1. Fedguy
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Thanks Kiwi. I love a great numerous things about this show but here on this post, feel free to share what we love absolutely the most.

#1 Kara Danvers. I had never been a comic book fan, and I occasionally watch the DC or Marvel things as they come out before I discovered this. I saw an advertisement for this show while reading the internet and decided to check out the pilot. Part of the reason I'm hooked is the vast difference of Supergirl here from the usual portrayal of Kara. She is powerful, however she is also kind, polite, and just adorably human (haha technically not lol) with relatable emotions and empathies. A real breath of fresh air from every other "strong female character" out there, who are always cold, violent and anti-social, as if purely created to make a statement about the power of women, but as imagined cliches instead of real people. Also I didn't know Melissa Benoist before but her 1000% on point portrayal helped boost the character.

#2 Power to nerds and the unusual. I have ASD somewhere on the mild spectrum. Meaning despite being close to neurotypical, I'm stuck somewhere bad. Not autistic enough to get sympathy, not normal enough to get many friends. In fact until this year I basically have none. But I found in this show and others a sense of empowerment to the socially marginalised, given Kara and Winn were all socially awkward and isolated, but as they became more confident they grew to either care less or become successful. Partly inspired by this show and others, I became more confident of my social perception, and thanks to that I made a few lasting friends at university this year.

#3 Crossovers and the multiverse. If I wasn't a DC fan before, I am now. Before discovering Supergirl, I've been hearing everywhere about Arrow and The Flash, but never bothered to check them out. After watching a few episode of Kara's adventures I realise how awesome these shows were, and began The Flash. The Flash season one was magnificent and kinda tear inducing, and then I started Arrow, which was good but not as much as The Flash. Thanks to Supergirl, now I follow all shows of the multiverse. And there is nothing better than seeing the shows you love meet. Worlds Finest was magnificent. Besides the disappointment of Invasion, Duet was another dream come true. I guess Supergirl doesn't blend with Arrow, but hell yes it does with The Flash.
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1) Melissa and Chyler

2) Melissa and Chyler

3) Chyler and Melissa

4) Graphics improving, along with stuntwork

5) Katie McGrath as Lena

6) Brenda Strong is an amazing villian.

7) I do now understand what they meant, had they stayed in L.A, the show would have appeared small. The move really HAS opened up the scenery and storylines.

8) the cast connection when the original cast are actually in a scene together with just the original cast.

9) Grant and Melissa

10) Alex, Kara, Chyler, and Melissa

And finally..

11) that ship stopping scene tho *moment of applause*
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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Both Rom and evrfter cover pretty much most of what I like. I want to add a few other items:

1. Exodus and Mr. & Mrs. M were the two best shows of the season thus far. Particularly Exodus which reminded of Season 1s closer and emphasized the strength the sisters draw from each other.

2. The Technical Production has been consistently better and this is especially important when you are bringing in a new crew and not the seasoned one from last year. I expect greater things from them this coming year.

3. Elements of the script writing have improved, though the general season plan and individual episodes are wanting. There are some great lines. Now let's get it consistent

4. The cast, particularly the additions of Lena and Mon-El, continue to work their magic and prove their acting chops.

A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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1. Kara
2. Alex
3. Kara and Alex relationship
4. Alex and J'onn relationship
5. Alex and Winn relationship
6. Kara and J'onn relationship
7. Kara, Alex and J'onn relationship (I know, I am just using more permutations here, but the three is different from two).
8. The friendships in the show, yes, including that of Kara and James and Winn and James.
9. The cast:- Mainly, Chyler, Melissa, David Harewood and Jeremy Jordan (but, I am pretty sure, others are good too... I just don't keep track of them).
10. Lena and how she has been portrayed so far (Katie McGrath is great!)

Also, really, Melissa and Chyler are great! I am sure I would have gotten bored of the show if not for them.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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evrafter wrote:

1) Melissa and Chyler

2) Melissa and Chyler

3) Chyler and Melissa

4) Graphics improving, along with stuntwork

5) Katie McGrath as Lena

6) Brenda Strong is an amazing villian.

7) I do now understand what they meant, had they stayed in L.A, the show would have appeared small. The move really HAS opened up the scenery and storylines.

8) the cast connection when the original cast are actually in a scene together with just the original cast.

9) Grant and Melissa

10) Alex, Kara, Chyler, and Melissa

And finally..

11) that ship stopping scene tho *moment of applause*


My two cents: What she said.

See, I didn't need 11 points to make my statement, someone already did it for me!
"Outdated And Antiquated" - Ron Sexsmith, from the CD/LP/Download The Vivian Line. (2023)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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First and foremost,. Melissa's accurate portrayal of the Silver Age Supergirl, described as "sweet, kind, and cheerful, always ready to help out, whether it be saving the world or brightening a small child's day"!

And a close second, the camaraderie between the "Superfriends", both at CatCo and the DEO. The same feeling is also apparent between Kara and Clark and Kara and Barry.

I also really like Cat as Kara's mentor. Like you, Fedguy, I didn't care for the way she treated her employees, and found the snide, sarcastic remarks to be inappropriate. So when I started writing my own fan fiction stories, I wrote the character of Cat the way I liked her to be. (Actually, my version of Cat is based on the principal of my school, who is probably the best boss I've ever had.)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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You beat me to it Fedguy darn job getting in the way of my Supergirl time. Where I work after a project or training is finished we sometimes do plus/deltas (delta meaning change in math terms) so it’s basically pluses and minuses. At work there is only one rule. To maintain positivity for every delta a person submits they must submit two or more plusses. I was going to wait for the end of the season to suggest we do plus/deltas. I’ll split my responses in the appropriate threads rather than create a new one.

Plus - Everything about Superman’s appearance. It was the right time to introduce Superman and the way the writers did it was perfect. They created a situation that both Supercousins would naturally respond to rather than a call for help. It was clear that Kara could have saved the space shuttle on her own but once he got there she was happy to work with him. As superheros the cousins worked perfectly together with neither even for a second questioning the others abilities. Neither found it necessary to always be the leader in their team ups, sometimes she took the lead and he followed and sometimes the other way around, it was well balanced. There is actually a nice feminist message in a powerful man unquestionably treating a powerful woman as his equal and in turn the powerful woman doing the same. Clark did give Kara “older” cousin type advise but crucially only when she asked for it so it was appropriate. The way the writers used humor to acknowledge that Superman is more famous along with Tyler’s acting ensured that Supergirl wasn’t over showed by her cousin. Hopefully Superman’s next appearance is like his first.

Plus - This one’s going to be controversial but I like the Danver’s sisters more mature less codependent relationship. I think my sister and I have a good relationship, we talk multiple times a week and know what’s going on in each other’s lives. If she needs me I will drop everything and vice versa, we have each other’s backs always. We however stopped, with very rare exceptions, hanging out eating pizza and watching movies at each other’s apartments in our mid-twenties. We make plans about every month to do something together. I think I can also give a perspective on the Earth birthday thing. My sister and I are four years apart but her birthday happens to be one day after mine. We always get together to celebrate but it stopped being important that the celebration be on one of our actual birthdays again in our twenties. The Danvers sister’s relationship as it was in season one was necessary. Kara needed Alex’s “protection” in the beginning of the first season to become the hero she was by the end. In short J’onn was correct when he said Alex was Supergirl’s hero. At this point Kara doesn’t need Alex or anyone else to be her hero, she does that all by herself now. Last season Alex felt that if Kara started using her powers she would fly away and have no use for Alex in her life anymore. By the end of season one Alex knows that isn’t true so she was free let Kara grow-up and be the hero she was meant to be, which also allowed Alex to have her own life. We see how close the sisters are in small but meaningful ways now. Alex teasing Kara a little “your cousin smells great” that “mandatory sexual harassment seminar” line that could have been funny under different circumstances (see my delta in the other thread). Cute little moments like teaming up when they wanted J’onn to tell them what was bothering him ‘Kara-don’t make me pout. Alex-she’s really good at it’. When Alex described Maggie as beautiful Kara’s response was “so are you”. When Kara picked up on how happy Alex was after Maggie spent the night. There are many more short meaningful sister moments but my post is already long enough. It’s possible to be close to your sibling and have a romantic relationship too. This season the Danvers sisters are figuring out how to do both and that’s a good thing.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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I'm always in for something positive.

I have to admit I have enjoyed this season much more in just my watching of it, I think because we haven't had that looming cloud over us of "will it get renewed or not"...that question was answered early on.

Episodes that I REALLY ENJOYED, are "Changes", and "Mr. and Mrs. Mxy". Both are in my top 5 from both seasons.

It is strange because I've been pretty opposite on some opinions here.

1. I love the Mon-el/Kara relationship and though I definitely want to see them in the realm of fighting together more than "just the relationship" I have absolutely enjoyed the development of their relationship and has been spot on as far as time given for it to develop.

2. I have also really enjoyed the Alex/Maggie relationship development, and as I stated above, I would like to see them fighting side by side more as well.

3. I have not been one that has had a problem with the sisterly stuff. There is ebb and flow in all relationships and that is simply how I saw it this season, the couch scene in "Changes" for me....out does all of the couch scenes in season 1 put together. So, I've been fine with them being on park benches, and at the table more. I don't mind the couch scenes changing to Mo-el and Kara, I have loved those.

4. Acting.....still blows my mind.

5. Music ....beautiful as always. I haven't missed the covers of songs that we heard so much of in the first season.

Alrighty....I think that is it.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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This is my favourite show on TV, so positives are easy:

1. Melissa. Beautiful yes, but more importantly she gives the character real depth. Recruiting her was a stroke of genius.

2. The main character. Her back-story makes her a far more interesting character than her cousin, giving the writers plenty of scope (I think they have not always taken it though!)

3. Hope. Whatever is going on in the world, it is a delight to have an action show that actually concentrates on important values and relationships.

4. The supporting actors. A strong team, with Chyler and David my particular favourites.

5. Relationships. Kara with Alex, Mon-el, and pretty much everyone else; Alex with Maggie and Wynn

6. The gooey scenes where Supergirl interacts with the public, usually young children. Aaaaaaah!

7. Humour. I have enjoyed it more this season: last season relied to some extent upon being up to date with current entertainment stories in the US (I am a sheltered, ancient Englishman who regards the Beatles as the current phenomenon!)

8. Strong central female character. It is refreshing to see a character with matching physical and emotional strength. She is not Superman with a skirt, but faces her challenges from a different perspective, more understanding and intellectual.

9. That we have another season of Melissa as Supergirl to look forward to.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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A positive for me is when Kara gets to be Supergirl in the heroic sense.
It is enjoyable to see her character grow and develop but beating up the bad guys is my favorite part of the show. I am still waiting for a moment like her taking on Red Tornado and /or standing up to and taking on Non is the Black Mercy episode.
Still waiting for that kind of magic in season 2.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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Well I gave the utmost core reasons why I like this but I guess it also works to list everything you love. Unless of course all those are core reasons lol. Fascinating read everyone.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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3. I have not been one that has had a problem with the sisterly stuff. There is ebb and flow in all relationships and that is simply how I saw it this season, the couch scene in "Changes" for me....out does all of the couch scenes in season 1 put together. So, I've been fine with them being on park benches, and at the table more. I don't mind the couch scenes changing to Mo-el and Kara, I have loved those.

Kelly I think you and I are the only people who are fine with the sisters not hanging out on couches as much. "Changes" had two amazing couch scenes, one in each sisters apartment. Favorite line of the season "I'll go get the alien, you get the girl."
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
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I'm neutral to the nature of the sisterhood, as long as Alex has a good relation with Kara I'm fine.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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