Lost Souls Recap

Well it would seem that you all enjoyed last week's episode a lot more than the previous one. The poll results look like last week enjoyed a 20% increase in the star ratings! Tonight we march forward in the effort to get Kara safe and home from the Phantom Zone but we are wondering now, does Zor-El make it out as well? If he does, does he go to Argo? How devastating would it be if he doesn't get out? Only time will give us our answers, here's what stood out to us tonight:

  1. The Anchor: Kara's mother built an anchor for Fort Rozz in the Phantom Zone where the prison could be accessed by normal space time. Using Nyxly's magic, Kara, Zor-El and Nyxly are transported to its location. Back on Earth Prime, M'Gann isn't all the way healed. Lena has developed her "Proto-Trap" weapon that very much looks like something out of Ghostbusters. It isn't capable of trapping the prime Phantom that has access to the Phantom portals after Brainy attempts to suck him in. M'Gann chases after the life force expelled from another victim but falls from the air. At the Anchor, Kara discovers that the mirror of the Righteous has been broken and cannot take them home.
  2. Second Mirror: While the main mirror of the Righteous is broken, Zor-El believes that there must be a second mirror. M'Gann is revealed to have a second soul. The one J'onn gave her and the one she lost from the Phantom. Lena comes up with a way to map M'Gann's tracking power and pass it along to Dreamer. Dreamer keeps dreaming of Kara and Alex in high school (NEXT EPISODE), but for now, Dreamer doesn't know why. For Lena's device to work they need a sample of DNA from Kara. Alex knows where to go. Searching for the second mirror Zor-El is attacked and injured.
  3. Divide and Fail?: Zor-El is injured and Nyxly can't heal him. It will take two to move the mirror back to the projector but that leaves no one to help Zor-El move. Zor-El allows Nyxly and Kara to move on without him. Alex provides Lena with the recording Kara made for her device. They know that they will lose the recording but are willing to do so if it means they get the real Kara back. M'Gann and Dreamer seek out the Prime Phantom's lair. Dreamer is distracted yet again by Midvale and can't find the lair.
  4. One Hour to Go: The Phantom's trap is only an hour away from becoming solid, trapping the souls in it forever. Alex makes the call to use the Kara tracking device that Lena made to instead find the trap. Lena is shocked and she needs to bring Kara back. She is feeling guilty but Alex pulls a Supergirl and gives Lena the encouragement she needs to be the hero and save National City over finding Kara. Before Lena can respond, Alex uses her tech to get the device. No chance for Lena to say no. Nyxly and Kara get the mirror up and working. Nyxly doesn't understand why Kara needs to save Zor-El. We find out that Nyxly couldn't open the portal on her own. She was the one who hurt Zor-El. Nyxly threatens to go through Earth to get back to her home and she says she'll have more fun on Earth first. With the full powers of Mxyzptlk on Earth, she could do a lot of damage.
  5. Prime Phantom Lair: Brainy, J'onn, Alex and Dreamer head to the lair. J'onn is attacked and his life force heads to the Phantom Trap. The same is true for Brainy. Only Alex and Dreamer are left to shatter the trap and allow the life energy of everyone attacked to return to their bodies. Dreamer cuts a path and Alex breaks the orb returning everyone to their bodies. Brainy uses the Ghostbuster weapon to finally trap the main Phantom. With Nyxly being a threat now, Kara has no choice but to break the mirror. The Anchor is about to self-destruct and Kara runs to escape.

In the final wrap up moments of the show, Alex lements the destruction of Kara's digital essence. Lena tells Alex she was right. Brainy and Nia reflect on the day's losses. J'onn and M'Gann note that the Phantom is captured and sealed. The Team come up with a way to get the DNA they need to save Kara. They need to travel back to a time when Kara blew out her powers. This happend vs Red Tornato but also once in Midvale. This along with Nia's dreams set Nia and Brainy on the path to head back to Midvale.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail:
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#25 RE: Lost Souls Recapjacksc01 2021-04-22 09:50
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting jacksc01:
Just an FYI - Katie (Lena) gave a good interview about SG :

Also, don't forget the TV Guide has Melissa and Chyler on the cover and they look real cool. There are 2 TV Guide covers the 2nd cover is one of just SuperGirl.

I didn't know there would be two different covers. I subscribe, so I wonder which I will get?

I wasn't aware there were two covers either until I got my TV guide in the mail. I received the one with both Chyler and Melissa on it - my niece stated she would look for the 2nd cover when she goes to the bookstore.
#24 RE: Lost Souls RecapCatPat 2021-04-22 09:41
Quoting Kiwi:
I enjoyed the re-introduction of the introduction, always love hearing Melissa say "I am Supergirl".

Bravo to Melissa's acting talent, her performance as Kara...

I agree that updated opening narrative was fun to see. We got Erica as Alura as well as Tyler as Superman as bonuses in the clip.
#23 RE: Lost Souls RecapCatPat 2021-04-22 09:37
Quoting jacksc01:
Just an FYI - Katie (Lena) gave a good interview about SG :

Also, don't forget the TV Guide has Melissa and Chyler on the cover and they look real cool. There are 2 TV Guide covers the 2nd cover is one of just SuperGirl.

I didn't know there would be two different covers. I subscribe, so I wonder which I will get?
#22 RE: Lost Souls RecapCatPat 2021-04-22 09:35
Quoting Constance:
A superb episode! And I love that we are going back to Midvale.
But wait... they have a time machine? Why not just go back a couple of months, and have Supergirl throw the damn Phantom Zone projector into the sun? (Or maybe go back a few seasons, and throw Lex into the sun instead, LOL. It would have saved them a lot of trouble!).

Brainy's Legion ring and ship are capable of time travel. Kara used a legion ring to travel back in time during her battle with Reign.
+1 #21 Time Machine?Constance 2021-04-22 09:31
A superb episode! And I love that we are going back to Midvale.
But wait... they have a time machine? Why not just go back a couple of months, and have Supergirl throw the damn Phantom Zone projector into the sun? (Or maybe go back a few seasons, and throw Lex into the sun instead, LOL. It would have saved them a lot of trouble!).
+1 #20 RE: Lost Souls Recapjacksc01 2021-04-22 09:16
Just an FYI - Katie (Lena) gave a good interview about SG :

Also, don't forget the TV Guide has Melissa and Chyler on the cover and they look real cool. There are 2 TV Guide covers the 2nd cover is one of just SuperGirl.
+1 #19 RE: Lost Souls RecapBrierrose 2021-04-21 17:54
I enjoyed this action packed episode very much. I wouldn’t want every episode to have the pacing of this one but coincidentally if fit my mood. I’m usually more of a drama lover but yesterday I was in an action mood so I’m happy that’s what I got.

Can fifth dimensional beings ever be trusted? Nyxly must have been threatening to harm Kara this whole time as a way to keep Zor-El from telling Kara the truth. That would explain some of why Zor-El was acting weird. I don’t see how Nyxly could have known about the Els before they showed up at her doorstep. She had the man kidnapped to separate the newcomers then manipulated Kara once she found out they’re father and daughter. Nyxly may have even known about the anchor but not that Alura would provide a second mirror. We know Nyxly survived the explosion I guess we’ll find out about Zor-El later. I wonder what Kara’s escape plan will be now.

I thought the VFX were good, I particularly liked the bit with M’gann flying through the city following the soul. This 80s kid smiled at the Ghostbusters reference. Brainy scarfing donuts as a coping mechanism like Kara does made me laugh. Alex and Lena working together and bonding over Scotch was nice.
+1 #18 RE: Lost Souls Recapsuperbill 2021-04-21 17:34
Really enjoyed this episode; lots of strategic thinking but also some great action sequences. The bonding between Alex and Lena was a highlight. Great acting by Chyler and Katie.

Brainy supplied some humor with his stress eating of donuts and other one-liners.

There is something off about Zor-El and Nxly. At one point Nxly tells Kara that she had knocked Zor-El unconscious. But earlier, right after the "attack," Zor-El is fully conscious when Kara arrives on the scene. Are he and Nxly in league somehow? Perhaps he wants to stay in the PZ for some reason and faked an injury with Nxly's cooperation to make that happen. It just doesn't add up. In any case, I am certain they both survived the destruction of the anchor.

It was nice to see that the team saved Silas and all the others.

Melissa always is first-rate. When she smashed the mirror she taught Nxly not to mess with Supergirl! I hope that some scenes of Kara in the Phantom Zone have been included in the next two episodes. While the flashback episodes are great fun, they will be even more so for me if we get some scenes of Kara in the PZ, to keep that aspect of the story moving forward. The young actresses are terrific, but Melissa is the primary reason I watch.

Great string of episodes to start the season!
#17 RE: Lost Souls Recaparagorn 2021-04-21 14:48

Live Viewers were the same actually. Pretty impressive it really shows how strong Supergirl is compared to other CW shows

Ep was very good. The Phantom Zone World looks so impressive the CGI is again on in all scenes is on high level which pleases me a lot. It shows the quality of the show.
#16 RE: Lost Souls RecapKaraD 2021-04-21 14:14
Loved the whole episode! It keeps getting better and better. I was happy to see Lena showing signs of really missing Kara. Great scenes between Chyler and Katie. As usual, Melissa was great.

One thing that I want to add : they could have taken Bizzaro's (part of Supergirl's) DNA. Last time we saw her, she was lying in a coma at the DEO. Oh well, I'm happy that we will get a Midvale episode!

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