Well, here we are again, wiping our tears with our sleeves. Supergirl is bringing the feels on this second half of the season. With Alex still not knowing her sister is Supergirl, Nia has been added to the "Superfriends". Next episdoe, which is three weeks away, we are going to see Nia in her suit and in action! Additionally, we can look forward to seeing Menagerie's debut! Judging by the trailer for the episode, could Agent Liberty's son be looking to take up the mantle? Check out the trailer for yourself below:
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James isn't cowed, he's outright corrupt. Lost his moral compass, I'm afraid.
Rather than Nia setting him straight, I'd prefer to see Kara remind him of who he is, the way he did for her back in Season 1, probably my favorite scene between Mechad and Melissa.
I agree Nia is around for the duration. No way they are getting rid of her.
Actually, I'm hoping that Nia will be staying on at Catco for a spell. What's been going on in the newsroom has really picked up this season, with new recruits Nia and Mackenzie challenging James' rather laissez-faire demeanor in regards to following up story leads. Seems like he's become more cowed after his run-ins with the Children of Liberty.
OK, but if Nia ends up coming back from the future in Season 5 to show Kara new "cape tricks," I'm out...
Because it's Supergirl's turn to be mentoring a future hero...again. Since she was successful with Mon-El's rehabilitation, it only stands to reason that Kara would set another example for others...this time, with more girl power attached. Besides, she's already mentoring Nia at Catco...she might as well go the rest of the way.
For better or worse, it seems to be the formula for the Arrowverse shows. As they progress, they add additional heroes to the teams.
Off the top of my head:
Arrow had Spartan, Black Canary, Arsenal, Speedy, Black Canary, Mr Terrific, Ragman, Artemis, Wild Dog, and Black Canary. Felicity could count as Overwatch. (Yes, 3 Black Canaries.
Flash had Vibe, Kid Flash, Killer Frost, Elongated Man, XS.
Legends of Tomorrow is more a team up ensemble show as a concept, so I won't go into it.
To my mind, Flash has done a good job of integrating the new heroes. It helps that they had the seeds for Vibe and Killer Frost from the beginning of the series.
If I believed Supergirl the show had done a good job highlighting the title character to date, I would welcome new members to the "Super Friends." Loved seeing the Legion, and with Winn's departure, Brainy seems a natural addition.
But I bristle at the attention shown Dreamer-- specifically SG's line, "That was amazing!" --when I'm still kinda waiting for Supergirl's turn to be amazing.
Why isn't Supergirl sufficient as the only Superhero this show really needs?.
Hey ks774....I believe that it is Menagerie that gets knocked out and not Lena. My thought is Dreamer will take her cues from her mentor Supergirl when it comes to being a pacifist or a fighter.
In the comics, she was trained by Wonder Wonder - not just a "professional", but a fellow superhero! Of course, the TV writers substituted Alex for Diana in that regard :)
Also @Sully, they did mention that James had a black belt, and as far as I can remember he's only been fighting street-level crime. I definitely agree with your points about Nia though. She also seems like a pacifist character, definitely not a fighter.