1. Stewart Tick
  2. Love Fool Vanity Monster Sherlock Holmes
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Monday, 17 June 2019

One of the things I've been featuring in my fan-fiction stories is having the characters from the show doing everyday things. For instance, I've had Kara as Supergirl at a National City shopping mall, collecting donations for charity. I've made it seasonal, too - selling flowers and marshmallow Peeps for Easter, pumpkins for Halloween, holly and poinsettas at Christmas, etc. I've had her make appearances at school assemblies, and even doing a commencement address at a high school (where she advised the graduating class of the wisdom of "El Mayarah" ). I've also had the Supergirl Team going to movies, picnics, and sporting events. In fact, I'm currently working on a story about the National City soccer (football) team (inspired of course by the ongoing Women's World Cup tournament).
I'd like to see more of that sort of scene on the TV show, too. I mean, really - can't you just picture Kara and Alex in the bleachers, cheering on the home team? :D
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Yes, Stewart, I absolutely agree! I have a mental image of Supergirl flying up to a donut shop and chatting with the people waiting in line. A few brief scenes over the course of a season could be worked in easily I would think, and I am sure would be a fan favorite.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
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YYYAAAAASSSS! I love it, Stewart Tick!! Maybe if they'd cut out the endless side-story of other characters, there would be available time for this idea.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
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Stew my man that would work so well and so much better than the so called writers.who are nothing more than propagandists for wars and inhumanity.

Speaking of Christmas, I would have the following for a Christmas episode of Supergirl...

Have a version of the theme song with an emphasis on jingle bells and some snow (I know it's National City, CA, but hey!)

As Kara flies through the air, have Melissa mention things like "the most wonderful time of the year"

At her office at Catco have her set up some decorations.

Have a scene where at the Nat City Mall, it's been found out their store Santa broke his leg and is in the hospital...and let Supergirl fill-in for him.

The plot would involve a story where a widower struggles to keep a roof over his family's head when his wife suddenly dies.

I was inspired by a 1939 episode of the Golden Age of Radio program The Shadow called "The Stockings Were Hung." Usually the program deals in darkness and murder. But for Christmas, the show takes a spin on "A Christmas Carol" and does things with a little more humor and a wink and a nod to "A Christmas Carol."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
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I'm cool with this if it doesn't take the place of what we missed quite a bit of in this last season and that was Supergirl being Super, I love scenes when she is doing everyday things incorporated into say a montage which they did in Season 3 in the first episode. But, I also love montages like the scene in Ep. 1 of the 4th season. I don't necessarily want the writers to change their writing style, it wasn't that the writing was bad this season, it was probably some of the strongest in the series history IMO, but.....they left a few things out, so yes...this along with Supergirl being "solo super" would be a nice addition to Season 5.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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Yes, we're on the same page then.
. In my Supergirl fan fiction stories, I always try to include both "everyday" (realistic down-to-earth) scenes and also Supergirl "saves the day" scenes. For instance, in my latest story, most of the members of the Supergirl Team attend a soccer (football) match at the National City Stadium, and later on, congregate in an ice cream parlor, where they discuss going to see "Toy Story 4" at the local multiplex cinema. And in between, Kara finds that (due to heavy traffic) the National City police are having some problems apprehending the "bad guy" who tried to fix the game. So Kara (as Supergirl) immediately takes matters into her own hands, and personally delivers the culprit directly to the Police Dept. headquarters.
Or to put it another way, I'm writing the kind of scenes I'd like to see on my TV screen next season! :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 5
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I agree with this excellent suggestion, for a couple of reasons.

I do enjoy stories which move other regular character's stories forward, such as Nia's story this year, and Brainy's growth as a character too, or the ups and downs of James' and Lena's off-and-on romance, and Alex's side-tracked and then back-on-track story about her desire to adopt. I don't find these distracting at all, and the personal aspects of them adds depth and humanity to their characters too.
As for Dreamer; I think that it would be great for Kara to loan Nia the Legion ring that Mon-El gave her as a keepsake before he left to return to the 31st Century. If Brainy uses his Legion ring to fly (among other things), they it would add a great new dimension to Dreamer's abilities in her super-hero role, and be a nice friendship/bonding gesture on Kara's part too.

However, I do agree that too much time is being wasted by unrewarding side-stories which don't really go anywhere; such as Manchester Black and his 'Elite', which eventually fizzled out, or J'onn's obsession with Manchester, and how it briefly led him back to Mars. I would much rather have enjoyed seeing J'onn evolve more in his away-from-the-DEO role.
And although I enjoy a sense of reality to what is obviously a fantasy show, I find that this show seems to have become much too politically-oriented, and find myself wondering where they are hiding the podium for the next preacher to make their social-commentary speech from. Some reality is good, but isn't a TV show supposed to be primarily about entertainment more than politics? At times, it certainly seems as if the writers are writing for their own pleasure, rather than for the pleasure of their viewing audience.

As for the suggestions by earlier respondents as to how to improve the human side of 'the gang' in Season Five, I like most of what has been put forward so far by others. For example, having Supergirl making public appearances around National City would certainly give her more of a personal presence for the people in the city.
And seeing as how Kara Danvers saved Supergirl's bacon recently, it would be nice for Supergirl to acknowledge that publicly. Perhaps she could be holding an impromptu open-air press conference sometime after doing something 'super', and Kara could be one of the reporters asking her questions afterwards. It would be a great way for Supergirl to thank Kara for not giving in to the lies that were being spread about her, and for believing in her and writing the story which set the facts straight, exposed Lex, and got the puppet-President Baker removed from office. And having countless other people seeing Kara and Supergirl in the same place at the same time certainly couldn't hurt either.
As for the 'team' going out together; I totally agree, but as their real selves, not as their super-personas. I really enjoyed all the times that they hung out together in the alien bar in seasons two & three, and missed that in this past season (although it was good to see the bar's owner, Al, show up in a few episodes this year). Going to a hockey game together, or a football game, or baseball, or basketball, would be great to see, assuming that National City has teams in the NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, or MLS.
These kinds of group activities wouldn't have to take much time away from whatever the story is for that week, any more than their bar-nights did in previous seasons, and I agree with the others in this thread that it would contribute greatly to the friendship and bonding that this group of friends and clandestine super-heroes shares with each other (assuming that Lena and Kara will patch things up over her being secretly Supergirl, and that Kelly will eventually become an insider to everyone's secret too).
And it would be really great if Alura could visit Earth from time to time, not during emergencies but just to visit with, and get to know, Kara's family and friends. It would also be nice to see her and Eliza hitting it off together, especially if Alura could attend the Danvers' family Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners.

So thank you, Stewart Tick, for a great idea, and I hope that others will contribute their suggestions towards this topic.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 6
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I also, want to see more exchanges between Supergirl and kids. One thing we know for sure, Melissa has a heart for the kiddos who are fans of the show, and they are who are on her mind the most, AND who she enjoys meeting the most on set. It seems to me, that should flow more into the show as well. So, next season I would love to see more time spent on Supergirl with the kiddos.

As far as the powers of the others....IMO, I do not want Dreamer being able to fly. The writers have already depowered Supergirl too much IMO.....and one of the things that separated her from others is her ability to fly, yet now 2 others in the Super Friends can do the same....adding a 3rd IMO only takes more away from the Superness of Supergirl. I want the writers to go the opposite direction in that regard. Its time to show her to be the SUPERHERO that she is....far and above the others on the show.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 7
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"Going to a hockey game together, or a football game, or baseball, or basketball, would be great to see, assuming that National City has teams in the NHL, NFL, MLB, NBA, or MLS."

Well, in my fan fiction stories, National City does in fact have a NWSL team, the Sharks (the name used by Sterling Gates in his "Adventures of Supergirl" comics series), which part of the Supergirl Team does go to see play at the National City Stadium. And Kara finds a new friend in their team captain, Alison Pearson (based on the real-life Alex Morgan of Florida's Orlando Pride FC).
Many of the things you suggested here are things I've already done in my fan fiction stories. In fact, they are things I'd like to see on my TV screen during the next season!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 8
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I also, want to see more exchanges between Supergirl and kids. One thing we know for sure, Melissa has a heart for the kiddos who are fans of the show, and they are who are on her mind the most, AND who she enjoys meeting the most on set. It seems to me, that should flow more into the show as well. So, next season I would love to see more time spent on Supergirl with the kiddos.

That's a great point, Kelly. They've had a few, but not for quite awhile. It got me thinking about the scene in the Chris Reeve Superman movie where a young Clark Kent outruns a train, to the delight of a kid on board. It would be fun to have Supergirl flying alongside a plane and be spotted by a kid in the cabin, then be gone before the adults notice.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 9
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I'm sorry, but I have to disagree that having other characters being able to fly takes anything away from Supergirl.
Flying doesn't usually save the day on its own; it just allows the hero to get to wherever they need to be to use their other powers or abilities once they're there. In other words, I've never thought of it as being a useful stand-alone power all by itself, but rather just as a really cool form of personal transportation. My reason for suggesting that Kara loan Nia her Legion ring was simply so that Dreamer could get around National City more easily, rather than having to huff it there on foot - that's all.
Having others who can also fly - whether it's a natural ability like it is for Kara and J'onn, or an 'assisted ability' the way Brainy and the other Legionnaires do it - does not detract from Supergirl in any way at all because, once you get past the flying, they all have their own unique powers, and that's what makes each of them distinct.

However, I totally agree with Kelly that Supergirl has been badly de-powered by the writers and producers of this show lately. This topic was brought up in another thread "Everything done wrong and right", and I too have been very frustrated by watching TPTB steadily strip Supergirl of her 'superness' over this past season. The constant diminishing and nullification of her powers got to be so blatant that, by the time we were partway through Season Four, I was wondering when they would stop the pretense and just rename her "Ordinarygirl" - it was getting that bad!
And that's the point; it's not Supergirl/Kara's friends who are detracting from her super abilities - it's the writers who are deliberately doing that to Supergirl herself. So one of my biggest wishes for Season Five is that TPTB will come to their senses, wise up, and realize the immense damage that they've done to Supergirl because of the dumbing-down of what used to be genuine superpowers during this past season, and will allow 'Ordinarygirl' to become her real super-powered self again in Season Five. To paraphrase my own remarks from an earlier comment in that other thread: what's the point of having a show about someone called "Supergirl" if you don't let be as super as she really is?

It's good to see that others are adding their ideas to this topic too, so I hope that people continue to join in too with their ideas for the upcoming season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 10
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I also, want to see more exchanges between Supergirl and kids. One thing we know for sure, Melissa has a heart for the kiddos who are fans of the show, and they are who are on her mind the most, AND who she enjoys meeting the most on set. It seems to me, that should flow more into the show as well. So, next season I would love to see more time spent on Supergirl with the kiddos.

but only if the show is appropriate for kids content wise. I can't let me girls watch the sex / morning after scenes or Manchester torturing someone to death in his bathtub etc. The show lost its way a little bit from S1.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 11
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I also, want to see more exchanges between Supergirl and kids. One thing we know for sure, Melissa has a heart for the kiddos who are fans of the show, and they are who are on her mind the most, AND who she enjoys meeting the most on set. It seems to me, that should flow more into the show as well. So, next season I would love to see more time spent on Supergirl with the kiddos.

but only if the show is appropriate for kids content wise. I can't let me girls watch the sex / morning after scenes or Manchester torturing someone to death in his bathtub etc. The show lost its way a little bit from S1.
I didn't say showing her with kids for other kids....I enjoy However, I have not seen anything thus far that my friend has kept her 10 year old daughter from watching. They have had some great conversations.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 12
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There is an idea that no one has suggested yet, so I'll throw it out there just for the fun of it. It isn't exactly what you could call an "everyday" thing, but it would definitely be something non-super, so that might fit this theme.
After all of the many challenges that Kara has faced in recent years, isn't it about time for her Midvale High School's Graduating Class to have their 10-year class reunion?
And if this were to actually happen, a request for the show's writers: please, PLEASE do NOT have Supergirl put in an appearance - just let Kara have the day all to herself with her former classmates.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 13
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