- Supergirl.tv Admin
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Monday, 26 March 2018
Saw this on twitter. They are filming on location. Is this a new DEO look?
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You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
I just re-watched Legion of Superheroes and the scene where J'onn shapeshifted into Kara to fool Lena (side note: Melissa playing J'onn playing Kara will never get old) got me thinking. The simplest explanation is there's not two Alexes or one of her descendants but for some as yet unknown reason J'onn has shapeshifted into Alex. We know J'onn dislikes shapeshifting into others so there must be a reason. I think the Alex on the ground is J'onn and the Alex on the roof is the real Alex. The real Alex gets a new suit and maybe a Legion ring. I said it before but that suit looks a lot like the dark Legion suits we've seen especially Mon-El's with the blank \ /. It doesn't have the Worldkiller skull plus as @evrafter pointed out other photos show her wearing her utility belt with the new suit so I am ruling out Alex as a Worldkiller.
I'd put the odds of Alex getting a Legion ring before the end of the season at 60% and I have mixed feelings about that. It would make the heads of some comic book purest explode if a non cannon character especially a human got a ring. It would be so cool to have the sisters fly together. On the other hand I like that Alex kicks ass as a non powered human illustrating that superpowers don't make a hero. Perhaps a compromise, Alex gets a Legion ring but her human body can't handle the power for very long so she can't use it often or for long periods of time because I'll be honest if I had a ring that allowed me to fly I'd never take it off.
I like this so much better than all other theories... And.. I am with you. I prefer Alex as human with no special powers. That is what makes her Alex and so important to the show. Also we have so many superpowered aliens already, if Alex gets a ring, the next cry throughout the season would be why isn't she doing anything? It'd be too difficult for the show to balance all these powers--even if for Alex, it is just flying.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Yep... Definitely looks like Legion shoulder pads.
Thanks for the post, admin.

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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
"Does having a Legion ring give the person any other powers besides flying? "
No - at least not in the Silver Age comics.....
No - at least not in the Silver Age comics.....
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
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You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
I like your theories about Alex, Brierrose. It would not be out of place for J'onn to use his shape-shifting abilities and if they had a reason for needing Alex to be in two places at once, that would make sense. At the moment, I am thinking like you in your conflicting stance regarding Alex becoming superpowered. I, too, would like the idea of the sisters flying together and of Alex being able to get to places she normally wouldn't be able to. But, I am also very supportive of Alex just being a highly skilled agent that occasionally saves the day. Her unpowered skill set makes her unique among the wealth of superheroes on the CW and it also makes what she does even more impressive.
Does having a Legion ring give the person any other powers besides flying?
Does having a Legion ring give the person any other powers besides flying?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I just re-watched Legion of Superheroes and the scene where J'onn shapeshifted into Kara to fool Lena (side note: Melissa playing J'onn playing Kara will never get old) got me thinking. The simplest explanation is there's not two Alexes or one of her descendants but for some as yet unknown reason J'onn has shapeshifted into Alex. We know J'onn dislikes shapeshifting into others so there must be a reason. I think the Alex on the ground is J'onn and the Alex on the roof is the real Alex. The real Alex gets a new suit and maybe a Legion ring. I said it before but that suit looks a lot like the dark Legion suits we've seen especially Mon-El's with the blank \ /. It doesn't have the Worldkiller skull plus as @evrafter pointed out other photos show her wearing her utility belt with the new suit so I am ruling out Alex as a Worldkiller.
I'd put the odds of Alex getting a Legion ring before the end of the season at 60% and I have mixed feelings about that. It would make the heads of some comic book purest explode if a non cannon character especially a human got a ring. It would be so cool to have the sisters fly together. On the other hand I like that Alex kicks ass as a non powered human illustrating that superpowers don't make a hero. Perhaps a compromise, Alex gets a Legion ring but her human body can't handle the power for very long so she can't use it often or for long periods of time because I'll be honest if I had a ring that allowed me to fly I'd never take it off.
I'd put the odds of Alex getting a Legion ring before the end of the season at 60% and I have mixed feelings about that. It would make the heads of some comic book purest explode if a non cannon character especially a human got a ring. It would be so cool to have the sisters fly together. On the other hand I like that Alex kicks ass as a non powered human illustrating that superpowers don't make a hero. Perhaps a compromise, Alex gets a Legion ring but her human body can't handle the power for very long so she can't use it often or for long periods of time because I'll be honest if I had a ring that allowed me to fly I'd never take it off.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
This picture of Melissa's stunt double Jennifer Clarke is not from an upcoming episode of Supergirl. If you check the comments of the Instagram post.... she is working as a stunt double on a Disney show called MECH X4.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
Since pics of Alex have got us talking, I'll add this one here...to keep from having to start a new thread.
Here's an interesting pic of Mel's stunt double. Theories theories abounding everywhere:
"The double of Melissa...'Sometimes I am the bad...' #Supergirl Photocredit:@LaUltimaHijadeK
Perhaps she's just playing a bad guy. But, the hairdo has me thinkin otherwise.... P.S....those contacts are spot on AWESOME!
They try to split the world killers in two and Red K! Kara accidentally becomes her own person?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Since pics of Alex have got us talking, I'll add this one here...to keep from having to start a new thread.
Here's an interesting pic of Mel's stunt double. Theories theories abounding everywhere:
"The double of Melissa...'Sometimes I am the bad...' #Supergirl Photocredit:@LaUltimaHijadeK
Perhaps she's just playing a bad guy. But, the hairdo has me thinkin otherwise.... P.S....those contacts are spot on AWESOME!
Here's an interesting pic of Mel's stunt double. Theories theories abounding everywhere:
"The double of Melissa...'Sometimes I am the bad...' #Supergirl Photocredit:@LaUltimaHijadeK
Perhaps she's just playing a bad guy. But, the hairdo has me thinkin otherwise.... P.S....those contacts are spot on AWESOME!
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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Not a World Killer because one of the photos is a full body photo. And full body photo Alex is wearing her "batman belt"--tactical light, space gun, other thingies. A World Killer would have no need of such trivial human "toys."![]()
If it's a future Alex, that means at some point Alex traveled to the future like Mon-el, then stayed there. After all, she looks to be about the same age as she is now. Don't know if I'm ok with that because that would mean she left Kara, at some point, and didn't return....until now.
Maybe another Earth Alex?
Did I read it on here, or on Twitter?...someone theorized maybe they (perhaps Lena) develops a World Killer splitter to separate Sam from Reign? Maybe Alex gets accidentally split--bad Alex v. good Alex.![]()
She could be the great times 100 grand daughter of the current Alex.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Not a World Killer because one of the photos is a full body photo. And full body photo Alex is wearing her "batman belt"--tactical light, space gun, other thingies. A World Killer would have no need of such trivial human "toys."
If it's a future Alex, that means at some point Alex traveled to the future like Mon-el, then stayed there. After all, she looks to be about the same age as she is now. Don't know if I'm ok with that because that would mean she left Kara, at some point, and didn't return....until now.
Maybe another Earth Alex?
Did I read it on here, or on Twitter?...someone theorized maybe they (perhaps Lena) develops a World Killer splitter to separate Sam from Reign? Maybe Alex gets accidentally split--bad Alex v. good Alex.

If it's a future Alex, that means at some point Alex traveled to the future like Mon-el, then stayed there. After all, she looks to be about the same age as she is now. Don't know if I'm ok with that because that would mean she left Kara, at some point, and didn't return....until now.
Maybe another Earth Alex?
Did I read it on here, or on Twitter?...someone theorized maybe they (perhaps Lena) develops a World Killer splitter to separate Sam from Reign? Maybe Alex gets accidentally split--bad Alex v. good Alex.

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I'm leaning towards future alex. We still have the three people in the pod unaccounted for and not cast yet after all.A future Alex might be interesting. You're right, there are still some unaccounted Legion members but, would a future Alex still have been alive during Imra and Mon-El's time period? Maybe they go into the near future and bring her back to help?
I do think that even if Alex was a WK that might be the easiest WK to 'wake up' or 'convert back' because Alex's care for Kara is so strong.
I don't think that Alex could pretend to be a World Killer could she? It seems as though that evil hologram knows about the World Killers, who they are, and is kind of in control of the whole deal with them. Surely she would cue Reign in that Alex is not a World Killer.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
I think it is highly unlikely Alex is or becomes a Worldkiller, and if either, it would be a poor plot choice
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
I'm leaning towards future alex. We still have the three people in the pod unaccounted for and not cast yet after all.
I do think that even if Alex was a WK that might be the easiest WK to 'wake up' or 'convert back' because Alex's care for Kara is so strong.
I do think that even if Alex was a WK that might be the easiest WK to 'wake up' or 'convert back' because Alex's care for Kara is so strong.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
How about this - Alex is infected by the Worldkillers but it doesn't go as planned and instead she teams up with Kara to fight them.
Team Danvers vs Team Worldkillers. My money is on the Danvers Sisters.
Or maybe Alex "goes undercover" and tries to pass herself off as a World Killer (in an attempt to gain more info about them).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
Thanks for that info Brierrose. I couldn't remember what Reign's symbol looked like. Perhaps that is a sign that this break has been way too long
. It's good that Alex's symbol is blank though because hopefully that means that she is not a World Killer.
Evrafter - While I would like having the biological connection with Kara and Alex I am not sure that I could handle another Alex v. Kara episode. We had Red K Kara and Green K equipped, mind-controlled Alex, that's enough for me
. I am trying not to see too many spoilers during this break but, that link that you provided is so very tempting to click on. I don't know if I have enough will-power to resist

Evrafter - While I would like having the biological connection with Kara and Alex I am not sure that I could handle another Alex v. Kara episode. We had Red K Kara and Green K equipped, mind-controlled Alex, that's enough for me

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
Sorry. Double post. But, Chyler just posted this. Check her makeup. I noted she did look like she was wearing more make-up in the "boot photo" we discussed a few weeks back. But, didn't think TOO much about it. But this? This makes me lean more to the theory that she IS a World Killer due to the WK wearing dramatic make-up. I wouldn't suspect Chyler's hair and make-up being this different if it was due to simply getting a new suit, compliments of the League.
ACTUALLY....based on something I just saw and read on Twitter...I have a new theory. But, due to not wanting to share any spoilers to peeps not wanting to see spoilers....I'm holding my tongue. For anyone who wants, go check out the Twitter posts by @yvrshoots
Also...just found this video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWJTBCiBIXA
Edit: #2....Spoiler Alert:
Hollywood North Pics
Hint: World Killers don't need guns
ACTUALLY....based on something I just saw and read on Twitter...I have a new theory. But, due to not wanting to share any spoilers to peeps not wanting to see spoilers....I'm holding my tongue. For anyone who wants, go check out the Twitter posts by @yvrshoots
Also...just found this video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWJTBCiBIXA
Edit: #2....Spoiler Alert:
Hollywood North Pics
Hint: World Killers don't need guns

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- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
Ohhhhhhhhhh snAP! Awesome!! This goes along with the boots photo I posted two weeks ago. I'm thinking maybe they DID invite her to join the League? Or, rather...at least, they provided her with an updated suit? That's the most LIKELY scenerio. However, I would really like her to be another World Killer for dramatics AND so that she and Kara could be BIOLOGICAL sisters, too. The cool acting between the two when that fact is revealed would be spectacular!! But, of course...we'd need for KARA to be able to save Alex.
WAIT...ONE...SECOND! THAT would in a very real way bring this entire season together. What is the one line that has stood out ALL SEASON LONG? "Kara is my favorite person. She has saved me more that Supergirl ever has"????? See where I'm going with that???
WAIT...ONE...SECOND! THAT would in a very real way bring this entire season together. What is the one line that has stood out ALL SEASON LONG? "Kara is my favorite person. She has saved me more that Supergirl ever has"????? See where I'm going with that???
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
Do the World Killers have that \ / outline on their chest? I hope that she isn't a World Killer. That would be too similar of a set-up as Season 1 when she and Kara went against each other because of Myriad. It would be cool though if she got a Legion ring and doubly awesome if that blank outline is supposed to represent the House of El considering she is Kara's sisterThe Worldkillers have thier own symbol a \ / with a skull. https://www.dccomics.com/blog/2017/10/30/first-look-the-rise-of-supergirls-reign
Alex’s looks blank.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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