I just found this little opinion piece at technobuffalo.com for our readers to have a gander at. It's a recap of Season 2 and contains some interesting points.
Have a look and if you wish, comment on it below.

That was a good read, thanks Romulus for posting.
I give Season 2 an 8 out of 10 (vs the 10 out of 10 I gave Season 1). Season 2 certainly had some great moments (the 1st 2 episodes, Mxy, Supergirl saving the spaceship in 'Exodus') but overall I didn't get the same enjoyment from the show as I did in Season 1. The best indicator I can give is the amount of times I would watch the episodes, Season 1 episodes I would watch anywhere from 4 to 10 times but quite a number of Season 2 episodes I've only watched twice. I felt the show lost some of it's charm and heart in Season 2.
I am looking forward though to what Season 3 will bring.
I think we have lost the innocence that came with the first season.
BUT, I'm really looking forward to Season #3. Already in Vancouver, sets already built, crew already in place, writers already back to work yesterday.... I think we are going to get back to business as usual. Kara being the center of this series. If it gets back to that, all will be good. At least from this fan's standpoint. But, I will be laying low during the season itself, staying away from the "drama" made the last few episodes much more enjoyable. I think I will carry that into this next season as well. Seemed to be a good plan.
Innocence, that's an excellent word choice Kelly. What I loved most about Helen Slater's performance as Supergirl was her innocence and is definitely applicable to Season 1 of this show.
I'm liking your approach to Season 3.
That was a good read, thanks Romulus for posting.
I give Season 2 an 8 out of 10 (vs the 10 out of 10 I gave Season 1). Season 2 certainly had some great moments (the 1st 2 episodes, Mxy, Supergirl saving the spaceship in 'Exodus') but overall I didn't get the same enjoyment from the show as I did in Season 1. The best indicator I can give is the amount of times I would watch the episodes, Season 1 episodes I would watch anywhere from 4 to 10 times but quite a number of Season 2 episodes I've only watched twice. I felt the show lost some of it's charm and heart in Season 2.
I am looking forward though to what Season 3 will bring.
I'm just the opposite Kiwi. This is the only show that I watch episodes more than once and I watched all episodes of season one twice. I've watched all of season two twice or more already and will most likely watch again before October.
Growing up I didn't understand the whole superhero thing. I never set foot in a comic book store before last summer to buy Adventures of Supergirl. I knew who Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman were I even knew that Supergirl was Superman's cousin. I saw the Michael Keaton Batman movies because everyone else was and thought they were cool movies. I sporadically watched Lois and Clark because I had a crush on Dean Cain, most of my Kryptonian education before this show came from that.
In my late twenties I dated a comic book fan, Batman was his favorite. With him I watched the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman TV show and the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, again I enjoyed them but didn't see what all the fuss was about. It wasn't until I saw "Batman Begins" with him that I understood why superheroes and Batman resonated with him. The whole superhero thing still didn't speak to me but I had a much better understanding of why people loved these characters so much.
I loved Melissa Benoist in Glee so when I heard she was cast as Supergirl I decided to watch. I had no preconceived notions of Supergirl's personally or who anyone but James was in the comics but I was hooked. I finally got why superheroes resonate with so many people. After "worlds finest" I went back and caught up on Flash. However I have never watched a Flash episode becides "duet" more than once. The internet is a wonderful thing and I'm able to look up the comic book references I don't know.
The thing is if Supergirl had remained exactly the same I might have stopped watching and certainly wouldn't be rewatching episodes of S2. Perhaps because I'm a recent comic fan and didn't grow up as one some of the reasons I liked S2 slightly more than S1 are the same things more hardcore comic fans disliked. As an example the romance aspect made Kara and Alex more realistic fleshed out characters for me and added another level of enjoyment. I like a good fight scene but action isn't the only reason I love this show.
To each their own, were all fans.