Prom Night! Recap

Here we go! As Dr. Emit Brown would say, Great Scott! Tonight we are going back in time to Britney Spears, Boy Bands, and Midvale High! If you've been following our young versions of the best sister duo on television on social media, you'll know that Izabela Vidovic has been sharing behind the scenes images of the two sisters together. Izabela even went on to say that her on screen sister, Olivia Nikkanen has quickly become one of her best friends ever since Midvale! For us that connection was clear on screen! Here's what stood out to us:

  1. Meteor Shower: Well here we go! There already is a bit to unpack. Alex is in college and returning for a visit. Kara is dating Kenny who didn't die on Earth Prime, a Crisis level change. Brainy and Nia are identified as the only two who can go on this mission because of Back to the Future rules. You can't come into contact with your younger self. Kara hears Brainy's ship arrive and she, Alex and Kenny take off to investigate. Cat Grant arrives in town to do a story on "The Luckiest Town in America" which is due to the fact that Kara is "supering". Kara offers to help the strange new visitors and reveals her identity almost immediately. Kara uses her powers to cut a hole into the baseball field, Brainy and Nia cover it up and the group splits boy girl to their respective houses.
  2. Two Homes: Kenny and Brainy work on creating a 3D Printer which isn't readily available in 2009. Kara and Nia share a bedroom where the two show off their powers to each other. Alex walks in and is her super protective self. She tells the girls to go to bed. They are going to use Eliza's ID to get into the university to steal the element Brainy needs to fix the ship.
  3. Heist: Alex and Nia are headed to the University to get the rock. Brainy turns a printer into a 3D printer device. At the University, Cat tracks down Alex who is wearing her mother's badge. She asks for a quote. Cat thinks there might be another "super" operating in Midvale. This ruins Cat's take on her story and her ambition to out do Lois Lane at the Daily Planet. Brainy, craving more stress food leaves to get a snack and is pulled into the glee club by a roaming teacher. Dreamer and Kara are able to get the element from the college. Brainy, to hold his cover, has now joined the baseball team. As Alex, Kara and Nia leave the college, they are nearly hit by a semi-truck. It is being driven by the blue aliens that are trying to abduct Kara.
  4. Runaway Semi: The alien runaway truck is moving too fast. Kara flies to catch up with the truck. Nia is able to join her. They work together to stop the truck but the blue aliens start taking sniper shots at them. Cat Grant sees the runaway truck and believes there is more going on than she sees. Alex is able to scoop up all the players into her van before Cat arrives to see the truck stopped and the school bus moving away safely. Cat still has the nose for a story!
  5. Call from the Past: Nia needs help understanding her dreams. She calls her mom who is alive at this time. Sadly she doesn't answer. Alex and Kara fight in the garage. Kara's wants for being a hero is giving Alex a hard time. Naxim Tork is identified as the alien who is hunting Kara. Brainy and Nia's actions in the past have now made the alien free and wanted by the DEO not captured like before.
  6. Final Moments: There weren't many final wrap-up moments because this was clearly a two-part episode. Cat's photos tip her off to a possibly alien ship. Kara takes Kenny out on a walk. She wants to come clean with him about her intention to move on but Kenny shares his hero base he made for her. Brainy and Nia are trying to repair the damage that they caused. Brainy finds out that Nia called her mom. Brainy needs to figure out how to cope with the situation. Nia sings 9 to 5 and the pair is calmed. When Brainy and Nia head to capture Naxim he turns the tables and captures them.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#27 RE: Prom Night! Recapsuperbill 2021-05-04 11:54
Quoting Meadows:
I apologize if someone has already posted this and I missed it, but did anyone else pick up on that roaring pink panther in the cage that Nia is seeing? I'll bet it's that pink cat that sat in the CatCo office in Seasons 1 and 2, and it represents Cat Grant! :)

That's a good observation. Wish I had thought of it!
#26 That roaring pink panther :)Meadows 2021-05-04 10:12
I apologize if someone has already posted this and I missed it, but did anyone else pick up on that roaring pink panther in the cage that Nia is seeing? I'll bet it's that pink cat that sat in the CatCo office in Seasons 1 and 2, and it represents Cat Grant! :)
#25 RE: Prom Night! Recapmuckle9999 2021-05-02 09:15
Quoting RobertAnthony:
Wonder what Miss Dolly would think of Nia using her mega hit "9to5"...AND NICOLE GOES ACAPELLA.

This sequel to Midvale so to speak was as good as the original...I must say.

And Brendon and Branda...holy 90210!

If I may quote a review from Superman Homepage...Quote:
Even the goofy aliens (who felt like they should have been on Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) were fun.

Kind of got that early 90's vibe.

The awkwards with Brainy and Nia...funny.

And I guess once again, CoIE seems to shake everything up.

Kara's flying to the runaway truck...WOW!

And for Brainy playing baseball...well, I don't think Joe Girardi (Yankees manager in 2009 the year in question, when the Yankees last won the World Series) would be calling him.

This was a fun episode...something I needed after having to do a physical Friday (won't go there).

Time for Tuesday and part 2...Chyler's directorial debut.
I still want to know why the writers can work in a song for Nia but can't do the same for Melissa.
Hopefully this will change in the upcoming episodes.
And RA let's not forget that Brainy said he was a switch hitter so Jar Head Girardi may have second thoughts on calling him up. It's been reported that this Tuesday night may be a make up game for the Bronx Bombers which will be televised on the CW. 8)
#24 RE: Prom Night! RecapRobertAnthony 2021-05-01 19:11
Wonder what Miss Dolly would think of Nia using her mega hit "9to5"...AND NICOLE GOES ACAPELLA.

This sequel to Midvale so to speak was as good as the original...I must say.

And Brendon and Branda...holy 90210!

If I may quote a review from Superman Homepage...Quote:
Even the goofy aliens (who felt like they should have been on Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) were fun.
Kind of got that early 90's vibe.

The awkwards with Brainy and Nia...funny.

And I guess once again, CoIE seems to shake everything up.

Kara's flying to the runaway truck...WOW!

And for Brainy playing baseball...well, I don't think Joe Girardi (Yankees manager in 2009 the year in question, when the Yankees last won the World Series) would be calling him.

This was a fun episode...something I needed after having to do a physical Friday (won't go there).

Time for Tuesday and part 2...Chyler's directorial debut.
#23 RE: Prom Night! RecapLibertyPrime 2021-05-01 18:17
Quoting superbill:
I'm happy for those who really liked this episode, because I know many have been anticipating it. I just wish I could share the sentiment. I didn't get to stream it until Friday night. I wanted to like it, but it's possibly the first episode in the entire series that I just can't imagine re-watching. That is something I typically do, sometimes several times. Tonight I found myself drumming my fingers on the desk, which is never a good sign. It's not that I found it bad, or that the performances didn't measure up. I just didn't find it very interesting.

Oh, wow! :sad: I could imagine re-watching this one several times before re-watching roughly half the episodes of either seasons 4 or 5.

Maybe next week will fit the (super)bill better. Fingers crossed.
#22 You haven't heard my thoughtsRobertAnthony 2021-05-01 03:29
Because WPIX pre-empted this episode to tonight (5/1) at 9:00pm b/c of a Yankees/Orioles game (which the Yankees won). I hope by the time the weekend is over, you will get them.
#21 RE: Prom Night! Recapsuperbill 2021-04-30 19:11
I'm happy for those who really liked this episode, because I know many have been anticipating it. I just wish I could share the sentiment. I didn't get to stream it until Friday night. I wanted to like it, but it's possibly the first episode in the entire series that I just can't imagine re-watching. That is something I typically do, sometimes several times. Tonight I found myself drumming my fingers on the desk, which is never a good sign. It's not that I found it bad, or that the performances didn't measure up. I just didn't find it very interesting.

I wish they had inserted something about SG trapped in the PZ, just to keep that story moving. Obviously Melissa wasn't present for this episode, but she wasn't for the earlier ones either; however they used a work-around which has proven very effective. Her presence, even if only for one scene, may have made me feel more engaged with this episode.

I hope that Part 2 is better, and that Chyler can salvage this arc in her directorial debut.
#20 RE: Prom Night! Recapmuckle9999 2021-04-29 10:57
Quoting Explorergal:
I enjoyed this episode a lot. But then, I have loved young Kara and Alex from their first appearance years ago. I would really support a spinoff! I wish the ep featured them more than Nia and Brainy. Maybe next week.

Cat Grant being there but not THE Cat Grant was just awful. I’d rather her not have been there at all. Ditto for those blue aliens.

Looking forward to the next ep to see how they resolve everything.

In my earlier comments I was also critical of the performance from the young Cat Grant. But on second thought you must take into consideration what actress she's trying to follow in a convincing manner. It's like trying to follow Jerry Lee Lewis after "Great Balls Of Fire" with the piano ablaze while playing the last few notes. Very difficult task.
#19 Prom NightExplorergal 2021-04-28 23:10
I enjoyed this episode a lot. But then, I have loved young Kara and Alex from their first appearance years ago. I would really support a spinoff! I wish the ep featured them more than Nia and Brainy. Maybe next week.

Cat Grant being there but not THE Cat Grant was just awful. I’d rather her not have been there at all. Ditto for those blue aliens.

Looking forward to the next ep to see how they resolve everything.
#18 RE: Prom Night! Recaparagorn 2021-04-28 21:42
So this episode was pretty much perfect in every way. And like i suspected sometime now that the CGI has been stepped up a lot in s6. This episode sealed my suspicion to fact. The legion ship, the truck scene wow this is movie magic effects now. The episode was truly so entertaining these 40 min flew by fast. I really want a Midvale Spin off now more than ever. If CW knows whats good for them they should order it right away. But CW over half the time don’t know whats good for them sadly :sad:

Cant wait for ep 2 of this epic fun entertaining 2 parter.

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