Saturn Girl is Cast

Much speculation has gone into where Mon-El went at the end of season 2 and the majority of that speculation has been that he went to the future to work with the Legion of Superheroes! Giving more credit to that rumor is the fact that Supergirl has just cast the part of Saturn Girl! has learned that the part will be played by Bollywood actress Amy Jackson! The character description is as follows:

Imra ArDeen aka Saturn Girl uses her telekinetic ability to help those in need. She was born on Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, and arrives on Earth to help Supergirl battle one of her biggest threats.

1035 saturngirl

As you can see in the description, there is no mention of the Legion but this casting announcement does bring about some big possibilities!

Supergirl returns to The CW October 9th at 8pm! Let us know what you think of the news in the comments below and in the forum! Keep us your Supergirl advertisement free source for news and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#65 Saturn Girl is CastFrancis_1958 2017-10-02 18:01
Finally we the LoS ring come to fruition with the appearance of Saturn Girl.
With Saturn Girl's appearance can Mon-El be far behind?
How will the producers handle Saturn Girl's appearance?
It opens up a myriad of possibilities and plot lines.
I look forward to Amy Jackson's interpretation of Saturn Girl.
Up,up and away for SUPERGIRL!!!
#64 RE: Saturn Girl is CastRH321 2017-10-01 19:02
Quoting Brierrose:

Yep, this is what I meant. Chris is a regular and his salary reflects that in his contract. It's likely at least for this season he gets paid at that level no matter how much he works. Of course contracts get renegotiated but there's a good reason character deaths and/or reduced roles happen when a actors contract is up, it's hard to do. Unless there's a problem with the actors behavior on or sometimes off the set, not an issue here, the studio has to pay them per thier contract. Reducing Chris's role would be a waste of money which TPTB care a lot about. BTW I'm not a shipper, don't care if Kara and Mon-El are together but IMO having him come back married is not a good way to break them up.

Like you said, we'll have to wait to see what they cook up. But I think you're right to be skeptical. I don't think it will be as simple as Mon-El returns with a wife thus putting a lid on his relationship with Kara. And I don't think he's leaving the show nor do I think his wife will become a mainstay (like Lyla on Arrow) so there will be more to the story. ;-)

I'm fine as long as it makes sense nd it's not an annoying love triangle.
#63 RE: Saturn Girl is CastDraftingDrafter 2017-10-01 17:53
Quoting Kelly:
I have no idea the thinking of the writer's, I simply respect that it is their call in what they write, and how they write the characters. When I don't like something, I've said as much on their twitter feed. Respectfully of course, but in the end, it is their call. I think you both have a point, however, I'm not sure that there was a plan in place for Guardian or Maggie's character other than being a part of Alex's coming out story, which is probably why they were not utilized, whereas I believe there is a plan for Mon-el's character and it is one that is pulled from the comics, so there is at least a story board of sorts to plan from. Whereas with Guardian and Maggie, even though both are from the comics, they are far from the story boards and were not a part of the Supergirl lore, they were created within totally separate story lines from Supergirl.

So wouldn't the plan for Mon-El's character tie directly into LoS? Isn't that the whole bigger picture here? The writers are developing his character into his superhero alter ego and that in and of itself pulls him away from the Supergirl narrative and directly into the LoS narrative. So coupling him with another member of the legion makes complete sense despite his status as a 'regular'.

Mon-El isn't a part of Supergirl lore either, but he and Supergirl are both a part of Superman & LoS lore.
#62 RE: Saturn Girl is CastKelly 2017-10-01 15:06
I have no idea the thinking of the writer's, I simply respect that it is their call in what they write, and how they write the characters. When I don't like something, I've said as much on their twitter feed. Respectfully of course, but in the end, it is their call. I think you both have a point, however, I'm not sure that there was a plan in place for Guardian or Maggie's character other than being a part of Alex's coming out story, which is probably why they were not utilized, whereas I believe there is a plan for Mon-el's character and it is one that is pulled from the comics, so there is at least a story board of sorts to plan from. Whereas with Guardian and Maggie, even though both are from the comics, they are far from the story boards and were not a part of the Supergirl lore, they were created within totally separate story lines from Supergirl.
#61 RE: Saturn Girl is CastDraftingDrafter 2017-10-01 10:37
Quoting Brierrose:

Yep, this is what I meant. Chris is a regular and his salary reflects that in his contract. It's likely at least for this season he gets paid at that level no matter how much he works. Of course contracts get renegotiated but there's a good reason character deaths and/or reduced roles happen when a actors contract is up, it's hard to do. Unless there's a problem with the actors behavior on or sometimes off the set, not an issue here, the studio has to pay them per thier contract. Reducing Chris's role would be a waste of money which TPTB care a lot about. BTW I'm not a shipper, don't care if Kara and Mon-El are together but IMO having him come back married is not a good way to break them up.

Ok I get where you're coming from, but look at how they underutilized the other 'regulars' last season. Both Mehcad and Floriana were billed as regulars but didn't get the screen time one would think a regular should get. So what makes Chris's (possible) situation in s3 any different from theirs in s2?

I still stick by my statement that these writers don't fully care if we think it's good/bad storytelling; they know how they want to tell their story and they'll do it regardless of how we the viewers feel about it.
#60 RE: Saturn Girl is CastBrierrose 2017-10-01 10:03
Quoting RH321:
Quoting DraftingDrafter:

Quoting Brierrose:
It doesn't fit with Chris being a regular, CW loves Chris Wood and wants him as a regular on their network.
Not sure what his being a regular has to do with pairing his character with Saturn Girl.

I think she's referring to Saturn Girl being from the future so if he's a regular, how can he stay married to a woman from the future unless she moves permanently to the past (unlikely and might affect the time line)?

Yep, this is what I meant. Chris is a regular and his salary reflects that in his contract. It's likely at least for this season he gets paid at that level no matter how much he works. Of course contracts get renegotiated but there's a good reason character deaths and/or reduced roles happen when a actors contract is up, it's hard to do. Unless there's a problem with the actors behavior on or sometimes off the set, not an issue here, the studio has to pay them per thier contract. Reducing Chris's role would be a waste of money which TPTB care a lot about. BTW I'm not a shipper, don't care if Kara and Mon-El are together but IMO having him come back married is not a good way to break them up.
#59 RE: Saturn Girl is Castevrafter 2017-10-01 08:10
#58 RE: Saturn Girl is CastKiwi 2017-10-01 02:23
Quoting Kelly:
The reality and despair of the "non-shipping Supergirl fan". Maybe I SHOULD WRITE A FAN FICTION ABOUT US.

As a non-shipping Supergirl fan I say write us a fan fiction story Kelly. I would definitely enjoy reading it. It could go something like a few members are gathered at your apartment for a Supergirl watch party eating Pizza and Potstickers with that best dessert in the galaxy Chocolate Pecan Pie. Then we'd watch a Supergirl episode filled with Kara kicking some behind and generally being Super. Throw in Kara doing some reporting and a sister moment or 2 and we'd just enjoy a pretty fine Supergirl episode :-).

On the subject of Saturn Girl though, what costume would folks like to see for her (couple of links attached with a look at her costume history 1), 2) The one in the photo above is pretty good, although I prefer the pink to the red, like her 90's costume.
#57 RE: Saturn Girl is CastDraftingDrafter 2017-09-30 22:32
Quoting RH321:
Quoting DraftingDrafter:

It doesn't fit with Chris being a regular, CW loves Chris Wood and wants him as a regular on their network.
Not sure what his being a regular has to do with pairing his character with Saturn Girl.

I think she's referring to Saturn Girl being from the future so if he's a regular, how can he stay married to a woman from the future unless she moves permanently to the past (unlikely and might affect the time line)?
Ahh ok gotcha
#56 RE: Saturn Girl is CastRH321 2017-09-30 22:11
Quoting DraftingDrafter:

It doesn't fit with Chris being a regular, CW loves Chris Wood and wants him as a regular on their network.
Not sure what his being a regular has to do with pairing his character with Saturn Girl.
I think she's referring to Saturn Girl being from the future so if he's a regular, how can he stay married to a woman from the future unless she moves permanently to the past (unlikely and might affect the time line)?

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