- SupergirlFan109
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Wednesday, 22 November 2017
I know that this is two weeks early but this is the mid-season finale and REIGN FOR GOODNESS SAKE so why not have one up there.
I saw Kara telling them that she never had best friends, meant female best friends. A female friend, best friend, etc....is far different than a male best friend. No matter how much Kara sees Winn and James as her friends, there will ALWAYS be that block in the relationship of.....you said you loved me from Winn, and I thought I loved you to James....that right there keeps their friendships in a far different place as far as a deep relationship.
One of the things that I see that some are having a problem with is that some are not use to seeing strong female intimate friendships that are real and yet aren't anything but a strong, intimate friendship. It is a different friendship than a girl and a guy will have....
One of the things that I see that some are having a problem with is that some are not use to seeing strong female intimate friendships that are real and yet aren't anything but a strong, intimate friendship. It is a different friendship than a girl and a guy will have....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 41
It's a bit hard to focus on the rest of the episode when they ended with that fight that was so well done. The fight, SG being a hero and a smaller portion of relationship exploration, should be the template that they utilize from this point on. It puts SG on a different level.
I liked the setup to Reign. Thought they did a pretty good job showing some of her power early and throughout the episode. The way she took down that gang without even being seen gave the appearance of her having a high level of powers. It will be interesting to see where they go with the whole mythology of being a god, the devil and Kryptonian history. Obviously, Coville believes and Hank seems to think there is something to the story but, neither Kara nor Reign believe that they are deities.
I liked the Christmas party, loved the interaction between Winn, Hank and Hank's dad. The only part that I didn't enjoy was Kara's comment about her good buddies, Lena and Sam. Kara's comment about never having best friends like Lena and Sam degrades her relationship with Winn and James, who were considered close enough to be called family in season 1. I'm a firm supporter of girl power but, not to the extent of tossing out history or forcing female relationships that haven't had time to develop yet. as in the case of Sam, who Kara has known for about 3 months.
Mon-el and Irma are okay. Glad to see that Mon-el has moved on, as he should have after 7 years, and that he is happy. Yes, Kara has to have time to adjust to the fact that he is alive, he's back and he's married. Won't happen over night and if Mon-el wasn't in her face, it would be much easier for her to do. I really do hope that the writers don't keep pushing this issue. Don't continue to create love conflict just to have conflict and allow Kara the space to adjust.
I'm not a fan of romantic relationships on the show, and honestly, for awhile I thought this was going to be the Lena and James mid-season finale. That said, the two have just as much chemistry as every other character that they've shoved together and in about the same amount of time. I like that James now seems to have a purpose beyond trying to be a hero, however feeble it is. Question - does he have some kind of power to just call that shield into existence?
Overall- best episode of the season for me thus far. Probably one of my top 10 of all at the moment.
I gave up questioning the logic of these shows when Oliver showed up with a kryptonite arrow last week. Also Coville ....So there are other kryptonians that Kara didn’t catch from fort rozz still living on earth. Wonder if some of them are actually trying to live human lives. Also wonder if Kara will run into the priestess coville found later on
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 42
It's a bit hard to focus on the rest of the episode when they ended with that fight that was so well done. The fight, SG being a hero and a smaller portion of relationship exploration, should be the template that they utilize from this point on. It puts SG on a different level.
I liked the setup to Reign. Thought they did a pretty good job showing some of her power early and throughout the episode. The way she took down that gang without even being seen gave the appearance of her having a high level of powers. It will be interesting to see where they go with the whole mythology of being a god, the devil and Kryptonian history. Obviously, Coville believes and Hank seems to think there is something to the story but, neither Kara nor Reign believe that they are deities.
I liked the Christmas party, loved the interaction between Winn, Hank and Hank's dad. The only part that I didn't enjoy was Kara's comment about her good buddies, Lena and Sam. Kara's comment about never having best friends like Lena and Sam degrades her relationship with Winn and James, who were considered close enough to be called family in season 1. I'm a firm supporter of girl power but, not to the extent of tossing out history or forcing female relationships that haven't had time to develop yet. as in the case of Sam, who Kara has known for about 3 months.
Mon-el and Irma are okay. Glad to see that Mon-el has moved on, as he should have after 7 years, and that he is happy. Yes, Kara has to have time to adjust to the fact that he is alive, he's back and he's married. Won't happen over night and if Mon-el wasn't in her face, it would be much easier for her to do. I really do hope that the writers don't keep pushing this issue. Don't continue to create love conflict just to have conflict and allow Kara the space to adjust.
I'm not a fan of romantic relationships on the show, and honestly, for awhile I thought this was going to be the Lena and James mid-season finale. That said, the two have just as much chemistry as every other character that they've shoved together and in about the same amount of time. I like that James now seems to have a purpose beyond trying to be a hero, however feeble it is. Question - does he have some kind of power to just call that shield into existence?
Overall- best episode of the season for me thus far. Probably one of my top 10 of all at the moment.
I liked the setup to Reign. Thought they did a pretty good job showing some of her power early and throughout the episode. The way she took down that gang without even being seen gave the appearance of her having a high level of powers. It will be interesting to see where they go with the whole mythology of being a god, the devil and Kryptonian history. Obviously, Coville believes and Hank seems to think there is something to the story but, neither Kara nor Reign believe that they are deities.
I liked the Christmas party, loved the interaction between Winn, Hank and Hank's dad. The only part that I didn't enjoy was Kara's comment about her good buddies, Lena and Sam. Kara's comment about never having best friends like Lena and Sam degrades her relationship with Winn and James, who were considered close enough to be called family in season 1. I'm a firm supporter of girl power but, not to the extent of tossing out history or forcing female relationships that haven't had time to develop yet. as in the case of Sam, who Kara has known for about 3 months.
Mon-el and Irma are okay. Glad to see that Mon-el has moved on, as he should have after 7 years, and that he is happy. Yes, Kara has to have time to adjust to the fact that he is alive, he's back and he's married. Won't happen over night and if Mon-el wasn't in her face, it would be much easier for her to do. I really do hope that the writers don't keep pushing this issue. Don't continue to create love conflict just to have conflict and allow Kara the space to adjust.
I'm not a fan of romantic relationships on the show, and honestly, for awhile I thought this was going to be the Lena and James mid-season finale. That said, the two have just as much chemistry as every other character that they've shoved together and in about the same amount of time. I like that James now seems to have a purpose beyond trying to be a hero, however feeble it is. Question - does he have some kind of power to just call that shield into existence?
Overall- best episode of the season for me thus far. Probably one of my top 10 of all at the moment.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 43
They are on the verge of destroying Supergirl's character from likable to unlikable. Good point that any romance drama has come from Kara and I hope the writers realize this. With Kreisberg gone, they should be able to break away from this formula. She is becoming like Barry from season 3.
I am not sure I agree with you about Supergirl who still seems to be a good character, but you raise an interesting question. Where were they in writing and filming when Mr. Kreisberg was iirc put on leave?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 44
Does anyone here think that the final scene with Ruby is a hint that Reign will gradually look different down the line (i.e. comic book Reign)?That she will start to show her true face later in the season? We can hope so. Great episode again. Excellent fight scenes. We need more fight scenes this season. Are the shows producers going for the Game Of Thrones approach, few fight scenes, but when they have them, their done really well?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 45
I don't have much to say on this one other than I just absolutely loved everything about that fight. I agree with Kiwi... Glad it was a REAL fight... with Kara hangin in there for a bit, then BAM... it reigned!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 46
I really think this episode was well done from the slow burn beginning to the epic fight. I view Mon-El as a temporary distraction. Kara has a heart and it still struggles after 7 months. I don’t mind the scenario because it sets us up for the Legion. Remember this is ancient history for them and they know what will happen. Imra does say Kara will be alright.
I am not so worried about the shipping; it’s just a sidebar to the real action. This season is about Kara truly finding herself and I believe she will. I’ll make a wild prediction: both Colville and Ruby are the keys to this season. They will be the catalysts for solving the Reign problem.
As for Odette Annable, she is fantastic and I look forward to part 2 in January. I have no idea what her fate will be, but if there is someone who deserves to be a a regular cast member, it is she. Also my hat’s off to Garcia. Great to have you back. I’ve missed you.
I am not so worried about the shipping; it’s just a sidebar to the real action. This season is about Kara truly finding herself and I believe she will. I’ll make a wild prediction: both Colville and Ruby are the keys to this season. They will be the catalysts for solving the Reign problem.
As for Odette Annable, she is fantastic and I look forward to part 2 in January. I have no idea what her fate will be, but if there is someone who deserves to be a a regular cast member, it is she. Also my hat’s off to Garcia. Great to have you back. I’ve missed you.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 47
Does anyone here think that the final scene with Ruby is a hint that Reign will gradually look different down the line (i.e. comic book Reign)?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 48
I agree on the "Mon-El" phase, although the concept itself (idea that Mon-El was out 7 years) was interesting...I didn't want it to happen with them
I'm not sure where the writers are going with this...I really vouched for them as a couple season 2 but the idea they could be a couple later on, it wouldn't be the same, I don't think.

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 49
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
I think she also shows affection for J'onn and Winn. (not entirely sure why she didn't mention him being her best friend, but may be she thought girl friends? or may be she considers Winn as family just like Alex?)...
And compassion for random people on the street who might get hurt... That is ultimately who Supergirl is and I don't think she has lost that. Or will ever lose that. She had it even in the first episode when she was going with the most non-human thing, when she went to that hurt soldier.
Also, I don't think they are going to end the Mon El-Imra-Kara drama any time soon. It'd be great if they do... but, I think it is going to be a season long arc for her.
The unfortunate part of this (if true) is that the angst is solely coming from Kara. We've seen more than once that mon-el is happy with his wife and vice versa. So the drama of this triangle is purely kara agonizing over mon-el & Imra's marriage, and I am definitely not here for that.
I agree. I just don't see it ending any time soon.
And realistically speaking, I don't think Kara should be blamed so much for it either--I think she has been getting the short end of the stick pretty much this whole season for something that is pretty normal for any person in her situation.
I just hope they don't hammer at it too much when the season starts up again. If they do it'll become tiring very very fast.
What I am hoping for is they get over the Mon El part quick and focus on her entire legacy of losses like they have done so far this season--well, on the most part. It is something worth exploring in her character and something that Superman does not allow.
May be, by end of next episode, Kara will have come to terms with Imra and Mon El. However, the theme of loss and her dealing with it can still continue; especially with Reign being a kryptonian.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 50
They are on the verge of destroying Supergirl's character from likable to unlikable. Good point that any romance drama has come from Kara and I hope the writers realize this. With Kreisberg gone, they should be able to break away from this formula. She is becoming like Barry from season 3.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 51
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
I think she also shows affection for J'onn and Winn. (not entirely sure why she didn't mention him being her best friend, but may be she thought girl friends? or may be she considers Winn as family just like Alex?)...
And compassion for random people on the street who might get hurt... That is ultimately who Supergirl is and I don't think she has lost that. Or will ever lose that. She had it even in the first episode when she was going with the most non-human thing, when she went to that hurt soldier.
Also, I don't think they are going to end the Mon El-Imra-Kara drama any time soon. It'd be great if they do... but, I think it is going to be a season long arc for her.
The unfortunate part of this (if true) is that the angst is solely coming from Kara. We've seen more than once that mon-el is happy with his wife and vice versa. So the drama of this triangle is purely kara agonizing over mon-el & Imra's marriage, and I am definitely not here for that.
I agree. I just don't see it ending any time soon.
And realistically speaking, I don't think Kara should be blamed so much for it either--I think she has been getting the short end of the stick pretty much this whole season for something that is pretty normal for any person in her situation.
I just hope they don't hammer at it too much when the season starts up again. If they do it'll become tiring very very fast.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 52
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
I think she also shows affection for J'onn and Winn. (not entirely sure why she didn't mention him being her best friend, but may be she thought girl friends? or may be she considers Winn as family just like Alex?)...
And compassion for random people on the street who might get hurt... That is ultimately who Supergirl is and I don't think she has lost that. Or will ever lose that. She had it even in the first episode when she was going with the most non-human thing, when she went to that hurt soldier.
Also, I don't think they are going to end the Mon El-Imra-Kara drama any time soon. It'd be great if they do... but, I think it is going to be a season long arc for her.
The unfortunate part of this (if true) is that the angst is solely coming from Kara. We've seen more than once that mon-el is happy with his wife and vice versa. So the drama of this triangle is purely kara agonizing over mon-el & Imra's marriage, and I am definitely not here for that.
I agree. I just don't see it ending any time soon.
And realistically speaking, I don't think Kara should be blamed so much for it either--I think she has been getting the short end of the stick pretty much this whole season for something that is pretty normal for any person in her situation.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 53
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
I think she also shows affection for J'onn and Winn. (not entirely sure why she didn't mention him being her best friend, but may be she thought girl friends? or may be she considers Winn as family just like Alex?)...
And compassion for random people on the street who might get hurt... That is ultimately who Supergirl is and I don't think she has lost that. Or will ever lose that. She had it even in the first episode when she was going with the most non-human thing, when she went to that hurt soldier.
Also, I don't think they are going to end the Mon El-Imra-Kara drama any time soon. It'd be great if they do... but, I think it is going to be a season long arc for her.
The unfortunate part of this (if true) is that the angst is solely coming from Kara. We've seen more than once that mon-el is happy with his wife and vice versa. So the drama of this triangle is purely kara agonizing over mon-el & Imra's marriage, and I am definitely not here for that.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 54
For two seasons Kara had not shown any kind of positive emotion to Winn, or James really
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 55
Also the guy had 7 years. It’s not his fault. It is selfish to monopolise the grief and make him feel bad too.
Oh? But, he knows that she has had only seven months, right? Just because he has had time to move on, doesn't mean she has had the same time. Why should she be the only one showing concern for him and Imra? She is just asking for space and he is pushing to get everything right with her asap (like Kara did with Winn in S1).
I don't think she is monopolising anything. She is also trying her best.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 56
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
I think she also shows affection for J'onn and Winn. (not entirely sure why she didn't mention him being her best friend, but may be she thought girl friends? or may be she considers Winn as family just like Alex?)...
And compassion for random people on the street who might get hurt... That is ultimately who Supergirl is and I don't think she has lost that. Or will ever lose that. She had it even in the first episode when she was going with the most non-human thing, when she went to that hurt soldier.
Also, I don't think they are going to end the Mon El-Imra-Kara drama any time soon. It'd be great if they do... but, I think it is going to be a season long arc for her.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 57
Also the guy had 7 years. It’s not his fault. It is selfish to monopolise the grief and make him feel bad too.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 58
Draftingafter is right. It is time for Kara’s Mon-El phase to fade. Kara’s current S3-Barry-mode must end soon, for she is a lot less compelling a character while it lasts. The distant and superior “not human” attitude and her lack of affection and warmth for anyone except Alex, Sam and Lena right now makes it extremely hard to root for her.
For its many flaws, S1 of the show drew me in mainly as Kara was a paragon of friendliness and understanding. She couldn’t be further from that at the moment.
For its many flaws, S1 of the show drew me in mainly as Kara was a paragon of friendliness and understanding. She couldn’t be further from that at the moment.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 59
all to have it resolved Alex telling her otherwise :/ hmm lol
That was just Alex being scared for her. Also, I don't think that affects anything in the long run.
I liked the episode. The Christmas party (even if not the forced friendship and romance), Imra (I kind of like her), and especially Kara and Kara's fight with Reign.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 60
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