The Missing Link Recap

Only two episodes remain and tonight was one of them. We are looking forward to seeing how the altered season 5 finale pans out but we are certainly looking at this through the lens of safety as well! Everyone needed to quarantine before the full finale could be completed. Tonight, Lex's plans are starting to work out in his favor, but could setting Leviathan and the Supers battle be the thing that brings him down? Will the weapon Lex stole from the Fortress end up being too much for team Supergirl? Let's watch and see, here's what stood out to us:

  1. Leviathan vs The Supers: Lex has successfully put team Supergirl in the cross-hairs of Leviathan. Brainy heads to confront Lex about this new development but Lex pleads that Brainy use logic to stay the course. Supergirl and her team plan to take both Leviathan and the Luthors down but the only thing they know about is Rama Khan but on Earth Prime, he hasn't been seen for decades. Lex and Lena head to her projects where a lock malfunctions and they are there to help fix a glitch. Kara and Alex head to, guest star Sean Astin, to find Rama Khan. Lex has recovered a weapon from the Fortress and gives it to Gemma, who in turn, gives it to Rama Khan to prove himself to her.
  2. Hunting Leviathan: The symbol that Kara and Alex are using shows up in history every time a major catastrophe happens. William calls with a lead and asks Kara to join him. Lena and Lex discover that their fix for humanity hit a glitch when two conflicting emotions were triggered in a life or death situation. Kara and William realize that Margot was using an image inducer, hiding their true forms. J'onn is working with M'gann and we learn that J'onn's brother is helping to bring peace finally to Mars. Back at the prison, the bodies are starting to reject the q-waves. There is a full-on prison riot in progress and Lex and Lena are trapped. Dreamer is searching for Leviathan in her dreams but needs to force Brainy out so she can focus. She believes she found Rama Khan in Oregon.
  3. Oregon: Rama Khan starts to try a massive earthquake in Oregon but he has to deal with J'onn, M'Gann, Dreamer, and Supergirl. The Martians phase into the Earth to take care of quakes. Brainy shows up to the battle but Supergirl and Dreamer have already beaten Rama Khan. Brainy says that he is taking Rama Khan before team super can question him. The supers then follow him back to the DEO. Meanwhile, the situation at the prison is getting worse. Lex and Lena go to save their one unaffected friend. Alex and her source get closer to Leviathan but start taking fire. Alex barely gets the escape.
  4. Interrogation: Brainy reveals in a new language that he is working with Lex. He asks that Rama Khan help get him into Leviathan's ship. Rama replies with, why do I want to get out when I worked so hard to get in. He breaks free of his chains and begins attacking the DEO while the staff scans the DEO for something. Dreamer catches on and Supergirl engages Rama. Meanwhile, William and Kelly find Eve Tessmacher! Kelly knows her or at least about her from pre-Crisis.
  5. Kryptonite: Turns out that Rama Khan wanted to go to the DEO so that he could pull all the Kryptonite out of the DEO. The Kryptonite had been reset due to Crisis and Superman didn't have it all like before. Rama Khan then starts to bring down the DEO. Kara, powerless, can't help but the Martians arrive to save her. Dreamer holds up the building as long as she can but Rama Khan does bring the entire DEO building to the ground. Meanwhile at the prison, Lena is able to make a fix to her program but it more likely removes the fix and just resets humans to normal. Lex uses a phase watch to occupy the prisoners to buy Lena time.

In the final wrap up moments, Dreamer puts the hard truth to Brainy and Brainy still doesn't crack. William and Kelly take their Eve news to Andrea to stop the unity festival but she dismisses them immediately. Lena discovers that her project could never work because the human body will always work to adapt and change. Lex reveals that he wants to rule humanity. He always knew Lena's plan wouldn't work. He loses it though when Lena calls him a megalomaniac. When Lex thought he had her cornered into his point of view, Lena turned on him. With the DEO lost and Kryptonite all over, Supergirl just has to call it a day and go home. J'onn shares a moment with M'gann. Alex tells Kelly how she feels not being in the military. Lex finally gets the invite he wants after killing all the prisoners. Lex meets with Brainy where Lex shows how he manipulated Brainy all along. William follows Eve but is captured. Lena shows up at Kara's place. Lena realizes she did become the villain. She asks for Kara's forgiveness and tells her that her brother is going to work with Leviathan to bring down the world. Lena wants to stop Leviathan and her brother.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #46 RE: The Missing Link RecapCatPat 2020-05-13 12:27
I, like many, grew increasingly weary of Lena's season long pity party. But, I do think we got a compelling trilogy [of sorts] of episodes out of it with Treamors, Its a Super Life and capped off by The Missing Link. Those 3 episodes I think best define the falling out between Lena and Kara.
+3 #45 Fast Building EvacuationConstance 2020-05-12 09:15
Another great episode! Great performances by Lena and Lex!
They sure were able to evacuate a huge 20-story DEO building (and all the imprisoned aliens) in a hurry without a single one hurt!
I really don't want Alex to be yet another vigilante more than she already has been (mask etc). There are enough characters on the show doing this already. I still would like more screen time for Melissa than she generally gets.
#44 RE: The Missing Link RecapCatPat 2020-05-12 06:53
Quoting SuprgrlFn:
[quote name="CatPat"][quote name="knightsabre7"][quote name="comic fan"]
WHAT rumors? I am still waiting for someone to provide a link or quote or something. We. Knew James and Winn were leaving long before their exits, but I haven’t seen anything about Lena.

I think this is another rumour started by "We Got This Covered". If I'm not mistaken, they were behind the rumour that Carlos Valdes was leaving Flash last season... he's still there... I think they also said Supergirl was being cancelled in season 4 to make room for the Supergirl DCEU film. They are hit and miss with their reporting. Until Katie or the producers announce it, probably nothing to concern yourself with... they and Cosmic Comic News like to rile up fans with their reporting in my opinion. The latter typically posts negative Batwoman and Supergirl articles almost weekly. I stopped reading them.
#43 RE: The Missing Link RecapSuprgrlFn 2020-05-12 05:21
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting knightsabre7:
Quoting comic fan:
So I see two ways they could write Katie out.

1)Lena dies.And I could even see Lex being the one who kills her as a inverse of the ending of last season.Lena killed Lex in the season 4 finale so Lex killing Lena in the season 5 finale would fit.Plus….

A)It would give Lex revenge for Lena killing him.
B)It would be revenge for Lena rejecting him and his goals in this episode.
C)It would hurt Kara.If he fails to kill Supergirl(which we know he will),this may be the next best thing he could do to stick it to Kara.

2)Lena decides to leave National City in some way.I would prefer this option just because it makes it easier for Katie to return for a ocassional guest appearance.

If Lex kills Lena I wonder if that might either push Kara over the edge and cause her to kill Lex, leading to emotional struggles next season, or fuel her power to save the day a la Superman reversing time after Lois died, although I guess they already did that in the season 3 finale.

Even if rumours of Katie leaving are true, I can't see them killing her off. The producers will hold out for potential return guest appearances. She is far too popular with the majority of fans. Hopefully, she isn't leaving. I still haven't gotten over the loss of Calista. With all these unique and creative social distancing measures, they should look at bringing Calista back. Her scenes could be shot stateside for the most part. Running Catco Worldwide from all over the world. Conducting zoom meeting, skyping in or just creative filming to look like she is interacting with other cast. A little Calista goes a long Flockharting way.

WHAT rumors? I am still waiting for someone to provide a link or quote or something. We. Knew James and Winn were leaving long before their exits, but I haven’t seen anything about Lena.
+1 #42 RE: The Missing Link RecapSuprgrlFn 2020-05-12 05:19
Quoting aragorn:

I really like William and its clear he is a potential love interest for Kara. He is the male Lois Lane practically and Kelly is good for Alex and Brainy is iconic like J’onn. Lena is boring. What really can they do more with her if she doesn’t become a full fletched villain.

Yes, clearly William is the new love-interest, and that’s fine, I just think he is boring as heck both as an actor and character. Not gonna lie, I would prefer a different girlfriend for Alex than one who constantly has that “therapist face” look going on. Brainy is iconic, and as I said, good comic relief, but meh - I’m happy enough with just J’onn.

Meanwhile, both James and Winn have left - the “normal” human characters and friends for Kara. Lena fits that slot nicely. Frankly, I don’t care if she has some long-running character arc beyond the current one. Not every character needs to have a “front and center” episode or storyline. Sometimes it’s enough to just be there. Kara needs friends who aren’t superheroes, and Lena fits that bill.
+1 #41 RE: The Missing Link RecapCatPat 2020-05-12 04:37
Quoting knightsabre7:
Quoting comic fan:
So I see two ways they could write Katie out.

1)Lena dies.And I could even see Lex being the one who kills her as a inverse of the ending of last season.Lena killed Lex in the season 4 finale so Lex killing Lena in the season 5 finale would fit.Plus….

A)It would give Lex revenge for Lena killing him.
B)It would be revenge for Lena rejecting him and his goals in this episode.
C)It would hurt Kara.If he fails to kill Supergirl(which we know he will),this may be the next best thing he could do to stick it to Kara.

2)Lena decides to leave National City in some way.I would prefer this option just because it makes it easier for Katie to return for a ocassional guest appearance.

If Lex kills Lena I wonder if that might either push Kara over the edge and cause her to kill Lex, leading to emotional struggles next season, or fuel her power to save the day a la Superman reversing time after Lois died, although I guess they already did that in the season 3 finale.

Even if rumours of Katie leaving are true, I can't see them killing her off. The producers will hold out for potential return guest appearances. She is far too popular with the majority of fans. Hopefully, she isn't leaving. I still haven't gotten over the loss of Calista. With all these unique and creative social distancing measures, they should look at bringing Calista back. Her scenes could be shot stateside for the most part. Running Catco Worldwide from all over the world. Conducting zoom meeting, skyping in or just creative filming to look like she is interacting with other cast. A little Calista goes a long Flockharting way.
#40 RE: The Missing Link Recapknightsabre7 2020-05-11 21:13
Quoting comic fan:
So I see two ways they could write Katie out.

1)Lena dies.And I could even see Lex being the one who kills her as a inverse of the ending of last season.Lena killed Lex in the season 4 finale so Lex killing Lena in the season 5 finale would fit.Plus….

A)It would give Lex revenge for Lena killing him.
B)It would be revenge for Lena rejecting him and his goals in this episode.
C)It would hurt Kara.If he fails to kill Supergirl(which we know he will),this may be the next best thing he could do to stick it to Kara.

2)Lena decides to leave National City in some way.I would prefer this option just because it makes it easier for Katie to return for a ocassional guest appearance.

If Lex kills Lena I wonder if that might either push Kara over the edge and cause her to kill Lex, leading to emotional struggles next season, or fuel her power to save the day a la Superman reversing time after Lois died, although I guess they already did that in the season 3 finale.
+1 #39 RE: The Missing Link Recapknightsabre7 2020-05-11 21:02
Quoting Littlegoldfish666:
Awesome seeing Willie Garson and Sean Astin, awesome actors.

And it figures that Sean Astin/Samwise Gamgee would be the expert on ancient history and lore. ;-)
#38 RE: The Missing Link RecapCatPat 2020-05-11 19:18
Quoting muckle9999:
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting RobertAnthony:
And I thought I would ask it; as next Sunday is the season finale, what will happen to the countdown clock?

Given how the shows are being delayed due to Covid-19.

The countdown clock could say : light-years away... ;-)

...or temporarily closed due to Covid-19!

How about the clock from the old tv show called the Twilight Zone where the hands go around and around.

I like that...
+1 #37 RE: The Missing Link RecapKaraD 2020-05-11 18:59
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting KaraD:
Anyone caught what Kara said to Alex in front of Kelly's friend (Sean Astin)? I don't get the reference but thought Melissa was so funny with her accent and acted like a dork! Alex was looking at Kara like a big sister is looking at her younger sister who just embarrassed her. :D

The Eliza Doolittle (My Fair Lady) quote... "the rain in spain stays mainly in the plain..."???

Thanks! I know Kara likes classic movies. I didn't know it was from My Fair Lady, I never actually saw this movie. I love Audrey Hepburn and Breakfast at Tiffany's is one of my favorite movies. I will for sure watch My Fair Lady soon.

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