Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6

As we get closer and closer to the season six and final season debut, we are learning more and more about how the season is going to shape up. Two new roles have been added to the final season, according to deadline, and it seems Clark and Kara aren't the only Kryptonians on Earth any more. If you've been watching Superman and Lois, there are already questions about if there are other Kryptonians on Earth but in terms of Supergirl there is a certainty. But first, the non-Kryptonian. Knowlton will play a mild mannered alien whose tragic past allows him to help the Superfriends with their mission at hand. As for Behr his character is described as:

A famous or noted Kryptonian who plays a significant role helping Kara when she faces circumstances beyond her control.

As for the name of the character, that is being kept under wraps for now. Curious who that could be? Let us know what you think in the comments below and in our forum! Keep us advertisement free and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#15 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6The Speedster 2021-04-01 21:05
Quoting comic fan:
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting comic fan:

If Jason Behr is playing Jor-El,I wonder/hope we could get Erica Durance back for some appearance(s) as Alura.Erica lives in Vancouver I believe and she and Jason Behr are around the same age so I can see them as husband and wife.

Zor-El, as opposed to Jor-El...

Yeah,I meant to say Zor-El.

What if the character is neither Jor-El or Zor-El? I have two suggestions/theories as to who the Kryptonian is and I want some feedback on what you think! The first is Seg-El(of Sci-fye's canceled Krypton). I could see the Arrowverse repurposing his backstory to fit but the part about him being stripped of the name of the House of El because Seg's own grandfather was resposible for said zone's construction to begin with. I could see wanting to redeem himself by helping the last daughter of El escape! The second possibility is H'el. In the comics he Originally a clone a clone created from the cells of countless of Kryptonians and when he meets kara, he explains that he is on a mission to bring Krypton back to life and asks for her help. I could easily seeing H'el giving a a token of false sincerity to our Kara offering his help to aid in her escape. In my view H'el is perfect because the character who does appear says "there are fates worse than that"(a quote used Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows) and the Phantom zone is literally a living Hell. Thoughts?
#14 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6comic fan 2021-03-25 20:26
Quoting CatPat:
Quoting comic fan:

If Jason Behr is playing Jor-El,I wonder/hope we could get Erica Durance back for some appearance(s) as Alura.Erica lives in Vancouver I believe and she and Jason Behr are around the same age so I can see them as husband and wife.

Zor-El, as opposed to Jor-El...

Yeah,I meant to say Zor-El.
#13 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6CatPat 2021-03-24 10:01
Quoting comic fan:

If Jason Behr is playing Jor-El,I wonder/hope we could get Erica Durance back for some appearance(s) as Alura.Erica lives in Vancouver I believe and she and Jason Behr are around the same age so I can see them as husband and wife.

Zor-El, as opposed to Jor-El...
#12 Groan...Explorergal 2021-03-22 21:53
Gee, just what we need, more new characters! Why not do justice to the ones we have now. Very disappointed in the direction the show has gone each succeeding season. Don’t get me wrong, I love Melissa and Supergirl but what they started to where they have evolved is very different.
#11 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6comic fan 2021-03-19 21:26

Maybe season 6 is pulling elements from this recent comic storyline.If they are,I doubt they will have Zor-El be the new Cyborg Superman like the comics.They tried that with the Hank Henshaw version of Cyborg Superman in season 2 and it didn't work very well.(David Harewood wasn't a fan of it either).But I could see them pulling stuff from the rest of that storyline with Zor-El.Making him a misguided villian for Supergirl.That whole storyline in the comics was a gut punch for Kara so I can see how it could be used for the final season of the show.Supergirl having to stop her father in the final season would also be a nice full circle with season 1 where she had to stop her Aunt.

If Jason Behr is playing Jor-El,I wonder/hope we could get Erica Durance back for some appearance(s) as Alura.Erica lives in Vancouver I believe and she and Jason Behr are around the same age so I can see them as husband and wife.
#10 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6comic fan 2021-03-19 21:25
Quoting CatPat:
I understand Claude Knowlton has been in Arrowverse previously playing "Overlapping Personnel #2", or OP2 for short, in an episode of Arrow. For those Arrow fans who was hoping to see more OP2, this may be

The Arrowverse does reuse actors.For example,in this week's episode of Superman & Lois,the actor who played Killgrave also played Oliver's prison buddy who turned out to be a serial killer in Arrow season 7.

Could Behr be Kara's dad (Zor el)?
I've seen a lot of speculation that he could be a alive Zor-El..The New 52 era brought back Zor-El as a villain.a new version of Cyborg Superman created by Brainiac.Eventually in the Rebirth era,Zor-El tried to bring back Argo City and Krypton for Kara's sake at the sacrifice of Earth's people.Supergirl ofcourse stopped and defeated him.But she didn't give up on her father's soul being redeemed.In the aftermath it came out to the public that Cyborg Superman was Supergirl's father which turned public opinion against her.Eventually this storyline ended with the mysterious Mr. Oz killing Zor-El.Mr. Oz was eventually revealed to be Jor-El who was pulled out of time by Doctor Manhattan just before Krypton was destroyed in the lead up to Doomsday Clock.Mr. Oz/Jor-El killed his brother in a mercy killing.
#9 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6CatPat 2021-03-19 18:58
I understand Claude Knowlton has been in Arrowverse previously playing "Overlapping Personnel #2", or OP2 for short, in an episode of Arrow. For those Arrow fans who was hoping to see more OP2, this may be

Could Behr be Kara's dad (Zor el)?
#8 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6kdogg87 2021-03-19 18:42
Quoting kdogg87:

I've been saying since DC Fandome, back in August, that the network and DC just don't seem to care about this show, anymore.

The way they are handling the premiere really supports that thesis. And yeah, not a fan of the cobbled-together poster.

I'm not referring to it being the final season. I'm referring to the utter lack of promotion. Supergirl was the ONLY DC shown not to have a virtual panel for DC Fandome. And there has virtually no promotion for it's final season. Where as, by comparison, Arrow's final season was promoted substantially more.

We're now less than 2 weeks from the premiere, and have yet to even see a teaser trailer.

Do I want Supergirl to end? Admittedly, no. I especially wish the last season wasn't hindered by COVID based restrictions. But I wish nothing but the best for the cast and crew, once they move on from this show.
#7 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6kdogg87 2021-03-18 21:02
Quoting RedDog:
I can’t be the only one concerned that the whole Supergirl season 6 premiere has been terribly mismanaged. It’s like they did not even plan to air it yet, but the Covid delays over on Superman & Lois forced their hand.

I have no doubt the cast, directors and crew are giving it their all, but it seems like the network is phoning it in. Supernatural finale season got hyped like the Second Coming and Supergirl doesn’t even have a trailer 2 weeks before them premiere.

I've been saying since DC Fandome, back in August, that the network and DC just don't seem to care about this show, anymore.

The way they are handling the premiere really supports that thesis. And yeah, not a fan of the cobbled-together poster.
#6 RE: Claude Knowlton & Jason Behr join Season 6KET1 2021-03-18 17:08
Quoting RedDog:

I have no doubt the cast, directors and crew are giving it their all, but it seems like the network is phoning it in. Supernatural finale season got hyped like the Second Coming and Supergirl doesn’t even have a trailer 2 weeks before them premiere.

Well, two weeks out seems about right for a teaser trailer...suspect that it's likely coming this weekend. Network's still got PLENTY of time to hype the return of the series, and they're more likely not wanting to confuse viewers that are continuing to tune into Superman And Lois in that same time slot.

It's hardly a slight on the Super-mothership.

Looking forward to finding out more about these two mysterious additions to the Season Six storyline.

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