We are only two weeks away! Are you guys getting excited? We certainly are! The CW is also interested in building up that excitement as they have now released a brand new extended trailer for Supergirl Season 5's premiere, "Event Horizon" We get to see a bit more of Supergirl in her old costume and it looks like she is experiencing some damage that leads to the invent of her new suit! There is a snippet that makes it look like the suit is an invention of Brainy's. The suit seems to grow over her with the tap of her wrist. Reminds up of Ironman in Endgame. Check it out below:
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Reread my post that is not what I said....not going further with it, but please read the posts throughly.
100% agree. But, in some cases, it's like talking to brick walls. As you've pointed out time and again, the front page is for front page news, not protracted, arcane Forum debates. Some individuals have a hard time with that distinction. It's a little bit like a game of Whack-A-Mole.
"I’d like to ask why Supergirl must wear a skirt."
Simple answer, and without getting into it again: She doesn't have to. But, the addition of pants for this iteration (version) of the character doesn't work for a variety of reasons. Sentimentality or attachment to one specific look doesn't really have anything to do with it. Imagery and visual representation does. And, since TV is a visual medium, what is projected to and received by the viewer counts for a lot. To be honest, the use of pants for the Kara Danvers aspect of the dual character role works very well, but for the SG character representation it does not. Ditto for the Diana Prince / Wonder Woman representations.
If it was a different iteration (version) of the character - meaning; a movie, an animated feature, or another live-action TV series interpretation and used from the very beginning, it would work. This is provided they (the costume department and the executives) approved a drastically different cut and look. Start with the cape and work down. Get rid of the silly nanotech bells and whistles and go with a clean and simple, classic/timeless look and add red (and possibly yellow) to break up the colour scheme.
Having said all that, let's keep this suit issue off the front page and let the viewership decide what works or not. If it is accepted, they'll go with it. If it isn't, they'll make needed changes to it down the line.
I agree that a grown woman can wear a skirt if she wants to, I wear skirts and dresses myself. For me as I went from my mid to late 20s I started thinking about the image I wanted to present to the world and the miniskirts didn’t make the cut. Right or wrong in my experience while I can feel confident and powerful in a skirt, in what is still a man's world pants are perceived as more powerful. As far as the torn cape being the only catalyst let’s see the whole story rather than judging by a trailer. How about watching a the new suit in action before rushing to judgment.
Quoting kdogg87: TBH I'm kinda sick of it too but in weakness I can't help wanting to present counterpoints. I propose we hit the pause button on the suit discussion for the remainder of 2019. Actions speak louder than words so no need to agree or disagree with that proposal just act accordantly.
Suit preferences, aesthetic choices and cultural significance aside, just wait until COIE / merging of the Earths hits the fan. The blender will be going full-tilt without a lid.
This suit argument (although valid and with sound basis) will be minor in comparison to what's about to hit the Berlantiverse shows. The blowback will be enormous. What happens in December and January will make or break everything. 2020 will be drastically different viewership-wise across the board. Some will stay, many will go, and the fallout will be either a ratings and financial windfall or a massive loss.
Personally, I'd suggest investing in a crash helmet, kneepads, elbow pads and lots and lots of health insurance. Oh, and don't forget the antacids! Lots of 'em!
So the only way to show evolution in the character was put her in pants? We have all seen her grow into the character, and while wearing the skirt. This change is not a good one, the costume looks terrible, like an Olympic luge person with a cape. Funny how Gale Gadot was able to wear a skirt or at least more like a skirt than the original hot pants, and she still looks like a woman not a girl. So did Melissa with the skirt. Just my opinion.
If that were true, then thank goodness Brainy didn't. Instead she was able to get a suit that shows the evolution of her power both internally and well as aesthetically. Something the comics just couldn't seem to grasp. What the show has done is give the fans of the comics 4 years of homage to their versions as well as bringing Supergirl into the 21st Century. Bravo to their vision...