The Wrath of Rama Khan Trailer

Tonight's new episode of Supergirl really dropped the mic in the final few moments of the episode! We're not sure things will ever be the same! Rama Khan was embarrassed by Supergirl and you know his wrath will be felt! Then, judging by the trailer, it looks like Lena is going to take her world altering plan to completion! There is a kryptonite cannon aimed to the sky to activate her ultimate plan and the only thing standing in the way is The Girl of Steel! Check it out below:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#12 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan TrailerKelly 2019-11-21 09:50
Quoting CatPat:
It would be interesting if Lena fires the K Cannon at Kara but Monitor steps in and saves Kara for the Crisis event. But I can't see the writers taking Lena that far to cray cray.

I don't know, I'm really enjoying a more up in the front Kara/Supergirl these first 5 episodes, and a more background Alex....we had a pretty much front and center Alex first 5 episodes last season. I'm enjoying a more solo Supergirl this season.
#11 The writers would never try to fool us (8^))Captain Past 2019-11-19 21:28
Quoting jacksc01:
The more I look at this film clip in slow motion, the more I think Lex Luthor has control of his sister's mind. We know that he is not dead and for the canons to be loaded with Kryptonite is something Lex would do. Also they show you quickly a flash of Lex. Plus Lena all this time has had the philosophy of not killing. She has constantly said that she doesn't want to kill SuperGirl just let her know the hurt she feels, yet she knows kryptonite will kill SuperGirl. I think that Lena will take control back of her mind before she fires the kryptonite canons. Now whether this means she forgives SuperGirl or not is another matter but I do believe she will stop before she kills her - just a theory.

One could imagine the Kryptonite canon is the Wrath of Khan (groan), and Lena is desperately trying to stop it.
#10 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan TrailerRobertAnthony 2019-11-19 19:38
Quoting jacksc01:
The more I look at this film clip in slow motion, the more I think Lex Luthor has control of his sister's mind. We know that he is not dead and for the canons to be loaded with Kryptonite is something Lex would do. Also they show you quickly a flash of Lex. Plus Lena all this time has had the philosophy of not killing. She has constantly said that she doesn't want to kill SuperGirl just let her know the hurt she feels, yet she knows kryptonite will kill SuperGirl. I think that Lena will take control back of her mind before she fires the kryptonite canons. Now whether this means she forgives SuperGirl or not is another matter but I do believe she will stop before she kills her - just a theory.

But a plausible one at that.
+2 #9 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan Trailerjacksc01 2019-11-19 06:48
The more I look at this film clip in slow motion, the more I think Lex Luthor has control of his sister's mind. We know that he is not dead and for the canons to be loaded with Kryptonite is something Lex would do. Also they show you quickly a flash of Lex. Plus Lena all this time has had the philosophy of not killing. She has constantly said that she doesn't want to kill SuperGirl just let her know the hurt she feels, yet she knows kryptonite will kill SuperGirl. I think that Lena will take control back of her mind before she fires the kryptonite canons. Now whether this means she forgives SuperGirl or not is another matter but I do believe she will stop before she kills her - just a theory.
+5 #8 The Wrath of Alex Danvers...KaraD 2019-11-18 21:59
I would like an Alex and Lena confrontation. Alex is very protective of her sister. And when she finds out what Lena did to Kara especially torturing her with the kryptonite, I'm guessing Alex is going to be mad as hell! Lena may be though but I wouldn't bet against Alex Danvers!
#7 Wrath of [Rama] KhanCatPat 2019-11-18 17:05
It would be interesting if Lena fires the K Cannon at Kara but Monitor steps in and saves Kara for the Crisis event. But I can't see the writers taking Lena that far to cray cray.
+1 #6 Wrath of [Rama] KhanCatPat 2019-11-18 17:01
I am curious how Kara escapes the Fortress. I hate we have a two week wait.
#5 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan Trailerkdickerson87 2019-11-18 12:22
I can't wait for this episode.

Wow, it looks like Lena is powerful now. She got the brains, malefic's incepting ability, access to all of Lex's weapons and journal plans, access to the DEO and access to the fortress of solitude, the medallion which also possesses power, and the list goes.

However, she is still half Luthor so I think she can be talked down to do what is right.
+2 #4 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan TrailerMeadows 2019-11-18 08:49
Love the way the writers are referring back to previous seasons this season. That brings the seasons together. The reference to Myriad is excellent, and in last week's episode, the references on the television screens to previous seasons were just fantastic. Great thinking by the writers.
Don't know if Lena will go full evil; the female character we saw talking about her new technology, a member of Leviathan, might be behind this whole technology thing this season. That might mean Lena is being controlled, at least in part. I firmly believe we will find that Hope is behind part of what Lena is doing.
I wonder if we'll see Lena change for the good before Crisis. That would mean she will be part of Team Supergirl for that event. That would be nice.
+4 #3 RE: The Wrath of Rama Khan Trailerjacksc01 2019-11-18 02:50
Looks like another great episode. Noticed that Lena has a weapon aimed at SuperGirl - the decision Lena makes whether to fire the weapon will show just how much she has lost all reasoning - especially if it's a weapon that she knows can kill Supergirl if fired.

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