I was so disappointed...but not really shocked...when James lied and betrayed Kara to Lena. I get that he likes her and all, but the woman had kryptonite in her possession...maybe he forgot how lethal it is to his Super-friends but to not make sure if there's more of the substance or not and THEN to blab to Lena that it was Supergirl who asked him to find out...JUDAS!!!
I know there are some who like James' character but I find him to be a self-serving, self-motivated individual who evidently will turn on a friend if it suits his own purposes. I hope this is a lesson, although a painful one, to Kara and the rest of the DEO that he can't be trusted.
Rant over...
- SuperTweety
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Saturday, 12 May 2018
James was in an impossible position, Allowing that Kra figured out that James and Lena were very very close friends, asking him to betray Lena was a bad deal. She should not have been surprised that James could only choose one of them.
I respectfully disagree. This was not an impossible position.
Here's the correct possible outcome. "Hey Kara, I wasn't comfortable breaking into my girlfriend's safe. I didn't do it." I could at least respect him if he'd done that.
Instead, he chose to lie to both Winn and Kara and say there was no Kryptonite, FLIP on Kara and rat her out to Lena.
Then, Lena tells him that she doesn't just have Kryptonite, she can make it. And he still thinks there is nothing wrong with that, and doesn't report it to Winn, Kara, the DEO, or anyone.
I'm honestly convinced that there is nothing noble about James. His actions are self serving. He didn't become Guardian to protect people. He became Guardian for the glory, as can be seen when he's smuggly talking about Guardian at CatCo in season 2.
And by late season 3, he's willing to flip on Kara and Winn (not to mention Superman) by protecting someone who is can synthesize as much Kryptonite as she wants, just because he's dating her.
He should know first-hand what Kryptonite means to Kara and Clark. I mean, Clark went bat-crap on J'onn in season 2, just because he has Kryptonite. But James is happy to betray what is literally his LONGEST friendship for a girl he's been dating a few months.
That's my opinion.
Yeah, maybe Kara was out of line by asking him to snoop on Lena. But Clark was the same way, when it came to Kryptonite, and if ANYBODY should understand how they feel about that, it should be James.
But the worst part, IMO, was completely ratting her out to Lena. That's the big one. His arm wasn't twisted. He made the conscious decision choose Lena over his longstanding friendships. And that's messed up.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
Yeah, that last little decision by James pretty much gave me no hope for his character at all. He has got to be the most wishy washy character I have ever seen on TV in recent history.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Lying and the ramifications of that lie on other characters seems to be an ongoing theme, integrated into the main plot of the show since Season 1 when Alex lied to Kara, Hank lied about being J'onn and Alura lied to Kara about Astra. Every season since then, we see a main character who chooses to lie about something big and then we watch to see how that lie is played out. It's really a concept that I wish the show would stop relying on to create conflict.
I have always struggled with James' character but, I have also always valued his friendship with Kara. This season, I have started to like him more than I have since mid-way through Season 1. Lena's character is pretty much in a similar state for me as James was for the first two seasons, in that I really haven't been able to get behind her character. So, because of James and Kara's history, I am much more interested in seeing how James' lie impacts his relationship with Kara than that of Lena and Kara.
I have always struggled with James' character but, I have also always valued his friendship with Kara. This season, I have started to like him more than I have since mid-way through Season 1. Lena's character is pretty much in a similar state for me as James was for the first two seasons, in that I really haven't been able to get behind her character. So, because of James and Kara's history, I am much more interested in seeing how James' lie impacts his relationship with Kara than that of Lena and Kara.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
I always try to root for James. But I always get bugged when he's such a hypocrit--saying he is a moral compass for Supergirl. Bugged during the episode when he compared the DEO holding Max Lord to Guitmo, only to turn around and take a baseball bat to burglers as he was first becoming Guardian. And now with lying to Winn AND Kara for Lena? Dude, if you're such a moral compass, then simply tell Winn and Kara you simply can't do it and not that you DID but didn't find anything. And NOW we're gonna have to endure being preached to about being a black vigilante in America--as IF that's even a real issue. Lol Ask Oliver what it means to be A vigilante in America... Color doesn't matter. Won't say what's happened to Oliver for being the G Arrow because I don't want to spoil anything.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
Yeah, by lying James has put himself in a very bad situation. He's jeopardized the trust of Kara, Winn, and even Superman. Kara is certain to find out eventually that Lena can make kryptonite. Will he come clean and tell her, or will she learn it from someone else, perhaps even Lena? Either way, it's going to get ugly.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
It's not that serious. I barely cared.
It's more about Lena than James. James is kinda like this guy with the least impact in the show. Nothing to get angry over.
It's more about Lena than James. James is kinda like this guy with the least impact in the show. Nothing to get angry over.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
It's not that serious. I barely cared.
It's more about Lena than James. James is kinda like this guy with the least impact in the show. Nothing to get angry over.
I totally agree here. For me, I'm more concerned over the ramifications of Lena's lie, than I am James. Concerned, but excited because...as we've mentioned numerous times....it most definitely pushes Lena a bit further into the grey...where we like her

But, woot woot...can't wait for that moment when, oh oopppsssie...
Kara: "What gives, James, I thought you told me you checked the vault and Lena didn't have any Kryptonite?"
Winn: "Yeah, JAMES! What gives?"
James: "Ummmmm.....can I play the moral compass card here????....."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I'm convinced James has gone Full-Douche.
Badmouthing Supergirl at the beginning of the episode...the person he's known for 3 years, and trusting Lena over her because they've been dating a couple months. Wow.
Badmouthing Supergirl at the beginning of the episode...the person he's known for 3 years, and trusting Lena over her because they've been dating a couple months. Wow.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
James was in an impossible position, Allowing that Kra figured out that James and Lena were very very close friends, asking him to betray Lena was a bad deal. She should not have been surprised that James could only choose one of them.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
I'm convinced James has gone Full-Douche.
Badmouthing Supergirl at the beginning of the episode...the person he's known for 3 years, and trusting Lena over her because they've been dating a couple months. Wow.
Bah ha ha ha ha ha
Full-douche has, indeed, been achieved.
The realization for Kara that James didn't go into the vault, and all Lena could say is, "We've dated for months." Months?? ummm... Try friends for several years with lots and lots of life in peral expiences together. That's REAL betrayal.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
I'll add that there was no reaction out of James when Lena took a spray can of Kryptonite and sprayed Reign in the face. So Lena has a spray can of industrial strength Kryptonite I can see that being an issue later.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
I'm not sure what the direction they are trying to go with James but, at the moment, it's not something that I am liking.
I haven't watched a ton of Superman movies but, I have seen enough to believe that the James in the movies is a very loyal friend. But, the last two episodes are not showing him in that light. I could understand that he might be torn between earning trust with his new girlfriend and being loyal to a good friend but, this episode made it seem as though he isn't conflicted about the issue at all. He has apparently taken Lena's stance on the kryptonite and he has no problem talking trash about Kara.
I think all of this is very out of character for him. Plus, he has enough difficulty getting fan support that I don't believe that this writing is going to help in that area, unless they're planning on him boarding the evil train with Lena.
I haven't watched a ton of Superman movies but, I have seen enough to believe that the James in the movies is a very loyal friend. But, the last two episodes are not showing him in that light. I could understand that he might be torn between earning trust with his new girlfriend and being loyal to a good friend but, this episode made it seem as though he isn't conflicted about the issue at all. He has apparently taken Lena's stance on the kryptonite and he has no problem talking trash about Kara.
I think all of this is very out of character for him. Plus, he has enough difficulty getting fan support that I don't believe that this writing is going to help in that area, unless they're planning on him boarding the evil train with Lena.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
I think all of this is very out of character for him. Plus, he has enough difficulty getting fan support that I don't believe that this writing is going to help in that area, unless they're planning on him boarding the evil train with Lena.
The thought occurred to me yesterday, what if they are lining it up to kill James, and let that be an added catalyst to Lena's downslide, and further wedge between Kara/Lena? Maybe not this season.. Perhaps next.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
James was in an impossible position, Allowing that Kra figured out that James and Lena were very very close friends, asking him to betray Lena was a bad deal. She should not have been surprised that James could only choose one of them.
This was not an impossible choice, AT ALL....... he should have gone with the person he has known for 3 years, has gone through ups and downs, life and death situations....who has SAVED HIS FREAKING LIFE on more than one occasion.....is someone he has called FAMILY. SERIOUSLY? No question, he should have either simply told Kara no, or did what she needed him to do. The later would have been the best decision.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
James was in an impossible position, Allowing that Kra figured out that James and Lena were very very close friends, asking him to betray Lena was a bad deal. She should not have been surprised that James could only choose one of them.
This was not an impossible choice, AT ALL....... he should have gone with the person he has known for 3 years, has gone through ups and downs, life and death situations....who has SAVED HIS FREAKING LIFE on more than one occasion.....is someone he has called FAMILY. SERIOUSLY? No question, he should have either simply told Kara no, or did what she needed him to do. The latter would have been the best decision.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
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