1. Romulus
  2. Motivator Love Fool Vanity Monster
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Sunday, 04 June 2017

I just found this little opinion piece at for our readers to have a gander at. It's a recap of Season 2 and contains some interesting points.

Have a look and if you wish, comment on it below.

Cheers! :)
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
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That was a good read, thanks Romulus for posting.

I give Season 2 an 8 out of 10 (vs the 10 out of 10 I gave Season 1). Season 2 certainly had some great moments (the 1st 2 episodes, Mxy, Supergirl saving the spaceship in 'Exodus') but overall I didn't get the same enjoyment from the show as I did in Season 1. The best indicator I can give is the amount of times I would watch the episodes, Season 1 episodes I would watch anywhere from 4 to 10 times but quite a number of Season 2 episodes I've only watched twice. I felt the show lost some of it's charm and heart in Season 2.

I am looking forward though to what Season 3 will bring.

I'm just the opposite Kiwi. This is the only show that I watch episodes more than once and I watched all episodes of season one twice. I've watched all of season two twice or more already and will most likely watch again before October.

Growing up I didn't understand the whole superhero thing. I never set foot in a comic book store before last summer to buy Adventures of Supergirl. I knew who Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman were I even knew that Supergirl was Superman's cousin. I saw the Michael Keaton Batman movies because everyone else was and thought they were cool movies. I sporadically watched Lois and Clark because I had a crush on Dean Cain, most of my Kryptonian education before this show came from that.

In my late twenties I dated a comic book fan, Batman was his favorite. With him I watched the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman TV show and the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, again I enjoyed them but didn't see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't until I saw "Batman Begins" with him that I understood why superheroes and Batman resonated with him. The whole superhero thing still didn't speak to me but I had a much better understanding of why people loved theses characters so much.

I loved Melissa Benoist in Glee so when I heard she was cast as Supergirl I decided to watch. I had no preconceived notions of Supergirl's personally or who anyone but James was in the comics but I was hooked. I finally got why superheroes resonate with so many people. After "worlds finest" I went back and caught up on Flash. I will say I have never watched a Flash episode becides "duet" more than once. The internet is a wonderful thing and I'm able to look up the comic book references I don't know.

The thing is if Supergirl had remained exactly the same I might have stopped watching and certainly wouldn't be rewatching episodes of S2. Perhaps because I'm a recent comic fan and didn't grow up as one some of the reasons I liked S2 slightly more than S1 are the same things more hardcore comic fans disliked. As an example the romance aspect made Kara and Alex more realistic fleshed out characters for me and add another level of enjoyment. I like a good fight scene but action Isn't the only reason I love this show.

To each their own, were all fans.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
That was a good read, thanks Romulus for posting.

I give Season 2 an 8 out of 10 (vs the 10 out of 10 I gave Season 1). Season 2 certainly had some great moments (the 1st 2 episodes, Mxy, Supergirl saving the spaceship in 'Exodus') but overall I didn't get the same enjoyment from the show as I did in Season 1. The best indicator I can give is the amount of times I would watch the episodes, Season 1 episodes I would watch anywhere from 4 to 10 times but quite a number of Season 2 episodes I've only watched twice. I felt the show lost some of it's charm and heart in Season 2.

I am looking forward though to what Season 3 will bring.

I'm just the opposite Kiwi. This is the only show that I watch episodes more than once and I watched all episodes of season one twice. I've watched all of season two twice or more already and will most likely watch again before October.

Growing up I didn't understand the whole superhero thing. I never set foot in a comic book store before last summer to buy Adventures of Supergirl. I knew who Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman were I even knew that Supergirl was Superman's cousin. I saw the Michael Keaton Batman movies because everyone else was and thought they were cool movies. I sporadically watched Lois and Clark because I had a crush on Dean Cain, most of my Kryptonian education before this show came from that.

In my late twenties I dated a comic book fan, Batman was his favorite. With him I watched the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman TV show and the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, again I enjoyed them but didn't see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't until I saw "Batman Begins" with him that I understood why superheroes and Batman resonated with him. The whole superhero thing still didn't speak to me but I had a much better understanding of why people loved these characters so much.

I loved Melissa Benoist in Glee so when I heard she was cast as Supergirl I decided to watch. I had no preconceived notions of Supergirl's personally or who anyone but James was in the comics but I was hooked. I finally got why superheroes resonate with so many people. After "worlds finest" I went back and caught up on Flash. However I have never watched a Flash episode becides "duet" more than once. The internet is a wonderful thing and I'm able to look up the comic book references I don't know.

The thing is if Supergirl had remained exactly the same I might have stopped watching and certainly wouldn't be rewatching episodes of S2. Perhaps because I'm a recent comic fan and didn't grow up as one some of the reasons I liked S2 slightly more than S1 are the same things more hardcore comic fans disliked. As an example the romance aspect made Kara and Alex more realistic fleshed out characters for me and added another level of enjoyment. I like a good fight scene but action isn't the only reason I love this show.

To each their own, were all fans.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I kinda have to disagree with the article. I think the most intriguing NEW addition to the cast was Brenda Strong. I think she has been very under appreciated this season. Here is a character that even though she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BAD, there were times when I was rooting for her, it was so weird. I love those kind of villains. I think my list would go....


For me I think Lena has a TON OF POTENTIAL for next season, but this season she was kind of meh. I got tired of the "doing the right thing, and then evil stare into the distance" thing. It just got cliche'.

Maggie I think wasn't under appreciated, she was under used.....

I think Mon-el got a lot of undue criticism. Yell at the writers, lol.....though the chemistry between Mon-el and Kara was off the chart. I'm sorry, but those that don't see, need to go back and take chemistry again. ; )

It is really hard for me to try and figure out which season I liked better. I think that season 2 was better written in most cases, better fighting sequences even though they seemed too few to me. But, I can't say that I "enjoyed" season 2 more. I think the whole "shipping" crap, and the fact that the writers had to pretty much go into hiding because of the "shippers" berating them constantly over a "ship" that will never happen. #Karamel shippers, we get it....."THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE".... #Sanvers shippers we get it..... "MAGGIE MATTERS", #Supercorp shippers, we get hate Mon-el.... but the river of denial stuff needs to end. Lena and Kara will be "fantastic friends", and that will be cool to watch, but that's it....come back to our reality.

So, Season 2 better writing? yes...... better cgi? yes...... far too much outside crap crashing in on a cool cast and writing team? yes.... and unfortunately that ruined this season for me, at least WHILE THE SEASON WAS IN SESSION. Re-watching the season now after pretty much muting 100's of people on twitter....MUCH MORE BEARABLE. I'm really enjoying this second time around.

First season, the OVERALL SEASON, the episodes, having fun tweeting with the cast and writers, etc.....that season I don't think will ever be matched, I think we have lost the innocence that came with the first season.

BUT, I'm really looking forward to Season #3. Already in Vancouver, sets already built, crew already in place, writers already back to work yesterday.... I think we are going to get back to business as usual. Kara being the center of this series. If it gets back to that, all will be good. At least from this fan's standpoint. But, I will be laying low during the season itself, staying away from the "drama" made the last few episodes much more enjoyable. I think I will carry that into this next season as well. Seemed to be a good plan.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
This was an interesting article, and I liked it generally but totally disagree with its opinion of Mon-el and what he brought to the story. He was anything but boring and his relationship with Kara added great depth to her character. I am looking forward to how their relationship continues once he returns in season 3. I concur with Kelly's and Brierrose's comments and couldn't have said it better. Also liked Kiwi's acknowledgement of everyone's personal tastes, which makes this a cool site to visit. And I'll leave it at that now because I'm recovering from carpal-tunnel surgery and keep hitting the wrong keys when typing, and I'm tired of correcting every other word!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Being of a certain age, I remember when you didn't have to go to a comic book store to buy your comics. When I was a kid, every store that sold magazines and newspapers also had comic books. I read Archie comics and DC, starting in 1959. Then I also started buying Marvel when they came along with the Fantastic Four in '61. Comic books were only 10 cents then. (I remember when they went up 12 cents, in '61 or so.) Everyone in my elementary school read them - or so it seemed. When I was at summer camp, I could always talk to another kid about comic characters, and they knew who I was referring to right away. My first favorite superheroes were the Flash and Green Lantern. Superman and Wonder Woman seemed too one-dimensional to me, and Batman was too dark. Then I read Action Comics 252, which introduced both Supergirl and Metallo (who became one of Clark and Kara's archenemies). I liked Kara right way. Like Green Lantern and the Flash, she seemed real and relatable. (Actually, she reminded me of my coolest babysitters!)
After I graduated from college (and began teaching full-time), I drifted away from reading comics. I didn't have anyone to discuss them with any more, and mostly moved on to Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. It was the "Smallville" TV show that brought me back to the world of DC superheroes. But then I found that I had missed a lot since the end of the Silver Age (and early Bronze Age). When I heard about the new "Supergirl" TV show that had been added to the CBS fall schedule, I was excited to see it's premiere episode.And sure enough, I liked it even more than "Smallville". When I saw Melissa Benoist's portrayal of Kara, I immediately recognized her character as the Silver Age Supergirl whom I had loved as a kid! She was still "the superhero next door" - kind, considerate, witty, even a bit self-deprecating at times. It's even brought me back to writing my own comic-book stories, something that I hadn't done since I was in 5th grade in 1962!
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I think we have lost the innocence that came with the first season.

BUT, I'm really looking forward to Season #3. Already in Vancouver, sets already built, crew already in place, writers already back to work yesterday.... I think we are going to get back to business as usual. Kara being the center of this series. If it gets back to that, all will be good. At least from this fan's standpoint. But, I will be laying low during the season itself, staying away from the "drama" made the last few episodes much more enjoyable. I think I will carry that into this next season as well. Seemed to be a good plan.

Innocence, that's an excellent word choice Kelly. What I loved most about Helen Slater's performance as Supergirl was her innocence and is definitely applicable to Season 1 of this show.

I'm liking your approach to Season 3.

I don't mind too much that Kara lost some of her innocence, that is what happens when you begin to see the outside world. It happened to Kara. I think more so than that even, the "fandom" lost the innocence of Season 1. We all had problems with season 1, some in the area of writing, cgi, etc....but the ability for the writers and actors to interact with the fans on social media has been lost, that is more the innocence I was speaking of.... We had those fans that just flat out didn't like the show, and that was fine....but we as fans were united in our love for Melissa as Supergirl and that was a unifying factor, and yet now I see factions within the fandom that don't seem to even care about the character of Supergirl which is the central character to this entire series, to the point of belittling those that want that back as the central focus. We had the innocence of the 1st season as that point, Supergirl as the central focus was a given, it went without saying.....I don't necessarily find that today on social media. This agenda or that agenda is the discussion of the day, not Supergirl. I miss the innocence of the discussion being about our favorite superhero....not who's the best couple. :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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