Premiere Title Change & Synopsis

With less than 18 days to go until the premiere of Supergirl's third season, the time for news and the regular press release schedule has returned! The CW is going to be releasing more and more information about upcoming episodes as well as those great promotional episode photos and inside look videos! As we know, the episode title for this premiere is "Girl of Steel". Now accompanying that is of course the official episode description:

Kara (Melissa Benoist) deals with the loss of Mon-El (Chris Wood) by focusing all her energy on being Supergirl and the mysterious new threat against National City. Alex (Chyler Leigh) confesses a secret to Maggie (guest star Floriana Lima) about their impending nuptials. A citizen of National City has a mysterious connection to Kara, and Lena (Katie McGrath) makes a bold move.

Of course, if you'd like to read more about the premiere, we've got a lot more information in our spoilers section! Read at your own risk!

Supergirl's third season episode "Girl of Steel" airs on The CW October 9th, at 8pm! Let us know what you think in the comments below and in the forum! Keep us your advertisement free source for Supergirl news and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#13 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisTriggy 2017-09-22 11:26
I bet the National City citizen with a connection to Kara will be Reign :-)
#12 Leave your weapons at the Admin 2017-09-22 10:17
Listen up everyone. I logged in this morning and I had several reported comments and read through a bunch of jabs pointed at each other. Here's the deal. We're going into season 3 and everyone needs to leave their weapons at the door if they are going to use this site.

Its a WIDELY known fact that our fandom is splintered and divided. That said, we all need to learn how to get along. For example, if your whole goal is to come on this site and say things like "I'm just here for Katie McGrath" then you aren't really using this site for its intended purpose. I would also add that having met Katie in person and talked with her both on camera and off, she would be the first to say she wants success for all the members of the show.

Additionally, coming here and saying you don't use the site anymore because you can't handle other peoples opinions isn't helping either. You're just stoking the fire.

As I said we are going into season 3 and I want us to try and use this site (which is free and has no advertisements) to discuss the show constructively and with respect toward each other. When you are here, you aren't a representative of Supercorp, Karamel, Sanvers, or whatever other ship/agenda, you are a fan of the show and you hold your own opinions. So long as you share them respectfully, you will be met with that same respect and I will moderate the hell out of the site to make sure that happens.

Lets all take a moment to commit to peace and respect to each other here. It will make season 3 all the more better.
#11 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere Synopsislittlestar64 2017-09-22 10:09
Quoting Admin:
Quoting Brierrose:
It's early and I may not be fully awake but has the episode title changed or not?

It did not change, I read the press release wrong. Its still "Girl of Steel"

New poll idea! Which if Supergirl's names do people prefer: Girl of Steel, Maiden of Might, or Last Daughter of Krypton? (Or just Supergirl, I guess.)
#10 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere Admin 2017-09-22 09:59
Quoting Brierrose:
It's early and I may not be fully awake but has the episode title changed or not?

It did not change, I read the press release wrong. Its still "Girl of Steel"
#9 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere Synopsislittlestar64 2017-09-22 09:21
Quoting jacksc01:
A nice synopsis of the episode but I hope the writers are not making the same mistake of putting too many subplots into one episode and therefore giving us choppy scenes which are missing important dialogue.

Agreed, but season premieres usually set a lot of plot lines in motion. S1 premiere gave us the DEO and Supergirl, and revealed Astra as the villain while s2 brought in Lena, Cadmus and mon el. Both of them were quite good, and I expect this one will be the same.
#8 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisDraftingDrafter 2017-09-22 08:39
So so excited for the premiere! It feels like October can't come soon enough!! :D
#7 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisRschick 2017-09-22 08:05
Quoting Littlegoldfish666:
Looking forward to seeing Katie McGrath. The rest, I'll just skip past it

Katie seems like a lovely person. Would you proudly show her your post, or would you be embarrassed by it? she must be so proud of her fans!! No wonder she stays off social media
#6 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisLittlegoldfish666 2017-09-22 07:06
Looking forward to seeing Katie McGrath. The rest, I'll just skip past it
#5 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisBrierrose 2017-09-22 06:48
It's early and I may not be fully awake but has the episode title changed or not?
#4 RE: Supergirl Season 3 Premiere SynopsisJazacookie52 2017-09-22 05:39
I can't wait for my favorite show to be back on air!!

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