1. Rschick
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice Notable Answerer
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Friday, 15 December 2017
Here is an interview with Amy Jackson on some BBC radio station.

Skip to the 1 hour 36 minute mark for the interview. It lasts until about the 1 hour 51 minute mark.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Brierrose - why do you feel as though Mon-El hasn't earned the suit? I only wonder because Kara, herself got a suit within a day of deciding to become Supergirl even though she was a complete novice and didn't really understand the ramifications of that choice.

I like Mon-El as a character and believe his arc last season was evolving from the prince of Daxam, who he himself said was a terrible person, to by the the end having the mindset of a hero. In contrast when we meet Kara in the pilot she already wants to help people. She thought working for Cat would be the way she could make a difference in the world. In short she already had the mindset of a hero. Being a novice hero is one thing but the basic desire to selflessly help people IMO is a prerequisite for a suit.

Mon-El deserved the suit by the end of the finale. He didn’t want to be a hero until the end of S2E9. Then he admitted the reason he wanted to be a hero was to be near Kara. Personally I was fine with that reason initially, IRL we do try new things because of people we love. I do believe by the end of the season Mon-El truly did want to be a hero. Being around Kara and everyone else changed him but only because he wanted to change.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Mon-El and Imra are acting very sketchy. I have a feeling that there’s more to the Legion appearing than what was said in S3E9.

We already know that Imra is a very understanding wife. Remember when she spoke to Kara about Mon-El's love for her and how much he spoke of Kara? So I do believe that she completely understands why he would utilize the House of El symbol on his suit. Imra herself said that Kara was the reason they created the legion so I don't see her being upset in any way with Mon-El using the symbol let alone wearing Kara's necklace which was the last piece of kara he had.

I don't really see them being sketchy all that much. Aside from Imra telling Mon-El that Kara would be alright at the end of ep9 they haven't been shown (at least to me) to be sketchy whatsoever. But I do think there's more to the legion than meets the eye.
I really hope that Imra is not sketchy and that their relationship doesn't continue to create a huge rift. You asked in another thread what we want to see for tone and the soap opera drama is at the top of my list of things that I do not want to see in a superhero show.

I also agree that there is more to the Legion and their trip back in time. If you remember in the "Wake-Up" episode, Mon-El hinted to this when he told Winn that he had to get back to the ship or people would be hurt, specifically Kara. So, he has to be aware that something happens to Kara. Add to it the fact that they showed up at National City at this time and that he fees a rush to get the ship fixed before that event happens and yes, there's more to their story that we've not been told yet.

I completely forgot about Mon-El’s line about Kara. I do believe they went back in time for a reason and the writers wouldn’t put in a throwaway line like that. Thanks for bringing it up. And yeah it’s too coincidental that they ended up in national city and the ship got discovered at that time.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
It's just good to hear she's getting a costume, period. Hopefully that means Mon-El does, as well.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
It's just good to hear she's getting a costume, period. Hopefully that means Mon-El does, as well.

Chris said they made his suit last season. Kara did have Winn make one in I believe S2E10 and Mon-El said “my stuff is at the DEO in S2E18. IMO Mon-El hadn’t earned his suit last season.

From the pictures of Mon-El’s suit in the comics it includes the house of El \S/. If his suit on the show also has the \S/, especially if it’s over his heart, then Imra is a very understanding wife. Between that and the fact that he’s extremely attached to her necklace if I were his wife I might feel that I will always be his second choice. I’m not by any means saying that former partners should be wiped from existence but I can’t say I would be happy if my husband wore a past love’s necklace (something that could happen IRL) and used her family’s coat of arms.

Mon-El and Imra are acting very sketchy. I have a feeling that there’s more to the Legion appearing than what was said in S3E9.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Good Listen. Nice of Amy to give us a preview of her Saturn Girl costume which she mentioned as being a spiced up version of the 50's costume. Looking forward to seeing it, hope The CW release a photo before the episode airs.
Honestly, I hope it isn't a suit like the one in that photo. While I understand why Melissa wears the skirt, I don't understand putting a female superhero in a skirt and high heels to fight. That was popular in the 50s and before because that was how women were characterized during those time periods. But, in the 21st Century, this is no longer the case.

Brierrose - why do you feel as though Mon-El hasn't earned the suit? I only wonder because Kara, herself got a suit within a day of deciding to become Supergirl even though she was a complete novice and didn't really understand the ramifications of that choice.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm definitely excited to see how brainy is portrayed (if he's green or not) and to see their suits and which versions they're based off of. I do wonder if the suit they made chris in s2 is the same suit we'll be seeing in ep10 or if they made some alterations to it. I hope someone asks this question in an interview.

From the pictures of Mon-El’s suit in the comics it includes the house of El \S/. If his suit on the show also has the \S/, especially if it’s over his heart, then Imra is a very understanding wife. Between that and the fact that he’s extremely attached to her necklace if I were his wife I might feel that I will always be his second choice. I’m not by any means saying that former partners should be wiped from existence but I can’t say I would be happy if my husband wore a past love’s necklace (something that could happen IRL) and used her family’s coat of arms.

Mon-El and Imra are acting very sketchy. I have a feeling that there’s more to the Legion appearing than what was said in S3E9.

We already know that Imra is a very understanding wife. Remember when she spoke to Kara about Mon-El's love for her and how much he spoke of Kara? So I do believe that she completely understands why he would utilize the House of El symbol on his suit. Imra herself said that Kara was the reason they created the legion so I don't see her being upset in any way with Mon-El using the symbol let alone wearing Kara's necklace which was the last piece of kara he had.

I don't really see them being sketchy all that much. Aside from Imra telling Mon-El that Kara would be alright at the end of ep9 they haven't been shown (at least to me) to be sketchy whatsoever. But I do think there's more to the legion than meets the eye.
"Be wise, be strong and always be true to yourself." - Alura Zor-El to Kara Zor-El
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Mon-El and Imra are acting very sketchy. I have a feeling that there’s more to the Legion appearing than what was said in S3E9.

We already know that Imra is a very understanding wife. Remember when she spoke to Kara about Mon-El's love for her and how much he spoke of Kara? So I do believe that she completely understands why he would utilize the House of El symbol on his suit. Imra herself said that Kara was the reason they created the legion so I don't see her being upset in any way with Mon-El using the symbol let alone wearing Kara's necklace which was the last piece of kara he had.

I don't really see them being sketchy all that much. Aside from Imra telling Mon-El that Kara would be alright at the end of ep9 they haven't been shown (at least to me) to be sketchy whatsoever. But I do think there's more to the legion than meets the eye.
I really hope that Imra is not sketchy and that their relationship doesn't continue to create a huge rift. You asked in another thread what we want to see for tone and the soap opera drama is at the top of my list of things that I do not want to see in a superhero show.

I also agree that there is more to the Legion and their trip back in time. If you remember in the "Wake-Up" episode, Mon-El hinted to this when he told Winn that he had to get back to the ship or people would be hurt, specifically Kara. So, he has to be aware that something happens to Kara. Add to it the fact that they showed up at National City at this time and that he fees a rush to get the ship fixed before that event happens and yes, there's more to their story that we've not been told yet.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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