Reign Episode 309 Synopsis

The first episode after the true four-show crossover will introduce us to Reign! In the episode titled "Reign", Kara is going to be doing some investigating to find out why strange Kryptonian symbols have been appearing around National City. If the prevalence of Reign wasn't enough, it sounds like Morgan Edge is going to be making a return as well! Check out the synopsis below:

REIGN CHALLENGES SUPERGIRL – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) investigates a mysterious symbol popping up all over National City, tracing its origins back to an ancient prophecy and the mark of the World Killer, Reign (Odetee Annable). Meanwhile, the tension between Lena (Katie McGrath) and Morgan Edge (guest star Adrian Pasdar) continues to build, causing James to step in and offer up some protection, and possibly igniting a spark in the process. Glen Winter directed the episode written by Paula Yoo & Caitlin Parrish (#309).

Spark between James and Lena? OOOooo! Let us know what you think of the synopsis in the comments below and in the forum! Keep us your advertisement free source for Supergirl news and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+2 #38 RE: Reign Episode 309 Synopsisigold531 2017-11-19 16:20
Quoting SuperMatt:
Really excited for tomorrow, wondering if they will wake up saturn girl and we finally get to see what the real deal with her and mon el is.

Also I want Reign to semi-awaken this episode.

I want him to be married to Saturn Girl so that Kara can move on. He took up way too much screen time and storyline last year- IMHO and yes- I’d love to see Reign awaken tomorrow!
#37 RE: Reign Episode 309 SynopsisSuperMatt 2017-11-19 15:27
Really excited for tomorrow, wondering if they will wake up saturn girl and we finally get to see what the real deal with her and mon el is.

Also I want Reign to semi-awaken this episode.
+3 #36 RE: Reign Episode 309 Synopsisigold531 2017-11-18 11:42
Quoting DraftingDrafter:
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Admin:
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Kara Zor-EL:
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:

I swear the CW just wants to ruin this show.

Curious, are you saying that Lena with James ruins the show? If so, how?

Because they have zero chemistry. If she’s going to have a relationship, it should be with someone with whom she has chemistry. Jack and she had chemistry- James and her do not. The CW throws couples together just for the sake of it- hence, taking the focus off of Supergirl and putting it on these insignificant pairings, thusly, ruining the show.

It's almost like the writers don't know what to do with James. In s1 he was a photojournalist, in s2 he was Guardian and the acting CEO of CatCo, and in s3 his storyline is shaping up to being a love interest.

It's incredibly unfortunate :/

Exactly- gee we don'tknow what to do with James, so let's throw him and Lena together. Worst. Idea. Ever.
+1 #35 RE: Reign Episode 309 SynopsisDraftingDrafter 2017-11-18 01:07
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Admin:
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Kara Zor-EL:
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:

I swear the CW just wants to ruin this show.

Curious, are you saying that Lena with James ruins the show? If so, how?

Because they have zero chemistry. If she’s going to have a relationship, it should be with someone with whom she has chemistry. Jack and she had chemistry- James and her do not. The CW throws couples together just for the sake of it- hence, taking the focus off of Supergirl and putting it on these insignificant pairings, thusly, ruining the show.

It's almost like the writers don't know what to do with James. In s1 he was a photojournalist, in s2 he was Guardian and the acting CEO of CatCo, and in s3 his storyline is shaping up to being a love interest.

It's incredibly unfortunate :/
+2 #34 RE: Reign Episode 309 Synopsisigold531 2017-11-17 20:16
Quoting Admin:
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Kara Zor-EL:
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:

I swear the CW just wants to ruin this show.

Curious, are you saying that Lena with James ruins the show? If so, how?

Because they have zero chemistry. If she’s going to have a relationship, it should be with someone with whom she has chemistry. Jack and she had chemistry- James and her do not. The CW throws couples together just for the sake of it- hence, taking the focus off of Supergirl and putting it on these insignificant pairings, thusly, ruining the show.
#33 RE: Reign Episode 309 Admin 2017-11-17 19:01
Quoting igold531:
Quoting Kara Zor-EL:
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:

I swear the CW just wants to ruin this show.

Curious, are you saying that Lena with James ruins the show? If so, how?
+2 #32 RE: Reign Episode 309 Synopsisigold531 2017-11-17 18:34
Quoting Kara Zor-EL:
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:

I swear the CW just wants to ruin this show.
#31 RE: Reign Episode 309 SynopsisKara Zor-EL 2017-11-17 18:23
I called it regarding a possible romance with James and Lena. Not that I'm bragging. :lol:
+1 #30 RE: Reign Episode 309 SynopsisKelly 2017-11-17 13:11
Quoting igold531:
Can't wait to see Odette as full-on Reign, but I do NOT want to see Lena and James. They have zero chemistry and it feels like another forced love interest. Why does everybody have to be romantically involved? Oh, because it's the CW. Let's focus on the character's strengths and leave the romance until you find actors/actresses with real chemistry, not this forced crap. This is Supergirl, not Days of Our Lives...

I'll give the wait and see answer on James and Lena....I haven't really seen enough of the two of them together to know if they have chemistry or not.
+4 #29 Can't wait for Reignigold531 2017-11-17 07:51
Can't wait to see Odette as full-on Reign, but I do NOT want to see Lena and James. They have zero chemistry and it feels like another forced love interest. Why does everybody have to be romantically involved? Oh, because it's the CW. Let's focus on the character's strengths and leave the romance until you find actors/actresses with real chemistry, not this forced crap. This is Supergirl, not Days of Our Lives...

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