Supergirl Renewed for Season 6

So many times we've heard other "news" sites trying to drum up the falsehood that Supergirl is going to be cancelled. Well today is yet another day Supergirl fans can celebrate because The CW has given an early renewal order for Supergirl season 6! In addition, The CW also renewed the entire Arrowverse (not including Arrow which is having it's last season right now). This early order doesn't speak to the two new shows being developed by The CW, Superman and Lois and Green Arrow and the Canaries. Here's what network executive Mark Pedowitz had to say about the early renewals:

These early orders for next season give our production teams a head start in plotting out story arcs and a jump on hiring staff, and this also provides us with a strong foundation of established, fan-favorite CW shows to build on for next season. We’ve been thrilled with the creative direction of all three new series, and even though we are in the very early stages of our new full stack streaming strategy, which allows viewers to catch up on our new shows from the beginning, we’re already seeing incredibly positive results from our multiplatform viewership for Nancy Drew and Batwoman

It would seem you guys are stuck with us for another season! Let us know what you think in the comments below and in the forum! Keep us advertisement free and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#23 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6majuba 2020-01-17 22:29
So well deserved. It feels like the last 15 episodes (pre-crisis) have been a wave of amazing content, great drama, and interesting action. For some reason IMDB's renewal page is missing Supergirl among all the rest, so I'd been slightly worried.
#22 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6aragorn 2020-01-11 12:46
Awesome news really hope we will see Mon-El in season 6
#21 HOORAY!Constance 2020-01-09 13:31
HOORAY! I LOVE this show!
+1 #20 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6muckle9999 2020-01-08 13:38
Splendid New Year's News! Long may you run Supergirl.
#19 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6LibertyPrime 2020-01-08 09:19
Quoting Romulus:
LOT will also be in the same position (but their seasons tend to be shorter so they might have a couple more years left thereafter) but it is such a niche show that it could go into Supernatural longevity territory season-wise. That show is the true wildcard in the entire deck.

The rotating ensemble cast and shifts in mission have helped keep it fresh, IMO.

Seven years for SG would be a darn fine run. Whenever the end comes, I hope TPTB have a good plan in place to go out on a high note.
+1 #18 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6Romulus 2020-01-08 08:36
Quoting Kelly:
Most cancellation talk is "clickbait" and not worth my time.

Congratulations to the cast and crew for another season.

I believe we will also get a 7th and final season. Not because they want to cancel the show, but because Melissa will be ready to hang up the cape and move on to new horizons....


This would make sense and be in line with the CW's ever-expanding roster of superhero-themed shows.

The Flash should/would also be in its 8th Season and since COIE has been done story-wise and the mountain has been climbed, it would be a fine time for Grant to hang up his boots.

LOT will also be in the same position (but their seasons tend to be shorter so they might have a couple more years left thereafter) but it is such a niche show that it could go into Supernatural longevity territory season-wise. That show is the true wildcard in the entire deck.

Given all of the new and new-ish shows in the fold, expect the 2022/2023 season to be one of flux for the mainstay shows.
+5 #17 Never doubted it...Kelly 2020-01-08 08:05
Most cancellation talk is "clickbait" and not worth my time.

Congratulations to the cast and crew for another season.

I believe we will also get a 7th and final season. Not because they want to cancel the show, but because Melissa will be ready to hang up the cape and move on to new horizons....
+3 #16 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6Romulus 2020-01-08 05:45
Kiwi wrote:

"Admin "It would seem you guys are stuck with us for another season!"

If you're happy to stick with us we'll happily stick with you ."


I'll second and third that. Even for those of us who tend to throw the occasional wobbly (fit / tantrum) when the show's PTB make silly, nonsensical decisions. :D

This site is a good sounding board and the members tend to be civil and thoughtful. Always a pleasure to drop by and contribute to. ;-)

Nonetheless, it's good news for 2020 onward for the cast, crew, producers and the fans. Enjoy the roller coaster ride. There is another go-round in the offing.
+2 #15 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6Kiwi 2020-01-08 02:38
Coolness, congrats to the EP's, cast and crew on the renewal. I shall look forward to another Season (6) of the show along with Season 7 of The Flash and Season 1 of Superman and Lois (which I hope is paired with Supergirl on the same night, that would be a real Super Sunday).

Quoting Drholiday51:
Now we need Kate to sign a new contract, and come back.

I like Katie (as she was so nice to meet in person) but I'm kinda over her character (especially her behaviour in recent episodes) and I wouldn't miss Lena if she wasn't in Season 6.

Another thing I'm hoping for in Season 6 is no crossovers, I'd like a entire season where Melissa has her normal screen-time in each and every episode.

Admin "It would seem you guys are stuck with us for another season!"

If you're happy to stick with us we'll happily stick with you :-) .
+4 #14 RE: Supergirl Renewed for Season 6Bob 2020-01-07 21:52
Well, here's my first comment since the last season ended. If the talented cast of Supergirl are game to shoot another season, I'm really happy for them and for the fans of the show.

I was among the first to join this site, and I was an early and vocal supporter of the show. Much of the first two seasons and some of the third made for entertaining television. Some of the writing was really bad, but the show made up for it with action, passion and heart. Then it changed, and I was among those who lamented the different direction. I stopped watching after season 4 because I was so disappointed with the new direction. The move away from shooting compelling action sequences ruined the show for me.

Recently, I've seen Melissa's brave revelation of suffering an abusive relationship. I now believe part of the reason for the shift in direction is a result of that trauma and Melissa's and/or the show's decision to not subject her to the simulated violence that a superhero generally faces in this type of program. I completely understand this reasoning, and I fully support the actress in taking whatever steps are required to recover from this devastating situation. Obviously, the human being must come first.

I am truly sorry for bemoaning the change in the show's direction. Had I known the probable reason for it, I would have reacted much differently. Best of luck to the cast and crew. I hope you have the opportunity to carry Supergirl forward as long as you wish to.

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