Its no surprise to us that Supergirl the show and Melissa Benoist along with Chris Wood have been nominated for a Teen Choice award this year! The categories that are up for awards are Supergirl (the show) for #ChoiceActionTVShow; Melissa Benoist for #ChoiceActionTVActress and Chris Wood for #ChoiceActionTVActor! If you'd like to vote for these categories, you can visit and I believe you can vote using the hashtags provided through Twitter! Good Luck to our nominees!
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Any way I went to see Melissa on broadway yesterday afternoon and she hit it out of the park. I was front row aisle seat and Argo was right behind me in row B aisle seat. She spent alot of time on our side of the stage. I was no more then 5 feet from her and got my chance to flash her the house of EL. She smiled and continued singing. lol
After ward we waited for her at the stage door and she came out and signed autographs. Got a chance to talk to her and she is prettier in person. Great smile and a real sweetheart. Great day!