The Quest for Peace Synopsis

Here it is folks! The synopsis for season 4's finale! Lex Luthor is back! We knew that was going to happen but judging from the synopsis it is going to be an all out Luthor show down! Lex might have pulled off his plan to save The United States from an invasion ... an invasion from Kasnia that he helped plan! Lex is said to be at the White House this episode! He even has the power to summon his mother and sister to join him?! Very facsinating! Kara has one last chance to stop Lex's ultimate plan in what we believe will be a huge action-packed episode! Check out the synopsis below:

LEX LUTHOR RETURNS — Lex Luthor (guest star Jon Cryer) descends upon Washington, DC and summons Lena (Katie McGrath) and Lillian Luthor (guest star Brenda Strong) to the White House. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) realizes she has one last chance to stop Lex and turns to the power of the press to help her. Jesse Warn directed the episode with story by Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller and teleplay by Rob Wright & Derek Simon

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #27 RE: The Quest for Peace Synopsisvantheman77 2019-05-05 13:47
If it's anyone other than Supergirl who stops Lex Luthor, then the writers need to ask themselves who or what this season is about because it sure wasn't about Supergirl.

Another reason I'm glad Jay Faerber is added and there is no way the current Supergirl writing team would do justice for Supergirl when we get to Crisis On Infinite Earths.
#26 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisSupergirl_peril 2019-05-05 13:10
Quoting Kelly:
Quoting Fedguy:
Betting all my nonexistent money Dreamer stops Lex

No, I think if it is anyone besides Kara, it will be James.

If it is anyone other than Supergirl this season will officially have been a waste of time and talent. Waiting the whole time for something to happen, an we keep getting disappointed. The first epic fight between Lex and Supergirl was over with one punch. Now we await one with Supergirl and Red Daughter. I can only hope the last 2 episodes are amazing, I have little hope for Ep 20.
#25 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisKelly 2019-05-05 08:32
Quoting Fedguy:
Betting all my nonexistent money Dreamer stops Lex

No, I think if it is anyone besides Kara, it will be James.
#24 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisFedguy 2019-05-04 19:35
Betting all my nonexistent money Dreamer stops Lex
+1 #23 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisStewart Tick 2019-05-04 12:42
"Then must be loving this season....some like me would like to see some of Supergirl fighting battles on her own and winning....havent seen a lot of that this season, it has definitely been a "Superfriends" season....Im ready for some Supergirl. I dont mind the teamwork aspect, but when it comes to the heavy lifting that should be Supergirl."

Well, then we do indeed have common ground :-)
I've always I loved the "teamwork" aspect of the show, but I also feel that the "final decisive move" (the "checkmate moment" that I spoke of earlier in this thread) that finally defeats the villain - and seals their fate - should always be Kara's. In my own fan fiction stories, that's the way I've written it, at least in the great majority of my stories.
Incidentally, I've also written a number of stories in which Kara has the "Sherlock Holmes moment" - the pivotal plot point in which one of the major characters has a sudden flash of insight that "cracks the case". To be more specific, Kara was the one who finally put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and solved the major ongoing problem that the Team was working on. In fact. I even had Alex joke that Kara was playing the "Sherlock Homes role". To which Kara replied that in that case, maybe she ought to get hold of a pipe and a deerstalker cap! :lol:
#22 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisKelly 2019-05-04 11:41
Quoting Stewart Tick:
"She outwitted Mxy on her own..."

Yes, but Mxy was always portrayed in the comics as somewhat gullible, which Lex never was.
But I guess what I'm really saying is that what I would like to see is some well-planned and executed teamwork between the members of the Supergirl Team this time. As I've mentioned before, the "teamwork" aspect is one of the things I like best about the TV show. (It was also one the things I liked best about the Justice League comics.)

"I'd love to see Lena outsmart Lex. Play Lex like she did her Mother"

Me, too! That would be great :)

Quoting Stewart Tick:
"She outwitted Mxy on her own..."

Yes, but Mxy was always portrayed in the comics as somewhat gullible, which Lex never was.
But I guess what I'm really saying is that what I would like to see is some well-planned and executed teamwork between the members of the Supergirl Team this time. As I've mentioned before, the "teamwork" aspect is one of the things I like best about the TV show. (It was also one the things I liked best about the Justice League comics.)

"I'd love to see Lena outsmart Lex. Play Lex like she did her Mother"

Me, too! That would be great :)

Then must be loving this season....some like me would like to see some of Supergirl fighting battles on her own and winning....havent seen a lot of that this season, it has definitely been a "Superfriends" season....Im ready for some Supergirl. I dont mind the teamwork aspect, but when it comes to the heavy lifting that should be Supergirl.
#21 RE: The Quest for Peace Synopsismuckle9999 2019-05-04 08:17
Quoting SuprgrlFn:
Quoting evrafter:
Quoting Kelly:
If they pull the it Kara or RD dead as the cliffhanger my eyes are gonna roll outta my head.....please, pretty please no.

Bah ha ha ha, Kelly! Lol I literally was just about to say, "Hmmmm... A 'which one died' cliffhanger." Kara or Red Daughter? I mentioned it a few months back as a Crisis scenario. And think as a Crisis scene, it could be great drama. But, please just no as a summer cliffhanger.

Realistically speaking I feel like Red Supergirl has to die. She killed multiple innocent people in the White House. Even if she could be forgiven due to Lex’s manipulation, we have seen that inside, she is essentially Kara, and would never forgive HERSELF. They could try the “reabsorbtion” route, but then what? Kara would have all those memories and additional guilt? While that could be compelling to watch, she’s honestly got enough of her own trauma to unpack and frankly I don’t see this show getting that deep.

The Rooski is so adorable but unfortunately you may be right. But if she does die, I hope it will be an honorably death where many people are saved. Anytime you get a double shot of Melissa playing two different characters it's frosting on the cake. I hope they keep her around.
+3 #20 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisStewart Tick 2019-05-04 07:00
"She outwitted Mxy on her own..."

Yes, but Mxy was always portrayed in the comics as somewhat gullible, which Lex never was.
But I guess what I'm really saying is that what I would like to see is some well-planned and executed teamwork between the members of the Supergirl Team this time. As I've mentioned before, the "teamwork" aspect is one of the things I like best about the TV show. (It was also one the things I liked best about the Justice League comics.)

"I'd love to see Lena outsmart Lex. Play Lex like she did her Mother"

Me, too! That would be great :)
#19 RE: The Quest for Peace SynopsisSuprgrlFn 2019-05-04 05:57
Quoting evrafter:
Quoting Kelly:
If they pull the it Kara or RD dead as the cliffhanger my eyes are gonna roll outta my head.....please, pretty please no.

Bah ha ha ha, Kelly! Lol I literally was just about to say, "Hmmmm... A 'which one died' cliffhanger." Kara or Red Daughter? I mentioned it a few months back as a Crisis scenario. And think as a Crisis scene, it could be great drama. But, please just no as a summer cliffhanger.

Realistically speaking I feel like Red Supergirl has to die. She killed multiple innocent people in the White House. Even if she could be forgiven due to Lex’s manipulation, we have seen that inside, she is essentially Kara, and would never forgive HERSELF. They could try the “reabsorbtion” route, but then what? Kara would have all those memories and additional guilt? While that could be compelling to watch, she’s honestly got enough of her own trauma to unpack and frankly I don’t see this show getting that deep.
#18 RE: The Quest for Peace Synopsisjacksc01 2019-05-04 02:12
From the synopsis, there does not look to be much Kara as SuperGirl. I hope this is not true and that the ending does not consist of Dreamer doing the action scenes while Melissa is doing the Kara reporting scenes. I am trying to be optimistic but these synopsis do not help. I am not looking at SuperGirl to see Dreamer. I look at the show to see SuperGirl and what I would like to see in the final showdown is SuperGirl in full action.

The only other interpretation that I can take from the synopsis is that through the power of the press the people are shown that there are indeed two SuperGirls which then make the people realize that the real SuperGirl is still National City's hero.

Either way - I will be at the TV screen watching with angst.

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