Crisis on Infinite Earths Updates

This weekend held the Television Critics Association presentations, The CW brought a lot of news regarding their mega-crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths. First, non-Arrowverse superhero show, Black Lightning, will indeed be represented in the mega crossover event. It hasn't been shared how just yet or which characters it will include but expect to see Black Lighting represented at some point during the television epic. Batman fans will delight to know that Kevin Conroy, voice of Batman and Bruce Wayne from Batman the Animated Series (and MANY more), will also be included in the crossover! Conroy will play the role of a future Bruce Wayne! Finally, we have the schedule to Crisis on Infinite Earths! See that below:

  1. Supergirl, December 8th, 8pm (Special Time)
  2. Batwoman, December 9th, 8pm (Special Day & Time)
  3. The Flash, December 10th, 8pm
  4. Arrow, January 14th, 8pm
  5. Legends of Tomorrow, January 14th, 9pm

With this schedule and the potential for a huge cliffhanger, we can't be more excited! This looks like its going to be DC Comics BIGGEST live action event ever! (including the DCEU)!

Let us know what you think in the comments below and in our forum! BTW if you missed it, this first ran on our property this weekend! Don't forget to follow us there too! Keep us advertisement free and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#14 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesEire El 2019-08-16 15:46
It certainly would be interesting if this were to occur. However there are a number of issues that I wonder how they would get around or turn into Easter Eggs:

1. In the Invasion crossover Ray Palmer notes that Kara looks like his cousin. Could Helen Play the Kingdom Come Supergirl?

2. In the Elseworlds Crossover John Wesley Ship was able to get away with believably playing his 90's version of Barry Allen simply because in the Arrowverse he had previously played Henry Allen. It was (in universe) established that Earth 1 Henry Allen was a doppelganger of Earth 3 Jay Garrick and also that Garrick was Henry Allen's mothers maiden name. The logic of Earth 90 being one generation ahead in character names would open up the possibility that Grant Gustin could play Earth 90 Don Allen. As Kara was adopted by Elisa rather than being genetic offspring, an equivalent of this would not make sense.

3. An option may be one similar to point 1, it would be nice to see a scene where Elisa meets 1980's Supergirl while another character breaks or almost breaks the fourth wall in recognising the uncanny similarity between them.

Quoting Kiwi:

'Twas a good feeling to read that, to even know that Marc has Helen playing Supergirl in consideration is so nice to a fan like me.
+1 #13 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKelly 2019-08-08 04:46
As long as these are simply cameos I'm all for it....anything more cuts into story and screen time of the #1's.
+1 #12 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKiwi 2019-08-08 03:34
Today I read this article ( which was an interview with Marc Guggenheim about CoIE.

From the article:

"Helen Slater, the star of the original movie Supergirl, plays Supergirl’s (Melissa Benoist) adopted Earth mother on The CW. As long as there are infinite earths where movie actors reprise their superhero roles, Guggenheim sounds open to asking Slater to play an alternate Supergirl along with Benoist.

“I feel like at this point, we’ve covered the waterfornt in terms of we’ve talked about every person who’s been in a DC property in live-action, and with Kevin [Conroy] in animation,” Guggenheim said. “Everything is possible. I happen to love the Supergirl movie and I remember the first time I saw it. I would love for her to reprise her role. We’re feeling out a lot of our various parameters in terms of what can we afford and what do we have story for? Can this be a cameo? Can this be a full on story? It’s just this ongoing conversation. we started the crossover earlier than we ever have precisely so we could have these conversation.”

'Twas a good feeling to read that, to even know that Marc has Helen playing Supergirl in consideration is so nice to a fan like me. Positive vibes that this might really happen (Hope so anyway).
#11 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesRobertAnthony 2019-08-07 03:46
Quoting Argo:
Hopefully, Kelly, this will be like a 5 hour movie and so if done correctly, it should not come across crowded. Of course, the key words are “done correctly.”

But with these writers...TREAD VERY CAREFULLY!
+2 #10 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKiwi 2019-08-06 12:45
Quoting Kelly:
So I will have to see if they write her as SUPERgirl this time around.

I'm of the firm belief they're going to need Supergirl to be pretty Super this time round to help deal with the threat of the Anti-Monitor. After Jay Faerber tweeted a couple of weeks ago "And Supergirl fans — don’t worry, there’s incredible stuff for Kara in this crossover, too. She’s pivotal to all 5 episodes." I'm fairly confident of getting some awesome Supergirl being Super moments in the crossover and just in general what we'll see of Kara/Supergirl.

There's also another cool thing they're doing with Crisis and that's getting Marv Wolfman (who wrote the 1985 CoIE Comic Book Series) to co-write the Arrow part of the crossover. Nice one.
+1 #9 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths Updateskdogg87 2019-08-06 09:24
This is gonna be torture! I'm moving TO Vancouver between when the event starts and ends, lol.
+2 #8 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKelly 2019-08-06 05:38
Quoting Brierrose:
Quoting Argo:
Hopefully, Kelly, this will be like a 5 hour movie and so if done correctly, it should not come across crowded. Of course, the key words are “done correctly.”
Yes, more like Crisis on Earth-X. I think that one ran more like a movie than any other crossover. There wasn’t nearly as much of this character from show X has to appear in this hour because it’s the one for the show X. Then that character has a reduced role or isn’t in the other parts at all even if it would make sense.

True, and I did enjoy that one....but they went backwards as far as Kara was concerned in last years crossover. I rewatched it with my niece, and I enjoyed it more.....but the absence of Supergirl in action was glaring. So I will have to see if they write her as SUPERgirl this time around.
#7 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKelly 2019-08-06 05:34
Quoting Kiwi:
Brandon Routh as Superman, Burt Ward and now Kevin Conroy, I'm lovin' these announcements and am very much looking forward to their appearances in CoIE, I realise they will only be cameos (think John Wesley Shipp's about 3 minutes as 1990 Flash in last year's Elseworlds crossover) but that doesn't matter as I'm just going to enjoy watching them. With a total run-time of 3hrs 20 mins there'll still be plenty of Oliver,Barry, Kara, Superman (Tyler H) and LaMonica Garrett (Monitor/Anti-Monitor) for me to enjoy. Lots to look forward to with this crossover.

With Brandon playing an older Superman, Burt perhaps playing an older Robin and Kevin playing an older Bruce Wayne here's hoping Marc Guggenheim has lined up Helen to play an older Kara Zor-El, y'all know it's the cameo I want more than any other.

I heard Kevin was playing the future Batman.... if they are truly simply cameos, then shouldn't be a problem. Though I will be the first to say YAY, I was wrong, as of right now..... color me skeptical.
+3 #6 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths UpdatesKiwi 2019-08-06 04:01
Brandon Routh as Superman, Burt Ward and now Kevin Conroy, I'm lovin' these announcements and am very much looking forward to their appearances in CoIE, I realise they will only be cameos (think John Wesley Shipp's about 3 minutes as 1990 Flash in last year's Elseworlds crossover) but that doesn't matter as I'm just going to enjoy watching them. With a total run-time of 3hrs 20 mins there'll still be plenty of Oliver,Barry, Kara, Superman (Tyler H) and LaMonica Garrett (Monitor/Anti-Monitor) for me to enjoy. Lots to look forward to with this crossover.

With Brandon playing an older Superman, Burt perhaps playing an older Robin and Kevin playing an older Bruce Wayne here's hoping Marc Guggenheim has lined up Helen to play an older Kara Zor-El, y'all know it's the cameo I want more than any other.
+1 #5 RE: Crisis on Infinite Earths Updatesvantheman77 2019-08-05 21:44
I can see Supergirl's part to have plenty of Super action involving the Supermen, Supergirl, and Lois Lane. I think we may see Supergirl and Batwoman's friendship develop in Supergirl's part.

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