show ends suddenly Lena's amazing science powers are not enough, they have to slap magic on her. .
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 13
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Thomas Lennon interview about last night's Supergirl.

Sounds like this was his last appearance on the show.So even if he gets out of the crystal,he probably won't appear on-screen in a human form.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 14
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"I was really hoping that they created a Krypto dog with the yellow Kryptonite as one of the earlier experiments and he'd be rescued by the Kent's. I think the S&L farm needs a good dog. Yellow Kryptonite gave Streaky superpowers the Supergirl comics."

Umm.... slight correction. It was actually "X-kryptonite", accidentally created in a lab by Kara/Supergirl that gave Streaky his superpowers. (In the Silver Age comics,
it was Kara, not Lena, who knew her way around a chemistry and electronics lab!)

Streaky (Origin Story).jpeg
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 15
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Can we discuss the utter frustration that Kelly gets two BRAND NEW posters, as Guardian, for season 6, but Supergirl is stuck using stock photos from season 5 with the bangs?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 16
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I can't shake the feeling that the only reason why we got promotion for episode 12 is because David Ramsey has pull with the CW.

So I can picture there not being much advertising till the finale again. :(

So we have any idea when Lex will be back? Was John Cryor in Canada the entire time or did he leave and come back?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 17
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I can't shake the feeling that the only reason why we got promotion for episode 12 is because David Ramsey has pull with the CW.

So I can picture there not being much advertising till the finale again. :(

So we have any idea when Lex will be back? Was John Cryor in Canada the entire time or did he leave and come back?

We know Lex is back in episodes 19 & 20.Don't know yet if he returns before 19..I'm pretty sure Jon Cryer left Canadas after shooting the first part of the season(he was only in episodes 1-3) and than came back for the end of the series.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 18
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The secret of Dreamer's well...dream lasso...courtesy of Nicole Maines on IG

She both Yees and Haws ?? giant cats beware!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 19
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Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks the Lena witch story is stupid. Is it just me or didn't Katie McGrath also not give a single interview on the storyline yet? Even though that is supposed to be Lena's big revelation about her mother? Me thinks the actors probably think the storyline is stupid as hell as well if they are not even trying to spin it.

Looks like this is being phoned in.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 20

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