Battles Lost and Won Recap

We've only done this two other times and each time we think a finale can't be topped. We were proven wrong yet again because the season three finale of Supergirl was simply incredible! The entire fate of the world was held in the balance. To show our bias just a little, on The Flash, all of humanity on Earth 1 was threatened by the Thinker, but tonight, our entire planet could have been lost. That's not just humanity, but all life! This was a challenge that only Supergirl and her team could stand up to! Despite the magnitude of the situation, there were plenty of touching personal moments that seemingly held just as much magnitude. Breaking it all down isn't easy but here is what stood out to us:

  1. The Terraforming of Earth Has Begun: As we saw at the end of the last episode, the fate of the planet was at stake as the Earth was beginning to terraform into Krypton via Reign's sword and power! A multitude of catastrophes ensued where the first 10 minutes or so was pure action! James, as Guardian, had to stop an irrational mother from going into a burning building by revealing who he was so she would trust him to get her son. A tsunami also was heading to National City where Supergirl and Alura were able to freeze it with the help of the Legion who had just returned. Imra held the water in place while it was frozen and Brainy blew it apart.
  2. M'yrnn's Goodbye: There was little time for J'onn and M'yrnn to say goodbye as he needed to meld with the planet to stop the Earth from terraforming. He shared the quickest memory with his son before he had to go. It was the birth of the Martian religion and their people. J'onn says he's not ready, who is when a parent dies, but M'yrnn says J'onn will never be alone and phases into Earth.
  3. The Future Threat: When Pestilence was destroyed, history was changed. Because of this, Brainiac (the original) survived and is now attacking all future artificial intelligence. Now, Brainy must stay in our time so that he won't be killed. Further, we learn that Winn's invention of the circuit that he used to make the force-field ended up being a catalyst technology that the future uses everywhere. Because of this, Winn is asked to go to the future in Brainy's place to help the Legion! On top of all of that, Imra and Mon-El break up but the looming threat on Brainiac in the future means that Mon-El is needed there to lead the Legion more than ever!
  4. The Dark Forest: Sam was shocked into the Dark Forest again last episode so that she could find a spring fountain that would give her human side strength. She was guided and helped by Patricia's spirit. At first we weren't sure if she was to be trusted, but after singing Sam a lullaby, Sam was able to ingest enough of the strength giving water to give her powers that match any Kryptonian! She awakens in the DEO where Lena and Alex tell her where Reign and the team are. Sam flies out of the DEO with her new power!
  5. The Forest is The Prison: In pretty true fashion for comic book, we diverted down a what-if, what-could happen moment. Sam flies in and stabs Reign then Kara goes against her better judgement and knocks Reign into the fire pit that kills her but her rage isn't contained and she kills Mon-El and Alura with heat vision before she dies. This triggers Supergirl to have a sort of epiphany where she knows that she was wrong to kill. Taking Mon-El's ring and having Winn find a time disturbance like the one from the season 2 finale, Kara flies into space where she travels back in time to stop Sam and herself from killing Reign. The Dark Forest is actually a prison that can hold Reign and with both Supergirl and Sam in the forest with Reign, Sam is able to force Reign to drink from the poisoned part of the fountain spring giving all the power back to Sam and trapping Reign in the forest indefinitely. This of course undoes any deaths that happened before.
  6. Mon-El Heads To The Future: The Brainiac threat is too big to ignore and it would diminish who Mon-El has become to stay in the current time with Kara. Kara knows this and with a tearful goodbye they part, but not before Mon-El gifts Supergirl a Legion Ring of own! She can now call on the Legion to come and help if she needs it! Not to mention the new powers the Legion Ring gives her with the ability to fly in space. Winn will travel with Mon-El to the future and they will work together to defeat Brainiac!
  7. J'onn and Alex: Alex is ready to make a change to chase her dream of becoming a mother. She gives J'onn her notice that she is leaving the D.E.O. so she doesn't have to put her life on the line all the time. In a twist, however, J'onn realizes that after his time with his dad that the Martian way is to live among the people. He actually promotes Alex to director of the D.E.O. which will reduce her time in the field and allow her to chase her dream of having a family. J'onn, however, vows not to leave Alex as they are family and he will be there for her whenever she needs him.

Final wrap up moments. The show ends perfectly with Alex and Kara on the couch. They talk about everything new, all the changes, the choice that Kara made to remain on Earth and not go to Argo.  Then Alex asks, "Are we going to be ok"? Not so much about the two of them but more in a way of what is to come. Kara takes a moment and answers, "Yes". Furthermore, James is contacted by the media for a quote that someone is saying he is The Guardian. He replies, "I am the Guardian" and his secret is out! The big cliffhanger, however, is that it would seem (and like all good cliffhangers, we aren't sure) that the choice Kara makes to travel back in time and redo the fight with Reign has caused a split in time. A second Kara comes walking through the snow in Siberia barely clothed in rags and approaches what looks like a military installation. Could the grief of killing Reign have caused this version of Kara to go mad? Is it even the same version of Kara or is this somehow a clone like Bizarro was? So many questions ahead!

Whew, tonight was intense! It's been an absolute pleasure sharing this season with all of you! We are just so thankful for this community that you all have built with us! As you've done 22 times before this season, let us know what your thoughts are about this episode in the comments below and in the forum! Stay with us during the next 118 days as we continue to cover the show and its new developments! The staff is heading to San Diego Comic Con and will bring you all the Supergirl related news live from San Diego! Help us get there and keep you updated this summer by visiting the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#74 RE: Battles Lost and Won Recapcsi cameron 2018-06-28 13:03
Quoting Eire El:
There was a shot during the earthquake scene at the beginning where rubble from a bridge falls on top of a car. Is that the same shot that was used in "Human for a Day"?

To be honest, I thought the part with the large crack running along the ground was from Girl of Steel when the missile hit the waterfront lol
#73 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapEire El 2018-06-28 10:05
There was a shot during the earthquake scene at the beginning where rubble from a bridge falls on top of a car. Is that the same shot that was used in "Human for a Day"?
#72 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapCaptain Past 2018-06-24 19:16
Quoting starlord:
Lena has shown she is full of secrets and that will doom her in the end. Kara was mad at her for doing this yet she is still keeping secrets and lying. Now blatantly lied about the Harrun-El rock too. We actually have no idea what she is using the rock for all she said was in a menacing determined voice "Begin phase 2"
All those secrets will tip her over to the dark side. I can not see them bringing in a Luthor if they cant have Lex just to be Karas friend all the way to the end of the show. Talk about no character development at all for her.Just completely wasted potential for a Luthor on a SUPERGIRL show.

Given that Lena made the Harun-El for Argo City, it will eventually occur to everyone involved that she can make more whenever she wants. She may have given Alura the entire current supply, but that does not affect whether or not she can make more.

On a different note, clearing out all those plot lines was a very good idea.

Finally, cape fighting seemed to get lost in the last battle.
#71 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapKelly 2018-06-23 18:24
Quoting KaraD:
Could the two Kara's be the same but from two different timelimes (like in the Continuum series) or could she be Powergirl?

This is what I'm thinking....Melissa herself has already said they are taking a story arc from I believe that "Red Son" very well will be "Red Daughter" but maybe with a twist.
+1 #70 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapDraftingDrafter 2018-06-21 19:10
I thought the finale was rushed. They tried to tie up so many loose ends in such a small amount of time. This back half of s3 felt sloppy imo. But that cliffhanger with clone Kara has me excited af for s4.

Also, unpopular opinion maybe, but I'm soooo looking forward to having Brainiac 5 around next season. We mainly ever saw him with Winn so I'm eager to see how he's gonna interact with Alex and Kara :D
+1 #69 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapDraftingDrafter 2018-06-21 19:06
Quoting starlord:
I do not agree with that and i think she is useless as just another good guy on the show. Having Lena become evil and embrace the Luthor name is that much interesting. Having her work against Kara behind her back. Is what i know most comicbook fans want to see.

How so? Almost every comic iteration of Lena is good/not evil, so why would cb fans want (according to you) to go against comic canon? I think the only well-known 'evil' Lena is the one from DC Superhero Girls lol
#68 RE: Battles Lost and Won Recapevrafter 2018-06-21 18:53
Anyone else see any similarities between Lena's suspicious closing scene with the Haranel (spelling??) and Max Lord's ending scene with the omegahedron? The writers couldn't continue that Max arc due to the change to theCW. So, I'm wondering if they're going to recycle some of their unused ideas and apply them to Lena next year. After all, Max was grey, too.
+2 #67 RE: Battles Lost and Won Recapsuperbill 2018-06-21 14:51
Quoting starlord:
I do not agree with that and i think she is not working as just another good guy on the show. Having Lena become evil and embrace the Luthor name is that much interesting. Having her work against Kara behind her back. Is what i know most comicbook fans want to see.

OK, that is your opinion and your hope, which is something you should feel free to express. But when posting please remember you are speaking only for yourself, not for "most comic book fans." Many of us respectively disagree.
+1 #66 Two Kara'sKaraD 2018-06-21 08:45
Could the two Kara's be the same but from two different timelimes (like in the Continuum series) or could she be Powergirl?
+3 #65 RE: Battles Lost and Won RecapLittleHunter 2018-06-21 07:41
Quoting starlord:
I do not agree with that and i think she is useless as just another good guy on the show. Having Lena become evil and embrace the Luthor name is that much interesting. Having her work against Kara behind her back. Is what i know most comicbook fans want to see.

I doubt we'll ever agree then, I see plenty of potential as she is now, more so than if they made her a villain. Hell, even as she is now she isn't 'just another good guy', she's the good Luthor, the exception to the rule and is learning to use her Luthor-ness while staying true to who she wants to be. They can still have her working behind Kara's back without her becoming exactly like Lex and Lillian.
As for the comics there are plenty of things the TV show has chosen to change so why not this?

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