My US Blu-Ray has all 19 episodes of Supergirl including CoIE, Part 1 over four disks and all five parts of CoIE on a separate fifth disk labeled CoIE. I like having the crossover as a separate disk.
@Ja50n1c In the past in the U.K. the crossover episodes were released on DVD separately from each shows complete season. A quick check on eBay shows U.K. CoIE DVD’s for sale. I don’t know about CoIE on Blu-Ray in the U.K.
Sometimes US releases have more features, you certainly got the better deal this time. I almost feel like sending it back to Amazon and getting the US release, but it would cost more.
I did get CoIE on DVD in May, I quite like the cover art. I intended to send it back because I was expecting they would have the crossover in its entirety on the season 5 disc as season 3 and 4 did like you mentioned. Amazon though said I didn't have to send it back and gave me a refund so that was cool I guess.
Yeah I have had the crossovers for season 3 and 4 on a separate DVD, but the SG Blu-rays have all parts on one disc. Season 2 is the only one where I had to keep the individual DVD, as the crossover doesn't appear at all on the BD.
What I am pleasantly surprised about is Warner have sensibly not overly compressed the episodes like they did for the previous seasons which I'm really not

This can make a crucial difference, I have season 3 on BD but I did also have it on DVD (long story) I also had the crossover as a separate release which was spread over 2 discs. (this was quite generous for a DVD) The season 3 DVD only had the first part of the crossover along with the 3 other SG episodes on the disc. When comparing the separate release vs the SG season 3 release you could tell the image was sharper on the separate release even though both used the MPEG2 codec.