Per that Ken gentleman on twitter, we now know that Maggie and Alex have "an amicable breakup". I'll be sad to see sanvers go, but if Floriana wanted to leave then I think it was for the best.
What would you all like to see with Alex's love life going forwards? I'm hoping for some flirting in the crossover between her and Sara in the crossover, and maybe she might have something going on with Reign (or even Lena)?
- Jordan860
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Saturday, 23 September 2017
It does happen. I was 17 when I met my wife to be who was almost 16. We have been together for 50 years, married 46 of them. I have a feeling this may be a first love that will probably last!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
On an entirely different point, I have a question. When I was in college, I dated a girl that was nearly perfect for me (at the time). The relationship was the longest one I had thus far in my life and I was convinced that it was going to go the distance. That said, after 13 months, it ended. Not by my choice.
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
Yeah, it bothered me that Alex was gonna marry the first woman she met. We're shown a lot of times that our first love will be our only (like in Disney movies, for example), so I think it'd be a good thing to see Alex move on and fall in love again. And maybe even a third time.
I'm just super glad that they're not going to make sanvers into an offscreen relationship. That would have been a huge mistake.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
On an entirely different point, I have a question. When I was in college, I dated a girl that was nearly perfect for me (at the time). The relationship was the longest one I had thus far in my life and I was convinced that it was going to go the distance. That said, after 13 months, it ended. Not by my choice.
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
Defiantly agree that in real life it's usually in a person's best interest to have one or two relationships rather than staying with their first love. It's one way we learn what we truly need and want in a partner. Every relationship I've ever been in no matter how it ended has taught me something about myself.
On the other hand I have good friends who got together in their very early twenties and recently celebrated their 15 anniversary. Heck in real life Chyler is married to her first love, I believe she said she met Nathan West at an audition when she was two weeks shy of her 17th birthday. They got married in 2002 so she would have been 19/20.
Bottom line is I think most people don't wind up with their first loves but it does happen. I think it could be positive LGBTQ representation to show Alex dating.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
On an entirely different point, I have a question. When I was in college, I dated a girl that was nearly perfect for me (at the time). The relationship was the longest one I had thus far in my life and I was convinced that it was going to go the distance. That said, after 13 months, it ended. Not by my choice.
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
Yes, this makes sense. Coming out no matter what your circumstances is always a hard and life changing thing. I was lucky when I came out and my girlfriend and I are still together over 16 years later. But I can see how just such a life changing event itself could cloud your judgement. It will be a great story seeing Alex grow into her new life and getting comfortable with it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
On an entirely different point, I have a question. When I was in college, I dated a girl that was nearly perfect for me (at the time). The relationship was the longest one I had thus far in my life and I was convinced that it was going to go the distance. That said, after 13 months, it ended. Not by my choice.
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
I bring this up because I want to bring up the parallel with Alex. Alex is in a VERY new position in her life. Maggie is her first true relationship in her life. That said, if I didn't have and lose my first relationship of real love, I wouldn't have been prepared for Staffer Kelsey (my wife of two years and partner for over 7).
So I wanted to ask, while Maggie and Alex were incredible and very powerful television, representative of positive LGBTQ relationships, wouldn't it be in Alex's best interest to have the life experience to have one or two relationships to find a true and complete companion in life?
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
Here is the thing there is no backlash. The only backlash there is from SC fandom and sanvers fandom. We all know what the reason is for that. And its baseless hating. Rest like this ship actually, its no accident the ship was already embraced by teen choice award and was nominated as best ship. People love them. Even they said it on the Blu-Ray commentary on Supergirl Lives. They see the huge love for them too.
Hey Starlord, I'm not going to delete this but maybe, possibly use this as an opportunity to point out some stuff as a learning opportunity. As folks have pointed out there are some generalizations going on. You are making claims that the only backlash is coming from Supercorp fans and while, yes, that is true as far as Supercorp fans have shown backlash, they aren't the only ones. I will say that I admire that you are trying to support the love of Mon-El and Kara very steadfastly, please consider that it isn't the truth for everyone. Long story short, Supergirl grand vision, for you, is that Mon-El and Kara belong together! Others may not share that view and its ok to share your view without using aggressive language toward other views. Not sure if I'm making my point clearly. All I'm trying to say is that you are making good points, that could be made without such vigor.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
Kinda disappointed if Karamel is to end, but it was a good run.
What the show needs is a sustainable romance for Kara in the long run. I don't mind who. Not my top pick because I don't see it happening, but if Lena and Kara are gay after all, go for it. Better be this season though. This cannot become Arrow's situation.
The Flash has it down pat so far with Iris and Barry.
What the show needs is a sustainable romance for Kara in the long run. I don't mind who. Not my top pick because I don't see it happening, but if Lena and Kara are gay after all, go for it. Better be this season though. This cannot become Arrow's situation.
The Flash has it down pat so far with Iris and Barry.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
The producers and execs love it in spite of the backlash, as well as the president. :eyeroll:
Yeah, I can see how the way this is unfortunately worded may agitate the Karamel shippers. I mean, if I said someone's ship is hated by lots of fans no wonder it's ending/didn't happen (with accompanying smiley), I'm sure they'll understandably come to their ship's defense likewise. I think it would really be helpful if we follow this simple rule: Ship (or don't) whomever you like but don't put down those who ship others. Please, let's all be mindful of our words and not take potshots at each other and it should hopefully go a long way in keeping the peace.
While I'm not much of a shipper myself (I even got several ship names wrong in one of my previous posts so apologies if I butchered yours), I'm down for whatever/whoever makes Kara happy. And if that's Mon-El and having them reunited, then so be it. Who really wants to watch a dark/moody Kara for 22-23 episodes? I know I for one can only tolerate the first few and look forward to having happy Kara back (and the show to return to its light-heartedness as it should be).
The TPTB know how rare it is to actually find leads that have off-the-charts chemistry on-screen and actually like each other off-screen as well (looking at you Moonlighting and Castle -- two shows whose co-stars have chemistry up the wazoo on film but hate each other in real life which doesn't make for a good working environment). To be able to capture this "lightning in a bottle", once in a blue moon casting jackpot, they'd be fools not to welcome/embrace it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
The fandom needs more like you
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
Well, Saturn Girl was just cast, so that's that confirmed. Karamel is dead in the water for now.
And that will be welcome news if people will finally move on with the hate. Some peace and quiet this season would be much appreciated.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
Well, Saturn Girl was just cast, so that's that confirmed. Karamel is dead in the water for now.
And that will be welcome news if people will finally move on with the hate. Some peace and quiet this season would be much appreciated.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
There you go generalizing again. Shocker. In any case, #saturnvalorrise

Here is the thing there is no backlash. The only backlash there is from SC fandom and sanvers fandom. We all know what the reason is for that. And its baseless hating. Rest like this ship actually, its no accident the ship was already embraced by teen choice award and was nominated as best ship. People love them. Even they said it on the Blu-Ray commentary on Supergirl Lives. They see the huge love for them too.
Well, can't say that I'm not a little relieved to see Maggie go. I'm glad that Alex will be reverting back to her old supportive self in S1 after her OOC storylines in S2. Having her casually dating and not in a serious relationship is also ok. As long as her scenes mesh well and are connected to Kara's vs the disjointed mess in S2.
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
I don't think anyone actually expects karamel to stay broken up. I sure don't. The producers and execs love it in spite of the backlash, as well as the president. :eyeroll:
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
Well, can't say that I'm not a little relieved to see Maggie go. I'm glad that Alex will be reverting back to her old supportive self in S1 after her OOC storylines in S2. Having her casually dating and not in a serious relationship is also ok. As long as her scenes mesh well and are connected to Kara's vs the disjointed mess in S2.
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
I don't think anyone actually expects karamel to stay broken up. I sure don't. The producers and execs love it in spite of the backlash, as well as the president. :eyeroll:
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Well, can't say that I'm not a little relieved to see Maggie go. I'm glad that Alex will be reverting back to her old supportive self in S1 after her OOC storylines in S2. Having her casually dating and not in a serious relationship is also ok. As long as her scenes mesh well and are connected to Kara's vs the disjointed mess in S2.
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
Saturn Girl is a founding member of the Legion and her appearance on the show should be appreciated not just for shipping reasons.
It's funny to see all the Mon-El detractors wholeheartedly embracing Saturn Girl just out of spite (I mean, at least like her for the right reasons). But watch how fast they'll turn on the character/actress if it is somehow revealed that she's actually responsible for getting Karamel back together. lol
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
Well, Saturn Girl was just cast, so that's that confirmed. Karamel is dead in the water for now.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
Profile Pic by
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Floriana Lima's choice gave the producers only three options with regard to Alex/Maggie.
1) Maggie dies, IMO this one was never seriously on the table and I'm glad we got confirmation that it won't happen. Personally I didn't want to see Alex as a widow.
2) The unseen spouse, this could have worked but only as a short term solution. Maggie was too much in the action last season to suddenly not be, the writers would have constantly come up with reasons for her absence.
3) They break up, this seems the best solution Alex will be understandably sad but get over Maggie in due course.
I think it will be a missed opponent ortunity if Sara doesn't flirt with Alex. If the TV gods grant my wish there will be a sparing scene that turns to flirting. Alex and Sara are equally matched as fighters and both could easily see combat as turn on. I don't want anything but harmless flirting perhaps a kiss, it would give Alex a confidence boost. Later yah let's see Alex dating.
Maggie dying would have meant the end of the show. After the clexa debacle, they wouldn't dare kill off another lesbian.
I would LOOOVE to see Sara and Alex flirt. Alex would be such a cute flustered gayby. And of course they're both ridiculously attractive.....
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
I think it will be a missed opportunity if Sara doesn't flirt with Alex. If the TV gods grant my wish there will be a sparingly scene that turns to flirting. Alex and Sara are equally matched as fighters and both coud easily see combat as turn on. I don't want anything but harmless flirting perhaps a kiss, it would give Alex a confidence boost. Later yah let's see Alex dating.
I would LOVE to see a sparing scene between them. I'm sure a friendly spar would produce some sort of sexual tension.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
I'm not really heavily into either Sanvers or Karamel, though I liked both relationships and would be fine with them continuing. Clearly Sanvers will not be, and that's OK too. I am wondering if the cause of the breakup will be triggered by the appearance of Maggie's dad. Perhaps they have a reconciliation and she subsequently returns to Nebraska to help him in some way? just a thought. I agree that there are lots of possibilities for Alex to have other relationships, but I hope that since her sexuality is now established they are minor scenes that reiterate that (possibly in a humorous way), rather than a major arc. And perhaps she and Maggie will someday get back together; also OK by me.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
As far as Karamel, the chemistry was off the charts so regardless of Mon-El's situation when he returns, any interaction with Kara will be very interesting. Again, I hope it is subtext and not a major arc. Of the two, I guess I'd most enjoy seeing Kara and Mon-El get back together in the long term.
Mostly I'm looking forward to a great season which appears to have lots of promise.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
Floriana Lima's choice gave the producers only three options with regard to Alex/Maggie.
1) Maggie dies, IMO this one was never seriously on the table and I'm glad we got confirmation that it won't happen. Personally I didn't want to see Alex as a widow.
2) The unseen spouse, this could have worked but only as a short term solution. Maggie was too much in the action last season to suddenly not be, the writers would have constantly come up with reasons for her absence.
3) They break up, this seems the best solution Alex will be understandably sad but get over Maggie in due course.
I think it will be a missed opportunity if Sara doesn't flirt with Alex. If the TV gods grant my wish there will be a sparing scene that turns to flirting. Alex and Sara are equally matched as fighters and both could easily see combat as turn on. I don't want anything but harmless flirting perhaps a kiss, it would give Alex a confidence boost. Later yah let's see Alex dating.
1) Maggie dies, IMO this one was never seriously on the table and I'm glad we got confirmation that it won't happen. Personally I didn't want to see Alex as a widow.
2) The unseen spouse, this could have worked but only as a short term solution. Maggie was too much in the action last season to suddenly not be, the writers would have constantly come up with reasons for her absence.
3) They break up, this seems the best solution Alex will be understandably sad but get over Maggie in due course.
I think it will be a missed opportunity if Sara doesn't flirt with Alex. If the TV gods grant my wish there will be a sparing scene that turns to flirting. Alex and Sara are equally matched as fighters and both could easily see combat as turn on. I don't want anything but harmless flirting perhaps a kiss, it would give Alex a confidence boost. Later yah let's see Alex dating.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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