For Good Trailer

We knew from the images from episode 312 "For Good" that Lena would get hurt pretty badly from an attack that Edge orchestrates. However, we didn't think it would be this bad! In the new trailer for next week's all new episode, you can see Kara, not Supergirl, flying Lena to get medical aid! She even has her glasses on still! How badly is Lena injured that Kara doesn't even have time to change into Supergirl! YIKES! Also, with the revelation that there are new World Killers out there, this episode promises to be a good one! Check out the trailer below:

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#51 RE: For Good TrailerEire El 2018-01-29 10:04
Traditionally the whole point of the El family sending Kal and Kara to Earth is because evolution gave both Kryptonian and Terrans a Homosappian appearance that looks exactly the same, at least from the outside.

There is a real life theory out there, I’m not sure of the details but the gist of it is that light sensitive cells may have evolved into the camera like eyeball on more than one unrelated occasion. So ignoring the obvious difference on how the both species are affected by a Yellow Sun, I would assume if evolution is that accurate it would not restrict itself to the outside of the body. So Kryptonians should have all the same organs, and bleed the same colour blood (Human for a day).

If we use this argument, the Kryptonian brain in nature should have evolved to physically operate the same way as a humans in that it is a cluster of nerve cells working to form neural pathways. The only difference then would be the neural pathways being created based on nurture. Also remember in Myriad, Max Llord’s comments about nature verses nurture after Superman fell under the Myriad spell. Superman being a Kryptonian with a Terran mind.

Quoting SuperMatt:

I just had a thought. Sams brain structure should be different from a human's right? At least it would make sense evolution wise.
#50 RE: For Good TrailerSuperMatt 2018-01-29 09:22
Quoting RuneHawk:
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting Kelly:
Quoting SuperMatt:
Quoting E.T.:
I'm just waiting to see Alex try to take a blood sample from Sam, and Alex's expression when the needle breaks... hope Sam doesn't lose control to Reign once the truth comes out and hurt Alex!

Yeah I wonder what Alex's next reaction would be if the needle broke. I wonder if Alex would be the type to immediately put the room into lockdown when the test comes back kryptonian for Sam.

Where is she going to run the tests? at the DEO??? that doesn't seem smart.

Where else besides the DEO would Alex have access to a medical lab to run tests. I guess she could bring a field kit to her place or Sam’s.

There's a new sneak peek that came out today that shows Alex doing an MRI on Sam. They're actually using the L-Corp Lab to run and perform the tests. I'm curious as to what the results will show and if Reign will make an appearance if she's outed.

I just had a thought. Sams brain structure should be different from a human's right? At least it would make sense evolution wise.
#49 RE: For Good TrailerRuneHawk 2018-01-29 09:03
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting Kelly:
Quoting SuperMatt:
Quoting E.T.:
I'm just waiting to see Alex try to take a blood sample from Sam, and Alex's expression when the needle breaks... hope Sam doesn't lose control to Reign once the truth comes out and hurt Alex!

Yeah I wonder what Alex's next reaction would be if the needle broke. I wonder if Alex would be the type to immediately put the room into lockdown when the test comes back kryptonian for Sam.

Where is she going to run the tests? at the DEO??? that doesn't seem smart.

Where else besides the DEO would Alex have access to a medical lab to run tests. I guess she could bring a field kit to her place or Sam’s.

There's a new sneak peek that came out today that shows Alex doing an MRI on Sam. They're actually using the L-Corp Lab to run and perform the tests. I'm curious as to what the results will show and if Reign will make an appearance if she's outed.
#48 RE: For Good TrailerStewart Tick 2018-01-28 17:12
The profuse salivation ("foaming at the mouth") that we see from Lena when she's poisoned here indicates that the toxic agent may be a nerve gas (perhaps Sarin). That is one of their effects....

Unless it's some kind of alien chemical weapon that we know nothing about, of course. (After all, we are dealing with science fiction here! :-)
#47 supercorp is canon as far as that look is concerned...the_other_gay_danvers 2018-01-28 15:29
look at kara’s face when she’s carrying Lena. it’s pure determination and furiousity to whoever did it. they are very canon. there’s so much evidence! The smiles they have for each other, AND THE LIP BITE!!!!! they both do the lip bite when they’re with each other!! and, they’ve been on way more dates than Mon-el and kara..... j u s t s a y i n g..... if anyone who has any association with the writers or producers, please, do s o m e t h i n g with Lena x Kara. also, i’m p sure lena knows kara is supergirl. al s o, Lena had a balcony built on her building just so supergirl could come whenever she saw fit. (Episode 1, no balcony
#46 i hope lena is okay :(((( if they kill of lena AND leslie (especially in the span of 2 episodes) i will never stop cryingthe_other_gay_danvers 2018-01-28 15:20
of course she’s taking her to the deo lol, if kara didn’t even have time to change into her supergirl outfit, then Lena is pretty bad off ( :( ) . if that’s the case, the DEO is likely the best/fastest way to get lena care, if the only way. also, it’d be kind’ve bad if kara flew onto the set of a hospital in her Kara Danvers clothes. and kara shouldn’t carry lena into a hospital in Kara clothes, bc it might be strange to see a person of Kara’s stature (petite-small) carrying in a woman 1) taller than her 2) bigger than her (not fat, just different build. It might raise some curiosity among doctors and such. ya’know?
#45 i hope lena is okay :(((( if they kill of lena AND leslie (especially in the span of 2 episodes) i will never stop cryingthe_other_gay_danvers 2018-01-28 15:13
Quoting Stewart Tick:
Quoting Kelly:
Though it drives me nuts how a covert government organization on this show is anything but covert, yeah....she is probably taking her to the DEO. :-*

Yes, just like the way James Bond has always been a top-secret agent who supposedly travels incognito. So how come everywhere he goes everybody seems not only to know his name, but also his signature drink order? :)

Quoting Stewart Tick:
Quoting Kelly:
Though it drives me nuts how a covert government organization on this show is anything but covert, yeah....she is probably taking her to the DEO. :-*

Yes, just like the way James Bond has always been a top-secret agent who supposedly travels incognito. So how come everywhere he goes everybody seems not only to know his name, but also his signature drink order? :)
#44 RE: For Good TrailerStewart Tick 2018-01-27 17:00
Quoting Kelly:
Though it drives me nuts how a covert government organization on this show is anything but covert, yeah....she is probably taking her to the DEO. :-*

Yes, just like the way James Bond has always been a top-secret agent who supposedly travels incognito. So how come everywhere he goes everybody seems not only to know his name, but also his signature drink order? :)
+1 #43 RE: For Good TrailerBrierrose 2018-01-27 13:43
Quoting Captain Past:
Quoting Kiwi:
Quoting MGM:
I hope she brings Lena to the DEO. Not a hospital.

That got me to thinking, has Lena actually been to the DEO yet?, does she know they exist?. I can't recall if Lena has been @ the DEO (it may have happened but I can't recall it in the series so far). If Lena hasn't been to the DEO or doesn't know of its existence then would Kara actually take her there for medical attention?.

As a third choice, if the poison is really toxic, would be the Fortress of Solitude. "Only Kryptonian medicine can save her." Then she sort of has to tell Lena.

Fourth choice is the Legion ship with its 31st century med bay. That could lead to Lena knowing Mon-El is back.
+1 #42 RE: For Good TrailerKelly 2018-01-27 13:33
Though it drives me nuts how a covert government organization on this show is anything but covert, yeah....she is probably taking her to the DEO. :-*

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