Crime & Punishment Recap

Happy Easter, happy Supergirl Sunday and welcome back from a short little break! The last episode ratings by you the fans, had only 69.21% of you giving the coveted six stars. Will Crime and Punishment rate higher? For reference, we usually see around an 80% six star rating. Tonight, we get to see the first hand fall out of Supergirl being targeted as the number one enemy in the United States. It's with good reason too, considering what Red Daughter did. Was Kara able to make headway in clearing Supergirl's name? Did Lena find any clues from Lex's cell? All the answers await you below, here's what stood out to us:

  1. Supergirl, the Feared: The episode picks up right where the last one left off. As Supergirl starts to consider how she could have been targeted like this, a car flips over and some one is in trouble. She quickly arrives and saves the driver but everyone is already against her. Citizens try to arrest her but the bullets don't work. Supergirl catches as much as she could but realized she needs to leave to save the driver. Upon returning to Lena's office, Supergirl and Lena decide to go to Lex's cell for clues.
  2. Lex Luthor's Cell: The Warden is in a bad position because he took money from Lex. Lena and Supergirl are able to use this to get D Block of the prison cleared. They walk in to an applause from the prisoners for what Supergirl supposedly did in DC. While in the cell, Supergirl and Lena are able to locate Lex's journal. Lena sees this as another way to be tormented by Lex as he likes to share his thoughts with her knowing she can't stop him.
  3. Lockwood and The DEO: Lockwood arrives at the DEO to take command, get alien weaponry and call Supergirl to take her into custody. Alex, Brainy and to some degree Colonel Haley, work to slow his progress by demanding a personal presidential order. Alex uses the time to ask Kelly Olsen for her advice on how to bring Haley around to their thinking. Brainy, using all of his powers hilariously gets into the secure vault where the Alien Registry is held. He is able to access it and considers deleting it. He pauses to think of the ramifications of what deleting the registry would be.
  4. James Begins Recovery: Seeing what James has to go through to start to return from his PTSD was a pretty moving scene. He says that being Guardian and this tough guy means he isn't entitled to help. James is given a tool that allows him to find a safe place in his mind. The first attempt back fires as he relives the moment he was shot. The memory and the subsequent attempt to return to a safe place seems to have activated a side effect of Lena's miracle cure.
  5. Prison Cells Open: Otis gets an alert that "there's a Kryptonian in the boss' cell". He arrives where he asks if Warden is the Warden's first or last name (eye rolls). Then Otis is able to open the cells and tells the prisoners that the first one that can apprehend Supergirl will get a lifetime free from Prison! Supergirl welds Lena into Lex's cell. She then does a gauntlet walk through the prisoners of D Block where she basically dispatches them one by one. Lena uses the time to find a secret passageway in his cell. Supergirl is able to track down Otis and his Kryptonite body is exposed! Supergirl, with a Kryptonite shield given to her by Lena, is able to go toe to toe with Otis until the shield breaks. In order to save herself she changes into her human clothes and pretends to be human. She is able to convince Otis that she is human and he runs off. During the human facade, Kara meets Steve, Lex's prison neighbor. Turns out he is a fan of Kara's and he might be willing to talk with her about Lex. The prison riot ends when the National Guard storms the prison. Any prisoner not on the ground could be killed. Supergirl ends the riot with a HUGE clap that knocks everyone to the ground just as the National Guard enters. Supergirl joins Lena in the secret passage way in Lex's cell. They escape just before Otis explodes into Kryptonite gas.
  6. Haley Turns: Finally when Haley was pressed against the wall, she chose to not summon Supergirl. She chose to rise above a bad order for her daughter's sake. Haley does make it clear though that she doesn't like being manipulated by Alex or Lockwood.

In the end, The President allows for The Children of Liberty to be deputized. James realizes that he has powers from the cure. Kara visits Steve at the prison where she is given the hard drive from Lex's secret lab in the prison! Finally, Lex and Eve rebuild Otis as he has proven to be a loyal foot solder time and time again. 

Let us konw what you thought of the episode in the comments below or in the forum! Keep us advertisment free and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#30 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapAdekt 2019-04-25 21:37
Like many other I enjoyed the episode a great deal. It’s been a while since since we’ve been given three solid episodes in a row, if ever. Still can’t believe Lena doesn’t know who SG is especially after finding out Steve happened to get an interview. It would be amusing to find out Lena has known this whole but has actively chosen to given Kara the human connection she needs no strings attached to SG. Pretty though even if we’d never get.

I’m over James and the Guardian. We don’t need another Super. We need to flesh out the one we have! I’d rather see Kara dealing with her PTSD. James and his nonsense is just vehicle to give Alex a LI.

Also, why would that damn fool continue to shoot at SG risking the life of an innocent bystander especially after proving shooting a bulletproof Superhero is futile? It was just a silly scene that went on to long. And why would you bad mouth the woman who just saved you life? Just silly.
+2 #29 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapKelly 2019-04-25 20:00
Quoting starlord:
This was another enjoyable ep. I really love seeing Supergirl save humans in peril. Its what the character is about. Seeing her safe the man in the car was great using her cool breath to get the fire out

The scene in the prison where she practically played with the inmates trying to harm her was great fun too.

I did not like Lena acting like she is friends with supergirl. Its so out of character. She never really liked Supergirl and she does not know she is Kara either. If it was Kara it would have made sense but not Kara as Supergirl. The hand on the back was just too much and so weird and felt completely out of place. She also still lies to her about the experiments and Adam. And since we Saw it come up again in this ep. Its gonna be revealed at some point. That Lena killed Adam with her experiments.

Like that Lex is shown as the Ultimate Master manipulator on the show like in the comics

Wonder how they Will fix James after this what we saw in the ep.

I bet on that flashdrive Kara will find out about Red Daughter.

Good ep setting up the last 4 episodes of the season. Next one is gonna be fun seeing Kara save people while keeping it a secret she is Supergirl.
I guess u forgot Lena's speech in Ep. 1 if Season 3.
#28 RE: Crime & Punishment Recapstarlord 2019-04-24 17:33
This was another enjoyable ep. I really love seeing Supergirl save humans in peril. Its what the character is about. Seeing her safe the man in the car was great using her cool breath to get the fire out

The scene in the prison where she practically played with the inmates trying to harm her was great fun too.

I did not like Lena acting like she is friends with supergirl. Its so out of character. She never really liked Supergirl and she does not know she is Kara either. If it was Kara it would have made sense but not Kara as Supergirl. The hand on the back was just too much and so weird and felt completely out of place. She also still lies to her about the experiments and Adam. And since we Saw it come up again in this ep. Its gonna be revealed at some point. That Lena killed Adam with her experiments.

Like that Lex is shown as the Ultimate Master manipulator on the show like in the comics

Wonder how they Will fix James after this what we saw in the ep.

I bet on that flashdrive Kara will find out about Red Daughter.

Good ep setting up the last 4 episodes of the season. Next one is gonna be fun seeing Kara save people while keeping it a secret she is Supergirl.
#27 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapKiwi 2019-04-24 04:50
Quoting Brandtm2:
I confess I missed the "years of helping people ....." line. That'd be more reason for the next episode to show the people Supergirl helped, defy the establishment and bravely speak up for her by a peaceful demonstration or social media, vindication of Supergirl's optimism and belief in humanity.

As for the man she saved from the car, it'd be a touching scene if we find his daughter hasn't lost faith in Supergirl. Instead have her with the wisdom and innocence of childhood convince her father that Supergirl is a kind person not a terrorist.

I would quite like to see/have seen what you suggested. Alex,Lena and James firmly believe in Supergirl but I find it's equally important for someone in the general public to do so also. I was OK with being shown the way the 3 people behaved but it would have been nice to have some balance, alas not to be.

Just 1 more comment, I really liked Supergirl saying "If the Government wants to stop me from helping people then let them try", that's my girl and one of things I love about her. She genuinely does want to help people and that was established back in the Pilot episode. You keep helping people Supergirl because I love watching it :-) .
+1 #26 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapLittlegoldfish666 2019-04-23 11:48
So Lex has been tormenting Lena since they were kids? Only she didn't know it then. Damn that is cold. There's no way Lena will turn bad now after that revelation. No wonder she has serious trust issues. But I love a bit of angsty Lena, and she rocks leather

Oh and is James still hanging around? Can he not go recuperate back in Metropolis?
+1 #25 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapBrandtm2 2019-04-23 05:48
Quoting Kiwi:
Quoting Brandtm2:
That would be good for this man and others Supergirl saved to speak up for her, "It can't be her she saved so many lives!" A scene of a demonstration of people grateful to Supergirl would be good. But has she helped many people? We've seen very little of that since season1. It's as if she did spend too much time at the DEO, too little on the streets so Supergirl didn't have many supporters when the President turned on her.

I believe she has, re-watching the episode tonight and she does say to Lena and Alex "years of helping people .....", so it must happen but we just don't see it too often, certainly could do with seeing more.

It would've been good to hear the man Supergirl saved from the car accident say he believed her as a nice contrast to the way the 3 people treated Supergirl immediately before (trying to kill her). He did sort of get halfway to believing her when he said "Thank-you, but I don't get it , you saved my life but you attacked the White House? ........". I possibly would've written instead of him having a daughter that he allowed Supergirl to answer his question and then walked away believing Supergirl was telling the truth (as she did just save his life).

I confess I missed the "years of helping people ....." line. That'd be more reason for the next episode to show the people Supergirl helped, defy the establishment and bravely speak up for her by a peaceful demonstration or social media, vindication of Supergirl's optimism and belief in humanity.

As for the man she saved from the car, it'd be a touching scene if we find his daughter hasn't lost faith in Supergirl. Instead have her with the wisdom and innocence of childhood convince her father that Supergirl is a kind person not a terrorist.
+1 #24 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapKiwi 2019-04-23 04:52
Quoting Brandtm2:
That would be good for this man and others Supergirl saved to speak up for her, "It can't be her she saved so many lives!" A scene of a demonstration of people grateful to Supergirl would be good. But has she helped many people? We've seen very little of that since season1. It's as if she did spend too much time at the DEO, too little on the streets so Supergirl didn't have many supporters when the President turned on her.

I believe she has, re-watching the episode tonight and she does say to Lena and Alex "years of helping people .....", so it must happen but we just don't see it too often, certainly could do with seeing more.

It would've been good to hear the man Supergirl saved from the car accident say he believed her as a nice contrast to the way the 3 people treated Supergirl immediately before (trying to kill her). He did sort of get halfway to believing her when he said "Thank-you, but I don't get it , you saved my life but you attacked the White House? ........". I possibly would've written instead of him having a daughter that he allowed Supergirl to answer his question and then walked away believing Supergirl was telling the truth (as she did just save his life).
+2 #23 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapLibertyPrime 2019-04-22 18:50
This episode was season 4 in a nutshell--the phenominal cast working with some really top notch material and some dreadful stuff--all while the writers try to do too much.

I hope the season plays out like the episode, with the good outweighing the bad.

Some stray thoughts in no particular order:

Mehcad Brooks knocked the PTSD scenes out of the park. So much so that I hated to see that angle overshadowed by his emerging super-ness.

Nia's clever trickery revealing that Brainy knew the right thing to do all along was probably the best written and acted scene Nichole has had so far.

So they explicitly stated Lockwood holds a cabinet level position. Now they have to convince me that someone who illegally commandeered a federal facility would get confirmed in the Senate. Seriously, that's kind of a nonstarter.

As many have noted, the Supergirl action was great fun!

The bit at the end,Kara getting the info that Supergirl could not, was a nice touch. I enjoy exploring the limits of what superhuman powers can get you.

The Alex/Kelly scene was as subtle as a brick through a window.

What to say about Katie McGrath? She stole the episode with a powerful portrayal of a deeply wounded person strong enough to keep going.

For Kara, some of this felt like familiar territory covered back in season 1 after "Falling."

Roll on, next episode!
+1 #22 RE: Crime & Punishment RecapBrandtm2 2019-04-22 17:36
Quoting Kiwi:
Quoting SuprgrlFn:
Ha! While I do like SG rescuing normal citizens, I often have to wonder how she decides which ones to save. Surely there is someone screaming her name every minute of the day. Also, in this case, how the heck did that car flip AND start on fire in the middle of an empty, flat, dry, street in the center of the city??

Reasonable questions and thoughts to have but not something I really think about. We don't get to see Supergirl save ordinary citizens too often so when it does happen I just get maximum enjoyment from it and don't think about the details. Supergirl loves helping people and that's what's most important. I would like to see a Supergirl save in every single episode or at least her being involved with the community in some way or even visiting children @ Lena's hospital. They only need to be 30 to 60 second scenes but would be really nice and heartwarming.

Quoting KaraD:
But I think the thing that got to her the most, is the man she saved from the car telling her that she used to be his daughter's hero.

I would've liked that scene to play a little differently than what was shown. After those 3 people tried to make a citizens arrest of Supergirl it could've been nice if the man that she saved believed in her and trusted that she didn't attack the WH just by the very action of her saving his life.

That would be good for this man and others Supergirl saved to speak up for her, "It can't be her she saved so many lives!" A scene of a demonstration of people grateful to Supergirl would be good. But has she helped many people? We've seen very little of that since season1. It's as if she did spend too much time at the DEO, too little on the streets so Supergirl didn't have many supporters when the President turned on her.
+1 #21 Kryptonite ShieldCaptain Past 2019-04-22 15:00
Lena just happened to be carrying a Kryptonite shield. That made sense for the two-woman mission, just in case, but given Lena's apparent opinion of Supergirl, why did she ever spend the time needed to create it? After all, there is no one else who can benefit from it.

On a different note, perhaps it was a trick of the light, but it briefly appeared as though reporter Danvers' coat collar was on fire.

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