Today we are getting a first look at November 18th's all new episode of Supergirl, the sixth episode of season four. Now that the CW has released the synopsis, we know that we are going to see the traditional Thanksgiving episode! In addition, it sounds like Kara is going to do some kind of political style debate with Ben Lockwood. James and Lena may be having an argument about the best way to handle the Children of Liberty, Lockwoods' growing militia. Check out the synopsis for yourself below:
THANKSGIVING — Everyone gathers for Thanksgiving but Kara (Melissa Benoist) is feeling down after her televised debate with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer) about the anti-alien sentiment coursing through National City. Meanwhile, James (Mehcad Brooks) and Lena (Katie McGrath) argue about the best way to handle the Children of Liberty. Antonio Negret directed the episode written by Gabriel Llanas & Daniel Beaty (#406).
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Quote: No thank you to yet another time with Alex drinking too much. The woman needs to be allowed to stay healthy, both physically and emotionally, and move on with her life.
Legendary, and in Kara's opinion there's the best dessert in the galaxy from the 12 planets she's been to - Eliza's Chocolate Pecan Pie
And we can't forget Eliza's Glazed Carrots!
One of my favorite episodes in the entire series was Medusa. Especially the Thanksgiving scene when Monty brought stuffing from his mattress and then proceeded to sweet talk Eliza. Yeah, we need Eliza to carve the Turkey.
I so hope so. Eliza (Helen) was in the S1 (Livewire) and S2 (Medusa) Thanksgiving episodes so it's tradition now. I know the characters (Kara and Alex) wouldn't leave their Mom alone on Thanksgiving in Midvale so hopefully the writers (Gabriel Llanas & Daniel Beaty) haven't forgotten about her. And if Kara is feeling down it would be nice to see Eliza impart some Motherly wisdom and encouragement. I really enjoyed the Supergirls (Helen and Melissa) shared scene in the 'Midvale' episode last season, another one here would be fantastic.
Perhaps Admin would be kind enough to find out if Helen is in the episode otherwise I'll happily wait until the photos are released.