Tonight's episode threw down the gauntlet! Red Daughter made her first move and she remains in the shadows! Just like season one, Martial Law has been declared! However, unlike season 1, this time the President of the United States has made the move and the entire country is affected! Supergirl is looking for allies but J'onn has already left for Mars. Luckily for her, Lena and Alex are in her corner. Suprisingly, Colonel Haley also doesn't believe that Supergirl could have attacked the White House. How do we all know this? Simple, watch the trailer for April's new episode below!
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I believe it's "Crime and Punishment". Just couldn't remember when I was writing the article. Honestly, I remembered it was April Fools last minute last night and spent a good couple of hours recoding the now "Kasnian" website.
Quoting KaraD:
2 weeks to wait for new episode.cant wait.
I don't think Kara would jeopardize the health of Lois and her unborn child by telling Clark. Plus, she would not make Clark choose. She will fulfill her mission that Clark gave her and fight this battle without him. She has support from her friends even though it feel like she's alone.