Big Event for Alex & Maggie in 219

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Alex and Maggie are in for a big event in episode 19 of season 2! In a recent interview with Chyler Leigh on Superhero Insider, Chyler spoke to the hazards that may face Kara and Maggie in the future! The two will have to work together to help find/save Alex! We have more on this in the spoilers section which we will try and leave out from this article but here's what Chyler had to say:

Episode 19 is a very big episode for the both of them just because it comes to dire circumstances, where it’s a situation of a rescue. It causes Kara and Maggie to have to rely on each other to figure out what happened to Alex… You have to see how they work together, and you have to see how they’re both fighting for the person that they love, that they care about, and how that can take a toll if you have differing opinions, different ways that you kill[/influence] aliens. It’s this really great example of how deep all of the relationships are, but it really does put Maggie and Alex to the test in a very great way, but it’s rather dire.

We do want to be clear here though, EW has said before that an episode is "Sanvers-centric" but fans felt let down by that description. So take this news not that the episode is Sanvers-centric but will have big events for Sanvers.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#3 RE: Big Event for Alex & Maggie in 219Romulus 2017-04-13 17:16
Very nice to know. Thanks for posting it here. Ought to be quite an episode. Looking forward to seeing it. ;-)
#2 RE: Big Event for Alex & Maggie in 219vantheman77 2017-04-13 16:33
I don't expect episode 19 to be Maggie and Alex-centric, but I like it better when we see Kara and Maggie working together which is not often. I hope they work together often in the 3rd season.
#1 RE: Big Event for Alex & Maggie in 219Fedguy 2017-04-13 15:29
Alright, but I pray we don't get "the writers promised big sanvers and then betrayed the LGBT" in the comments afterwards if the episode doesn't go a certain way.

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