I fell asleep at the 32nd minute and plan to finish the episode tonight and I'll try to see what that is about 
Franz and Victor were hilarious.
Other than seeing Damien Dahrk (YUCK) and his daughter (DOUBLE), the 1937 throwback was coolness. Someone on the Legends Staff must really like Turner Classic Movies (TCM). The show's wit and humor was there along with the wild comedy of FIrestorm's turnabout Tuesday.
The title card done ala WB 1937...loved it. The clothes, the cars, the vibe. The Warner Brothers themselves would be proud. And we even run into Heddy Lamarr, a pioneer in films and technology. And did Sara ever wear her outfits well.
But if you looked fast you may have noticed a symbol...MPPDA, that's the
Producers and
Distributors of
America. In 1945, it would become the current MPAA
Association of
America. Uh, its current president is a former Senator from my home state, CT, Chris Dodd.
And by the way, yeah...Themiscara was mentioned and Helen of Troy was dropped by Zari there. And already people are "wondering" if a certain amazon princess exists in the DCTV universe.
Supergirl and Legends to me have won the week.