Supergirl Last Flew:
  1. Sully
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Sunday, 18 November 2018
Before I head off of here to avoid spoilers since I don't get to watch until the next day, I wanted to propose an idea.

Bear with me on this long post, please.

It seems as though there has been quite a bit of frustration and concern being felt this season, rather as a result of the focus, the story, the writing or the character's screen time. And we're seeing that reflected in the reviews both here and on the News Page. I will be the first to admit that I am not always as positive as I could/should be when I sit down to write a review. But, I have found that sometimes, I do better when I sit and let the episode digest a bit before I start to pull it apart and analyze it. However, after talking with a few people on here, I have realized that the level of negative traffic that is making its way across the reviews and in other places, has become wearisome for some - to the point that they're thinking that maybe they need to take a step away from the site. This concerns me.

I am a believer in the concept that negativity breeds negativity. That, if people surround themselves with only negative people or ideas, then it becomes very difficult to find the positives. This idea can be applied to many different areas of life. This year, in the school district that I work at, we have been trying to combat this issue with our students. We have made it a district policy that each class start off with a 5-10 minute period in which the students list one thing positive that happened to them in the last week. I'll admit that, at first, it seemed a little corny but, after four months of this habit, it is the one thing that kids are repeatedly talking about that they enjoy about school. We see a change in the atmosphere of the buildings and the students feel better about being there.

I think that we sometimes get so wrapped up in the bad things that are going on, that we forget to notice those good things, too.

So, what I am proposing is that when we watch an episode that wasn't particularly up to what we wanted or expected, before we write our reviews or comments, take a few minutes to see if we can find that one positive thing that we enjoyed about the episode and make sure to include it in our review. Maybe even expand on it, if possible. (Of course, if there are more positives than the one, please include those, too!)

To be clear though, I am not asking people to only talk about the positives and not include any negative reflections. I'm not only a realist but, I also believe that dialogue needs to be honest in order for it to be believable. Constructive criticism and written hopes and wishes that maybe contrary to what is being shown are part of that honesty.

Also, anyone who may be lurking on the forums (yes, we know you're out there :) ) but, not posting, please feel free to join in. The more diversity in opinions, the better it is for the longevity of the site and the show.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I like this idea. I often try to stay out of much of the conversations here. The reason being that I believe that my place is to provide the unbiased forum for folks to share their opinions on. If the mood of the viewership is shifting toward negative, that isn't my site's content, that is the content of the show. However, we are here because we are fans and hearing negative after negative can beget more negativity.

Kelsey and I provide this site because of our mission statement we made so long ago. We wanted to see if we could affect the life of a fictional character. Could we use our web design skills to help fuel a character we've loved for so long. This mission statement is true today. If anyone has other suggestions, we are more than excited to hear them.

El May Arah
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Another thing that has been helping me is all the comic references that have been mentioned coming up to the show. Elseworlds sounds amazing! Lex is coming, Nia is going to grow her powers, and we still have red daughter! I am very much looking forward to these stories!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Good stuff from this season:
- Brainiac 5 is a very entertaining character. As much as I miss the OG Winn, I think Brainy is a great replacement for him, because he can play the tech support role properly without doing double duty as team guardian, is quite funny in a different way than Winn, and has his own set of unique abilities and attributes beyond "generic IT nerd".

- I like Nia Nal. She resembles S1 Kara to a degree. And while Kara said she was turning into Cat, I find it very good that Kara's nature meant being an example to someone without being condescending and aloof, and since they are both working class instead of like Cat and Kara in S1, their relationship is built on equal grounds, of genuinely one working woman trying to help another. Kara shows she can be an inspiring mentor without acting like #%$^#&.

- Martian Manhunter is getting closer to his classic characterization and that's quite exciting. Without being constrained by being DEO director, J'onn is free to take up adventures he couldn't before.

- James and Lena actually make for a fairly interesting dynamic.

- I hope he is not the main villain of this season, but Ben Lockwood is a very likeable character. Well portrayed, and despite being quite wrong, very relatable, as in the viewer would understand why he is the way he is.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I like your idea a lot. Before my retirement some 10 years ago, we adopted “talk about a positive before a negative” at meetings. As you say, sounds corny but really worked, improving working relationships, problem solving and innovation.
In the context of Supergirl, I have noticed much less controversy about nonsenses such as ships and politics, but increasing negativity about the show itself. Some of this seems to have at its root too little MB. I agree, but I think we are hopeful that we will get more soon.
My first positive thought, whatever the other deficiencies may be, is often “MB smiled in the episode.” Everything else is just detail!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Excellent idea, Sully! I used to tell my subordinates to stick a memo in a drawer overnight if they were "hot" when they first wrote it. The original draft often ended up in the circular file! That's why I always view Supergirl at least twice before making a review. After a second viewing I often see things differently or notice things I didn't at first. It's kind of funny because I was gone all last week and didn't watch episode 405 until late Friday. I had read some of the review comments earlier in the week and wasn't sure what to expect from the episode, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was better (IMO) than some of the comments had led me to believe. So for what it is worth my experience this week may lend credence to your suggestion.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you Sully. Great idea. :)

I think following that would help the reviewer with negative thoughts about an episode because they realise that there was actually something positive about an episode. Provided, they actually could find something positive, and I am pretty sure you can find something positive about even what you consider the worst of the episodes.

As for people reading the reviews:

I have noticed that at times, when I have been thinking negatively about an episode, going online and seeing positive reviews help me; provided the reasons they are positive are reasons that resonate with me. For example, if I have been feeling sad about a lack of story for Kara, if someone pointed out that see, in this manner, Kara had a story, I would feel positive probably because I had not considered that angle yet.

However, if our tastes differ a lot, then, someone else's positive review only makes me go: oh! good for them, but I wanted more Danvers Sisters and instead what I got was more Lena.. So, I don't care. :p

I don't think my attitude will apply to many others, who probably have eclectic tastes and love the show in all its colours. And, for them (who I hope are many), having positive reviews at the beginning would be very pleasant.

And, for selfish people like me: I am likely to in general feel happy that the show is getting happy reviews.. So, there is that for us too. :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I like this idea. I often try to stay out of much of the conversations here. The reason being that I believe that my place is to provide the unbiased forum for folks to share their opinions on.
I think your administration of the site is just fine. You seem to have a very good balance of when to intervene and when not to and that approach gives us the feeling that our ideas and opinions are welcome. Any negativity isn't from your management. Just a general feeling that sometimes takes over us at times. :)

@Fedguy - I agree with just about everything in your post. I had the same feelings about Cat and Kara's mentor/mentee relationship. But, you may have to re-examine that James and Lena relationship. Things seem a little rocky at the moment ;) .

@superbill -Unfortunately, I have more ideas that end up in that circular file than I do written down or implemented. :(
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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