Supergirl 100th Episode Gallery

The one hundredth episode of Supergirl is on the horizon and while last week we learned that this will center around Kara tell Lena she is Supergirl before Lex can, today we are getting a look at the episode via a brand new gallery. The images look a bit darker in tone than we thought they would be but they do fearture Thomas Lennon's new Mxyzptlk and of course Jeremy Jordan's Winn Schott. We won't go too heavy into the speculation, but we'll leave that to you:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #20 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Galleryaragorn 2020-02-14 15:05
Quoting kdogg87:
I was literally on IG an hour ago, seeing Supercorp flip out over this episode catering to them (which was always doubtful if you've seem "Its a Wonderful Life", which the title pays homage to). Then, an hour later, TV Line shares pics of Mon-El also returning for the ep. Fully suited up. Their tune sure changed quick, lol.

For clarity, I don't support either "ship", as the drama with the fandom in seasons 2 and 3 just made me hate shipping, in general. BUT...I couldn't help but laugh at the timing. Looks like they are bringing a lot of folks back for this!

The SC fandom is just the worst and so entitled. They really can’t accept Kara and Lena is straight. Its pretty far out there how they act.
This ep will make Kara and Lena even more enemies because it will show to Kara not even telling Lena she is -Supergirl first will change anything between them. If Judging out of “its a wonderful life” thats the way it will go.
#19 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode GalleryThalolli 2020-02-14 10:51
I don't think the shipper wars of old can really compare to the modern ones in the age of widespread internet usage. Particularly with the amount of bullying that goes on against the actors and writers. The Vampire Diaries fandom I think had some of that too.

Honestly, if your ship makes you act like a despicable person to other human beings, then it's not a good ship. It's like Staz Nair said, it's people obsessing over a fantasy within a fantasy, except they take it into trying to cause real harm to real life people via bullying.
+1 #18 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Gallerycomic fan 2020-02-14 10:40
Quoting kdogg87:
I was literally on IG an hour ago, seeing Supercorp flip out over this episode catering to them (which was always doubtful if you've seem "Its a Wonderful Life", which the title pays homage to). Then, an hour later, TV Line shares pics of Mon-El also returning for the ep. Fully suited up. Their tune sure changed quick, lol.

For clarity, I don't support either "ship", as the drama with the fandom in seasons 2 and 3 just made me hate shipping, in general. BUT...I couldn't help but laugh at the timing. Looks like they are bringing a lot of folks back for this!

The Buffyverse fandom did the same thing to me.I started watching Buffy in season 2 and was/remained a Buffy/Angel shipper through all seven seasons of Buffy,all five seasons of Angel and Joss Whedon's canon comic continuation(seasons 8-12) that ran from 2007-2019.And it was torture.

The shipper wars between the Buffy/Angel(Bangel) shippers vs the Buffy/Riley shippers in season 4.And the Buffy/Spike shippers(spuffy) in seasons 5-7 of Buffy and then again in seasons 8-12(the spuffy shippers reminds me of supercorp.A popular non canon ship that it's fans wanted to become canon and in Buffy/Spike's case did).Plus the Angel/Cordelia shippers(Cangel) in seasons 3-5 of Angel.

After the fandom issues ,and the stress of shipping a specific couple on a long running series,I swore I would never ship a couple again.I've found myself much more relaxed and happy.Even the BOOM! Buffy Comic reboot,I don't ship.

I just go where the shows take me.For example ,I'll give the idea of Kara/William a chance just like I would with Kara/Lena or Kara/anyone.If I enjoy the storyline,that it did it's job and I have no expectations on how long things last.

So I'm happy to see Mon-El back for the 100th episode.Not for shipper reasons.I just want to see the character back for a bit and Chris Wood back in the role even if it's just one episode.
#17 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode GalleryThalolli 2020-02-14 10:07
Quoting kdogg87:
Then, an hour later, TV Line shares pics of Mon-El also returning for the ep. Fully suited up. Their tune sure changed quick, lol.

For clarity, I don't support either "ship", as the drama with the fandom in seasons 2 and 3 just made me hate shipping, in general. BUT...I couldn't help but laugh at the timing. Looks like they are bringing a lot of folks back for this!

I don't think much shippy can happen for Mon-El if he's just around for one episode with plenty of other stuff going on as well. Maybe he won't even be from "our universe". He could be earth 1 or maybe somebody really changed from the Wonderful Life timeline Myxy creates?

And so far the list of returning people I've seen hasn't impressed me. IMO James, Clark, Maggie, M'gann, ALURA are people I would have wanted to see in the 100th. And of course Cat, but I can see how Calista is probably an impossible get.

I was super excited to see Mon-El in the suit, but it seems like a weird episode to stick him in. Myxy after all hated him, but will they find time to remember that? or will he in some way comment on the William situation if there is one? What about the situation with Brainy working with Lex? I don't see how any of those lose threads could be addressed, so it probably makes more sense if Mon-El is from an alternate universe.
+1 #16 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode GalleryThalolli 2020-02-14 10:02
Quoting muckle9999:

Well, I'm hoping that Mxy changes all that for the better and things do change between Kara and Lena. If nothing changes, Like you said, that would suck. ;-) But I can't see any other way for them to reconcile. Otherwise what's the point in bringing Mxy back.

I really don't think the troubles between Kara and Lena should be resolved with some magic wand waggling. If there is really no other way for them to reconcile that doesn't really speak particularly highly of their relationship. They should work through their issues.

BTW, really sad to hear that so far I've heard nothing of James returning. He really should be in the 100th.
+1 #15 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Gallerykdogg87 2020-02-14 10:00
I was literally on IG an hour ago, seeing Supercorp flip out over this episode catering to them (which was always doubtful if you've seem "Its a Wonderful Life", which the title pays homage to). Then, an hour later, TV Line shares pics of Mon-El also returning for the ep. Fully suited up. Their tune sure changed quick, lol.

For clarity, I don't support either "ship", as the drama with the fandom in seasons 2 and 3 just made me hate shipping, in general. BUT...I couldn't help but laugh at the timing. Looks like they are bringing a lot of folks back for this!
#14 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode GalleryThalolli 2020-02-14 09:41
I miss the old Myxy.

Lena looks like she is getting ready to stab Kara in the back despite knowing the truth.

I have seen some additional pictures floating around, are those real?

ETA: they were from tvline
#13 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Gallerymuckle9999 2020-02-14 08:54
Quoting Kelly:
So, this is simply going back to before Lex told Lena who Supergirl was? Hmmmmm.....what if nothing changes, Lena still gets upset as she did before? That would suck....hahaha. My hope would be that Kara would then say....well, ok, nothing changed so fine screw you Lena, get some therapy and call me later.

Well, I'm hoping that Mxy changes all that for the better and things do change between Kara and Lena. If nothing changes, Like you said, that would suck. ;-) But I can't see any other way for them to reconcile. Otherwise what's the point in bringing Mxy back.
#12 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Gallerymuckle9999 2020-02-14 08:33
Quoting CatPat:
I'm thinking the recast Mxy will be fun. This actor can convey mischief.

I hope and pray you are right on. And here comes the but.......But if this guy doesn't cut the mustard, I fear that the entire episode will go right down the tubes. The original Mxy is going to be hard to match. I thought the writing for that episode was very good. I mean who can forget the onslaught of insults to Jealous Monty. That Mxy delivered the goods and I will be rooting for this guy.
+2 #11 RE: Supergirl 100th Episode Galleryjacksc01 2020-02-14 07:04
Quoting Kelly:
So, this is simply going back to before Lex told Lena who Supergirl was? Hmmmmm.....what if nothing changes, Lena still gets upset as she did before? That would suck....hahaha. My hope would be that Kara would then say....well, ok, nothing changed so fine screw you Lena, get some therapy and call me later.

Love this comment - I agree 100%

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