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  3. Supergirl Season 4
  4. Monday, 18 June 2018
Been thinking like anyone would do after a big finale like this. If showrunners are looking to do an alternate troubled version of Supergirl, why not Red Lantern Supergirl. Red Son is a Superman story. But if they go that way maybe they could merge the storyline. Red Son Kara could be so angry that she gets a Red Lantern ring. Then you have Red Son Supergirl with a Red Lantern Ribg versus Supergirl with a Legion Ring. That is a showdown I’d watch!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
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I also am tired of Alex's new look, she always looks wet to me.:)

Put in on my list of "Yet, ANOTHER Reason I Miss Season 1": Alex's hair.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 21
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With all respect, Superman did not spin the world backwards. He is going back in time, so the position of the earth is visible at earlier and earlier times, meaning the rotation direction as seen by superman reverses.

And while Winn told Kara she would be destroyed if she flew through a time distortion (the music was high enough I could not tell what was being said, exactly), well, she's tougher than she looks.

Something you said, KaraD, reminded me of something that caught my attention while watching...

So, Kara slides on Mon-El's Legion ring, then goes back in time... Correct? Unlike what Superman did in the original movie--spinning the Earth backwards to roll back time--Kara went through a worm hole. So, wouldn't that mean Kara was replacing herself in Reign's grip. Right? So... check her finger. Shouldn't she still be wearing the Legion ring? And thus, Mon-El didn't have to give her one in the new timeline because she already should have one? But, she's not. And she doesn't. Soooo.... *thinking*...*turns the episode back on and goes back to the end to see if the Siberian Kara has the ring*.... Hold please... *enter elevator music here* ....Hmmm iiiiinteresting. Siberian Kara's left hand is covered. But, then again, the split doesn't happen till a few seconds later--after she stops Sam from restabbing Reign. So, my developing theory just fizzled. lol
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 22
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@thedr787 - Welcome! It's nice to have another member join our club :D .

Didn't Winn even say if Kara went through the disruption it would kill her? So I thought the original Supergirl died when she time traveled. I could be way off but i don't expect it to really even be mentioned next season.
I remember Winn saying that but, nothing was mentioned about it after. I'm not sure that Kara died when she traveled - if she did, how would the Kara in the past know that she needed to change her actions and what exactly she needed to do? You're probably right and it won't be mentioned but, it would be nice if they did. They have all summer to come up with something, lol. Good catch on the black smoke.

Just saw this this morning. Made me chuckle out loud...
That is hilarious!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 23
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They can't really do "Red Son," because the Soviet Union had collapsed before Kara landed. Alt-Supergirl can be a Putin fan, but I can't see her being a Communist.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 24
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With all respect, Superman did not spin the world backwards. He is going back in time, so the position of the earth is visible at earlier and earlier times, meaning the rotation direction as seen by superman reverses.

Here's the shot of which I was thinking. Ever since I was 7, it always appeared he changed the actual rotation direction of the earth. Just cheesy 1978 movie effects. But, as seen in this clip, the special effects department stops the rotation, then switched it. lol It's funny how ground breaking it appeared back then. I wonder how much my 7 yr old brain would explode should it have been introduced to Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom's special effects in 3D Imax like I saw last night.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 25
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Since we didn't get a solid Overgirl/Alex scene in the cross-over, would love to see that "corrected" next season :p Yeah yeah yeah...we had a Red Kryptonite Kara. But, I have a feeling, with how brilliant Melissa is, she's going to be approaching this differently.

P.S....the "Supergirl Flies In" clock really bites tonight :p :p But...not nearly as bad as the past two summers.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 26
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I really wonder if Red Son Kara will be the main or secondary antagonist next season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 27
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1) I just noticed the clock do you have confirmation on 10/14.

2) I read up on both red lantern Supergirl and the Red Son Superman stories. They both sound like something only Melissa can pull off.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 28
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I just noticed the clock do you have confirmation on 10/14.
not confirmed but unlike previous years, we are confirmed for season four, and we have a very likely date. I’m not unwilling to change when it is official but this makes a good estimate for us.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 29
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I'm curious if Kara will be forced to learn a lesson about the perils of time travel. Barry learned the hard way, that when you change time to save someone's life, it always balances out somewhere else, and someone else pays for it.

In the "original" timeline, Reign was defeated, but took 3 lives. Sam, Mon-El, and Alura. Kara thinks it's because she came in with the intention of killing. But she didn't do the killing of Reign, Sam did. Kara used the foreknowledge of what Sam was about to do to change the future and save 3 lives.

But what is the cost? A presumably evil Supergirl that may end up under the control of a foreign superpower? How many lives will be lost because she meddled with time? I hope that, if this new Kara in Siberia ends up taking lives, that the cost of our Kara's meddling with time is actually explored, and not swept under the rug. Barry changing time for his own benefit, especially in season 3 of Flash, was a VERY big deal. To the point where he refuses to do it again. I hope Kara learns the same lesson. Because the Legion ring and the DEO's ability to detect temporal disruptions gives her the ability to change time at will. And if it's taboo on at least 2 of the other shows, it needs to be established as taboo, here.

Heck, even the Legion faced unforeseen consequences of changing the timeline. They stopped the Blight but caused a new threat to emerge.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 30
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Yeah, im figuring the Red Daughter storyline will take half the season. Perhaps even have alt Kara wearing a mask like Earth X Kara that Our Kara doesnt realize what happened until midseason?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 31
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Some Lena talk...

Been seeing anger arise, some feeling if Lena "goes bad," they feel the writers will have just been misleading us.

I think I have to disagree on this one. I compare Lena's possible leaning into the darkside Season 4 to Sam's journey. We've been drawn into Lena's story. If she started off an evil villian, there wouldn't be any room for character building and/or growth. Keeping her in the grey has kept us all actively guessing--will she, won't she--and us the viewer battling her darkside alongside her. If she dabbles into said dark Luthor family line S4, I think we'll be screaming at our tv's for her to fight it. That, IMO, makes for awesome television.

This would also leave the door open to Lena remaining a character on the show. After all, if she was always bad and stayed bad, eventually she would have to be defeated and the character leave the storyline. This allows for dabbling in the dark for a spell, and then have a redemption story--allowing for her to always then have relevance to Kara's story.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 32
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With the discussion that Chris won't be returning anytime soon, been thinking.... Since he won't be with Mon-El, I'm assuming Winn will be returning with a different Legion member. I'm not as comic book literate as some of y'all on here. So... is there a Legionaire that's associated with either the Red Son or Red Lantern storyline...that would make sense to return with Winn Season 4 for a bit?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 33
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Something you said, KaraD, reminded me of something that caught my attention while watching...

So, Kara slides on Mon-El's Legion ring, then goes back in time... Correct? Unlike what Superman did in the original movie--spinning the Earth backwards to roll back time--Kara went through a worm hole. So, wouldn't that mean Kara was replacing herself in Reign's grip. Right? So... check her finger. Shouldn't she still be wearing the Legion ring? And thus, Mon-El didn't have to give her one in the new timeline because she already should have one? But, she's not. And she doesn't. Soooo.... *thinking*...*turns the episode back on and goes back to the end to see if the Siberian Kara has the ring*.... Hold please... *enter elevator music here* ....Hmmm iiiiinteresting. Siberian Kara's left hand is covered. But, then again, the split doesn't happen till a few seconds later--after she stops Sam from restabbing Reign. So, my developing theory just fizzled. lol
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 34
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Ok. So. Question....

If they're going with Red Son/Red Daughter and nature vs. nurture... how's that concept gonna work? Wasn't she created when Supergirl, Reign, and Sam all touched the Hara Nel (spelling??) at the same time; and thus, the new Kara is already grown up and didn't actually grow up in Russia? Would it possibly mean the Hara Nel didn't split Kara or create a new Kara, but simply brought the new Kara from a different earth? Or... could this have actually happened from Kara's time travel?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 35
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Ok. So. Question....

If they're going with Red Son/Red Daughter and nature vs. nurture... how's that concept gonna work? Wasn't she created when Supergirl, Reign, and Sam all touched the Hara Nel (spelling??) at the same time; and thus, the new Kara is already grown up and didn't actually grow up in Russia? Would it possibly mean the Hara Nel didn't split Kara or create a new Kara, but simply brought the new Kara from a different earth? Or... could this have actually happened from Kara's time travel?
Good questions to which we don't have answers. I do think the Russian Kara is due to the haron el not time travel because we saw the smoke both when our Kara touched the haron el and when the second Kara appears. I'm trying to find a source but I seem to remember reading somewhere that Jessica Queller used the term "blank slate Kara". Total speculation but what if the second Kara is a clone created when our Kara touched the haron el and she has our Kara's core personality but no memories. Kinda like someone with severe amnesia.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 36
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A blank slate would make more sense. And thinking more about the interviews, a few of them mentioned it would be more of a slow burn type storyline. So, going on what you said, Brierrose, and with the idea that we won't see much of her story right away, maybe they're going to include her being... "programmed" for lack of a better term.

I think I was just wondering how the nature vs nurture idea would work--being I think of n vs n as a child development term, and she's definitely not starting as a child, as far as we saw. Thus, the only reason I questioned if it was tied to time travel some how. However it turns out, I'm excited to watch it unfold. Even more excited to see Melissa tackle it. Toss Alex into the
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 37
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Welp... Getting a better look at the new suit today. Makes me now think of Winn's device he made for Supergirl and Superman to fight Metallo--to combat the Kryptonite. Also, I guess we now know it is a suite for our Kara.

Anndd... Is that Manchestor Black? Possibly going to be an antihero?? Either way, he's one of the characters I'm most excited for this season.

Photo cred: fedyck_fotos IG
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 38
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Well, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not as tuned in as many here, but regardless of what may be floating around on social media etc, I'm just not buying that the producers would suit up Melissa in that atrocity. Yuck!

When I took a closer look, there seems to be areas that perhaps get enhanced by CGI?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 39
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I think that suit is for the stunty only so they can get the crowd shots, the other cast shots etc and Melissa will film when she is available, maybe they superimpose her over that suit in a better costume? that looks like a dirtbike uniform so maybe it has a specific purpose on that scene.
Let's face it, this show does not have a good track record when it comes to costuming
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 40
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