1. Triggy
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 08 December 2017
This is bad news for Supergirl fans, I'm sure. In many ways it is unfair.

Edit: There is a lot of things positive that we can get out of this - I can see it now.


We only get 4 Mondays of new Supergirl episodes from January 15 and sit out 9 weeks while Legends takes over the slot until its finale. :o
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AND, the CW needs to get out in front of this and answer some of these questions before Twitter erupts in wrong information.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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I said this in another thread. Supergirl will be fine. It doesn't mean I have to like the change. It's just so haphazard, and poor planning on CW's part. They have more shows than they can fit on their network.

Hopefully, we'll have a repeat of last year, and we'll get a renewal before the 4 new episodes are finished. Hell, last year, we got renewal before the mid-season even started!

I just think that, for the casual viewer, who doesn't stalk the internet about their favorite shows, this change will throw them for a loop.

What this really means is that they need to kick up the ADVERTISING. When Supergirl's mid-season starts, they need to continue to promote new episodes of Supergirl, but advertise when Legends comes back. And vica versa. When Legends comes back, they need to promote the crap out of when Supergirl returns.

How this new schedule pans out could be GREATLY influenced by how they advertise. If they get ahead of it, and start advertisements for something like "23 weeks of new DC TV on Monday nights! 4 new episodes of Supergirl, starting on January 15th, followed by 9 new episodes of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, starting February 12th, leading to the season finale on April 9th. Then, Supergirl returns with 10 straight weeks of new episodes, starting on April 16th, leading to the season finale on June 18th".

I doubt they'll advertise it that well. But that's what they should do. Because, if they REALLY want people to look at the positive, 23 straight weeks of new DC TV on Mondays at 8/7 Central is a big deal.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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rumors are starting to get around from sources that are sometime good, and sometimes BS. So take it as you want. But the rumor is that this is very Andrew Kreisberg related. They are going to use the 4 episodes already filmed but nothing thats only written because he would still get creative credit. So SG is getting an extra week during holidays to kick those episode scripts out and they are getting 9 week hiatus to get them filmed.

What it means for plot lines, story lines, characters etc is unknown.

Now, this is interesting....not sure that I totally believe it. But it is interesting. I think the plot lines, story lines, etc will continue on but without his input...

If this is true, this is very, very interesting.....BUT, why are they not doing the same thing with Flash?

Same question, here.

But if that is the reason behind it, I can understand it. They don't want Kreisberg's name associated with the show, anymore, so redrafting the scripts that he had a hand in, just to avoid crediting him, makes sense. As long as it doesn't change what the season was supposed to look like, overall.

And Kelly, I also REALLY like your point about bad news for fans vs bad news for the show. That was put incredibly well.

As much as I hate it, this long hiatus is bad news for fans, not for the show. All the ratings info and renewal predictions place Supergirl's season 4 renewal as a sure thing. On top of that, Supergirl finally gets the same number of episodes as Arrow and Flash. All of that is GREAT news for the series.

I was just looking forward to it because I live in a state that gets cold winters and the TV season is one of the best ways to spend that warm comfy couch time. But I can totally admit, that's my problem, and not the shows.

I honestly think that Supergirl will be in the first round of renewals announced for the year, whenever that may be. Legends might be the same. Because if your show is already renewed, then some schedule shifts in the back half aren't as big a deal. Ratings, while desired, aren't nearly as big a worry once a renewal is a lock.

Oh, I am AS UPSET AS THE NEXT SUPERGIRL FAN, we should be upset as fans....I'm not saying that AT ALL. IT SUCKS........BIG TIME.

So here is my plan....

I am going to watch Season 1 straight through starting after the 4 new eps....and will finish it before the premiere of "Jessica Jones" Second season....after I have binged those 13 eps I will start Season 2 of Supergirl, and then rewatch the first 9 episodes of Season 3 which will take me up to the premiere of the last 10 episodes in April. So, the nights will go by faster, and more enjoyable. And then having 10 straight non-stop episodes and 23 IN ALL.....can't wait.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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Oooops also forgot, I'll be watching "Waco" during the hiatus as well. :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Hmmm very odd. I wonder if this is bc of Black Lightning and all that.... also Legends is doing yet another permanent new team member soon as well .
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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Well then....this sucks. I think this also means no other crossovers this year with Supergirl and any others as the show will be behind them all.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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Yeah, that totally sucks. I'm not on any social media but I hope those of you who are give them a real working over!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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I think it has to do with FX and people working on several series, least that is what I'm hoping. If that is the case, that is understandable, crappy but understandable. However, IMO if they couldn't get all their "you know what together" and do this right they shouldn't have brought on "Black Lightning" in the first place. I'm pissed, but hey whata ya gonna do.

Does anyone know if this means Supergirl has fewer episodes?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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Looks like SG would end up with 23 episodes, assuming there are no off weeks. That's the 9 already broadcast, 4 in Jan and Feb, and 10 more from April 16 thru June 18.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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This is an example of the old adage too many cooks spoil the broth. There are now FAR TOO MANY super hero shows now on the CW. What is Warner's thinking?!

To break it down, it's understandable SG does not come back till the 15th because on the 8th lots of TVs are likely to tune into the NCAA college football championship on ESPN (prediction...Alabama finds a way to win it all...ROLL TIDE!)

The only other times off I know of which involve sports...the NCAA men's basketball title game which is likely to be decided on a Monday.

This sounds though to me like Supergirl is being dragged around like a rag doll just like Reign did to her. And to me and maybe all of you, it's unfair.

That said I like Legends of Tomorrow and their mix of wit, humor, action and even some heart. Why not just cancel Valor on Monday nights, CW which is tanking in the ratings?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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WTH??? How do they expect viewers to be able to survive two extended droughts of Supergirl within one season? :(

I wonder if this is a by-product of Berlanti taking over adding to an already full plate of shows along with two additional new shows lined up to start this season.

:( :( :( :( :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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WTH??? How do they expect viewers to be able to survive two extended droughts of Supergirl within one season? :(

I wonder if this is a by-product of Berlanti taking over adding to an already full plate of shows along with two additional new shows lined up to start this season.

:( :( :( :( :(

A plausible theory there Sully. Given of course the firing of Andrew Kreisberg, which has sent things into a tailspin if you ask me. Hopefully showrunners can be found to take over for him and that way things can show some semblance of normalcy.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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OOOOOK, so it looks like Supergirl is getting 23 episodes after counting all of this craziness up. AND, for all practical purposes people.....LoT is getting the raw end of this deal with the Olympics, March Madness, really we should be happy at this point. 23 episodes, and not dealing with any of the sporting events of that time period.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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OOOOOK, so it looks like Supergirl is getting 23 episodes after counting all of this craziness up. AND, for all practical purposes people.....LoT is getting the raw end of this deal with the Olympics, March Madness, really we should be happy at this point. 23 episodes, and not dealing with any of the sporting events of that time period.


23 eh? Well I guess if that number worked for Michael Jordan and is doing things for LeBron James and it did things for Don Mattingly of the Yankees back in the day (as I age myself closer to 44 years of life) can do things for Supergirl. This is the most episodes I think in a season for the show. But even still it's stinks LoT is getting shipped around so to speak. But this is Supergirl friends, so perhaps we can appreciate what has become a gift for us this upcoming Christmas season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 14
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OOOOOK, so it looks like Supergirl is getting 23 episodes after counting all of this craziness up. AND, for all practical purposes people.....LoT is getting the raw end of this deal with the Olympics, March Madness, really we should be happy at this point. 23 episodes, and not dealing with any of the sporting events of that time period.

Yes, there is a silver lining and I will eventually calm down to see it. But, at this minute, I want to stomp around, kick the dirt and scream at the world for the injustice of it all :D. Give me my five minutes, okay ;)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 15
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OOOOOK, so it looks like Supergirl is getting 23 episodes after counting all of this craziness up. AND, for all practical purposes people.....LoT is getting the raw end of this deal with the Olympics, March Madness, really we should be happy at this point. 23 episodes, and not dealing with any of the sporting events of that time period.


23 eh? Well I guess if that number worked for Michael Jordan and is doing things for LeBron James and it did things for Don Mattingly of the Yankees back in the day (as I age myself closer to 44 years of life) can do things for Supergirl. This is the most episodes I think in a season for the show. But even still it's stinks LoT is getting shipped around so to speak. But this is Supergirl friends, so perhaps we can appreciate what has become a gift for us this upcoming Christmas season.

Well it is 23 unless we skip a Monday somewhere...but as it is, that is 23 episodes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 16
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WTH??? How do they expect viewers to be able to survive two extended droughts of Supergirl within one season? :(

I wonder if this is a by-product of Berlanti taking over adding to an already full plate of shows along with two additional new shows lined up to start this season.

:( :( :( :( :(

A plausible theory there Sully. Given of course the firing of Andrew Kreisberg, which has sent things into a tailspin if you ask me. Hopefully showrunners can be found to take over for him and that way things can show some semblance of normalcy.

I honestly think it has nothing to do with Kreisberg. People forget that Kreisberg had just as big a role on Flash as he did Supergirl. And we're not seeing these kind of shake ups, over there.

Here's what I think. CW had too many shows set to premiere in the Spring. Arrow and Flash will likely have a break in the Spring, we well. It just may not be as long as Supergirl's because they are using Supergirl's break to finish Legends' season.

While I HATE having such a long break, mid season, it may ultimately work out in both CW and Supergirl's favor.

You're right, Supergirl gets to miss the Winter Olympics and March Madness. And CW gets to continue airing AT LEAST 2 new episodes of superhero TV per week. Because even if/when Flash and Arrow go on Spring break, Legends will be finishing their season, and Black Lightning will likely be airing it's season without a break, since it's a Mid Season show.

Arrow and Flash typicaly end in May. But thanks to the Legends/Supergirl swap, they will continue to have new episodes of at least ONE show, Supergirl, into mid-late June.

And a lot of Supergirl's other competition will be gone while it finishes it's run, as many shows wrap their seasons in April or May.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 17
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This is a non-issue.

Supergirl is doing fine and the switch will affect LOT more than it will our GOS. LOT will contend with the Olympics, March Madness and other issues such as the February blahs and a longer wait for LOT's S4 to begin. Supergirl's wait for S4 to begin will be shorter and it will allow us to enjoy new shows until June. That's a bonus. ;)
"Outdated And Antiquated" - Ron Sexsmith, from the CD/LP/Download The Vivian Line. (2023)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 18
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This is a non-issue.

Supergirl is doing fine and the switch will affect LOT more than it will our GOS. LOT will contend with the Olympics, March Madness and other issues such as the February blahs and a longer wait for LOT's S4 to begin. Supergirl's wait for S4 to begin will be shorter and it will allow us to enjoy new shows until June. That's a bonus. ;)


Preach on.....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 19
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Better Legends than Supergirl to deal with the Olympics and March Madness.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 20
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