Red Dawn Gallery

Last night we got to see the trailer for the penultimate episode of season 4. Today we are getting nineteen new images to go along with that trailer. The images look to be telling a much more expansive story! Judging from what we are seeing, James is going to have side effects from the Harun-El that might put him in danger. Brainy and Dreamer get caught by the Children of Liberty, J'onn and Kara have a planning session and Linda Lee aka Red Daughter herself seems to be making some moves of her own! Check out the images for yourself below:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail:
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


+1 #24 RE: Red Dawn GalleryStewart Tick 2019-05-11 09:28
"That could easily bring us to Lex impersonating Pres. Baker since his escape in House of L."

Yes, and if that is the case, then Kara or Lena (or ideally, both of them together) discovering that Lex has in fact been impersonating the President would be the beginning of his entire plot unraveling. And since Lex thinks he is so much smarter and more clever than everyone else, he would be totally shocked and taken by surprise if he finds out that the Supergirl Team has figured out his impersonation scheme (without Lex himself suspecting a thing). I would love to see the expression on his face in the season finale when that fact finally dawns on him!
+1 #23 Red Daughter with silencer and Kara with arm wound ...scforbes8489 2019-05-10 20:55
Quoting Supergirl_peril:
When I see the picture of Red Daughter looking down, it looks like she is in an office building or hotel, or maybe the White House. It makes me think when Kara was grabbed at the end of the last episode, they will take her somewhere and she won't fight and give away who she is, but I think they already know. She will be tossed in the room and she will lay on the ground like she is hurt or something, and Red Daughter (Linda Lee version) will be waiting for her. I think Red Daughter's expression might be when the bag comes off her head, and she sees her face to face. Maybe that is where RD says she is supposed to kill SG.

Looking forward to the episode, even if once again the picture gallery was sadly lacking Supergirl pictures. :(

In other pics I saw where Red Daughter has time (apparently) to put a silencer on that gun she's holding. SO they must be having a long conversation. Later, it looks like J'Onn is treating Kara for a wound on her left arm (kryptonite bullet? hmm) Can't WAIT to see how this all plays out! I bet Kara - at some point - makes Red Daughter realize that "Alex" wasn't "Lex" but is her sister. Red Daughter will resent Lex for that!
+2 #22 RE: Red Dawn GalleryBrierrose 2019-05-10 19:48
I can defiantly see Lex blackmailing Pres. Baker and using an image inducer to impersonate him too. I'd put a high probability on impersonation since Lex's escape. Lets look at the timeline. When we first meet Pres. Baker it's just before he takes office and he and Supergirl are good even friendly. The next time we see him is in Ahimsa where he kinda freaks out when Supergirl almost dies but somebody, likely the chief of staff we now know is helping Lex, gets him to calm down. What if between his taking office and Ahimsa Lex has started blackmailing him and he's on edge about that. Then we don't see Pres. Baker until he demands Supergirl revel her identity in Bunker Hill. We know Lex was in National City during Elseworlds so what if that's Lex using an image inducer, that's the first time he's truly unhinged. What if the real Pres. Baker doesn't know he supposedly demanded Supergirl's identity. We don't actually see him asking about it after the initial demand, Haley's the one who takes that ball and runs with it but she could be doing that on her own. We don't see Pres. Baker again until someone, his chief of staff I presume, tells him he can free Ben Lockwood. We next see Pres. Baker in What's so Funny....... when he appoints Lockwood as head of Allen Affairs but he doesn't seem unhinged in that scene. Later in that episode when Supergirl confronts him about operation Claymore he does seem a bit unhinged so that could be Lex, either that or the real Pres. Baker is cracking under the pressure of being blackmailed. That could easily bring us to Lex impersonating Pres. Baker since his escape in House of L.
#21 Red Daughter looking downSupergirl_peril 2019-05-10 18:22
When I see the picture of Red Daughter looking down, it looks like she is in an office building or hotel, or maybe the White House. It makes me think when Kara was grabbed at the end of the last episode, they will take her somewhere and she won't fight and give away who she is, but I think they already know. She will be tossed in the room and she will lay on the ground like she is hurt or something, and Red Daughter (Linda Lee version) will be waiting for her. I think Red Daughter's expression might be when the bag comes off her head, and she sees her face to face. Maybe that is where RD says she is supposed to kill SG.

Looking forward to the episode, even if once again the picture gallery was sadly lacking Supergirl pictures. :(
+1 #20 RE: Red Dawn Galleryevrafter 2019-05-10 12:59
Oooooooohhhh....Lex impersonating the President? Had never even thought of that. How diabolical would that be? And, it would completely answer all of our questions about how could Pres. Marsdin have been so wrong about him when she chose him as her running mate? And how his "relationship" with Supergirl could have changed so absolutely completely from that initial scene with Supergirl and the President in the Oval Office to how he treats and speaks about her now.
+2 #19 RE: Red Dawn GallerySuperkara77 2019-05-08 21:39
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting scforbes8489:
The way Red Daughter is looking down (probably at Kara) and kind of hovering over her, and the fact that "Red" is bothering with a gun probably means Kara get injured with either a Kryptonite laden bullet, or, Kara is weakened by the Kryptonite in the White House (I assume that's where the scene is supposed to be.) and she gets hurt with a "regular" bullet. Also, does anyone think the President might be Lex with a hologram projector (like that device he used in prison.)

I also think that Lex is impersonating the President. That would explain why he's MIA for now... until the finale. The real President must be locked away somewhere.

I thought of that too. Maybe Lex is using an image inducer. That could explain why Linda Lee is nearby.

Can’t wait for this episode to air!
+1 #18 Notice in a couple of pics...RobertAnthony 2019-05-08 14:48
Linda Lee is wearing a black collar...a role reversal to the 1970's Supergirl who wore a red choker as SG. As Linda Danvers, she tried to keep it covered up even with the wide lapels of the 70's.

Quoting scforbes8489:
Also, does anyone think the President might be Lex with a hologram projector (like that device he used in prison.) know it was in the back of my head. And because of that, I again go back to those Power Records I listened to as a child...and to "Tomorrow The World." In it Superman goes on a supposed rampage and is forced to leave the long as he left with Lex.

Well in a way that happens, but while traveling in the ship, Superman senses something wrong with Supes broke the straps on his seat and then flew out of the rocket which blew up "killing" Luthor. Superman lands in the White House where President Fairlane (A tongue in cheek Gerald Ford ref) awaits, though mad at Superman. He explains he was with an ANDROID, with a fault in it...not really feeling the G-forces. And...not to further spoil...the POTUS was really LUTHOR with a latex mask and using a voice adapter! He kidnapped the President.
+1 #17 RE: Red Dawn GalleryBrandtm2 2019-05-08 12:41
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting scforbes8489:
The way Red Daughter is looking down (probably at Kara) and kind of hovering over her, and the fact that "Red" is bothering with a gun probably means Kara get injured with either a Kryptonite laden bullet, or, Kara is weakened by the Kryptonite in the White House (I assume that's where the scene is supposed to be.) and she gets hurt with a "regular" bullet. Also, does anyone think the President might be Lex with a hologram projector (like that device he used in prison.)

I also think that Lex is impersonating the President. That would explain why he's MIA for now... until the finale. The real President must be locked away somewhere.

I believe Kara was hurt by a Kryptonite bullet. I go by the book "The Science of Superman" that stated that Kryptonians heal rapidly from exposure to Kryptonite. Kara likely was just fine after leaving the White House.

"The Science of Superman" also stated that Kryptonite is also bad for Earthlings just like any other radioactive substance as radiation eventually kills. Maybe it means "the President" is a Lex Luthor hologram. It would fit his twisted sense of humor to expose the White House staff to Kryptonite radiation to ward off a non-existent threat from Supergirl.
+2 #16 RE: Red Dawn GalleryKaraD 2019-05-08 11:45
Quoting scforbes8489:
The way Red Daughter is looking down (probably at Kara) and kind of hovering over her, and the fact that "Red" is bothering with a gun probably means Kara get injured with either a Kryptonite laden bullet, or, Kara is weakened by the Kryptonite in the White House (I assume that's where the scene is supposed to be.) and she gets hurt with a "regular" bullet. Also, does anyone think the President might be Lex with a hologram projector (like that device he used in prison.)

I also think that Lex is impersonating the President. That would explain why he's MIA for now... until the finale. The real President must be locked away somewhere.
+3 #15 Kryptonite bullets? President Lex in disguise?scforbes8489 2019-05-08 09:38
The way Red Daughter is looking down (probably at Kara) and kind of hovering over her, and the fact that "Red" is bothering with a gun probably means Kara was injured with a Kryptonite bullet, or, Kara is weakened by the Kryptonite in the White House (I assume that's where the scene is supposed to be) and she gets hurt with a "regular" bullet. Also, does anyone think the President might be Lex with a hologram projector (like that device he used in prison.)

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