Kevin Smith returns to direct yet another episode of Supergirl! Episode eight of this season welcomes him back and sets the course for Nia to become a hero! Nia's dreams are starting to become more powerful and her ability to see prophetic dreams is enhancing! However she is unwilling to admit to herself that these dreams actually come true. Kara, sensing that there might be something wrong, asks Brainy to see if he can get to the bottom of what is troubling Nia. Manchester Black also makes a return! Check out the synopsis for episode eight, "Bunker Hill" below:
KEVIN SMITH DIRECTS; NIA BEGINS TO EMBRACE HER POWERS — Nia (Nicole Maines) has a powerful dream about Agent Liberty (Sam Witwer) but refuses to look at it as a prophetic dream and pushes it aside. After noticing something is bothering Nia, Kara (Melissa Benoist) enlists Brainy’s (Jesse Rath) help, and the two try to persuade Nia to embrace her destiny. Meanwhile, Manchester Black (guest star David Ajala) pays Ben Lockwood a menacing visit.
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Imagine the asset Nia would be if she were a DEO agent and combined her powers with Brainy's predictions.
Quoting jacksc01:
Or else... Lena may already know that Kara is Supergirl, but is just playing along (like Cat Grant did). After all, the secret is Kara's to tell. So Lena may have decided that the best course of action right now is to keep it to herself. Don't forget - Pete Ross accidentally discovered that Clark was Superboy when they were both still in high school, but kept that knowledge to himself for a long time. Lena and Kara may be following the sort of same plot line here.
Yes, I am thinking that Agent Liberty will only be the big bad through the first half, too. They will probably use him to segue into the Red Daughter arc. Or, they may even finish with him earlier and bring in Lex as a filler between the two arcs since he is set to appear in Episode 15 I believe.
To some extent, Supergirl has been doing 2 arcs per season all along, though the arcs aren’t quite as separate as you seem to be calling for. She faces a human enemy early in the season, then evil aliens in the back half of the season.
1a: Maxwell Lord
1b: Non/Indigo
2a: Cadmus
2b: Rhea/Daxamites
3a: Morgan Edge
3b: Reign
4a: Agent Liberty
4b: Red Daughter
I'm not sure Agent Liberty can be compelling for a full season. Sam is great, but trying to stretch one villain out a full season is always really difficult.
I'm kinda wishing that they would separate their seasons into 2 "big bad" arcs, so the fall and spring feel like 2 different seasons. They can be loosely connected, though. I"m very much thinking of how SHIELD has done their past 2 or 3 seasons.
I honestly think it's something all the Arrowverse shows could benefit from.