American Dreamer Synopsis

This is the episode we've been waiting for since SDCC last year! David Harewood has gotten behind the director's chair and it's "Money"! Fans who follow some of the actors on social media, majoritively Instagram will get that reference! As for the synopsis, it sounds like Supergirl's name isn't yet cleared by the time we get to episode 419. Kara will be wearing her reporter hat yet again trying to get to the bottom of who was behind the attack on the White House! Dreamer will be picking up the slack in National City which put her face to face with Agent Liberty! Check out the full synopsis below:

DAVID HAREWOOD DIRECTS — As Kara (Melissa Benoist) doggedly works as a reporter to clear Supergirl’s name, Dreamer (Nicole Maines) picks up the slack as National City’s protector, which leads to a showdown with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer). James (Mehcad Brooks) takes drastic measures to relieve his PTSD. David Harewood directed the episode with story by Dana Horgan and teleplay by Daniel Beaty & Jess Kardos (#419). Original airdate 4/28/2019.

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#28 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisBrandtm2 2019-04-21 13:14
Quoting Sully:
Quoting Eire El:
I suppose you could think of it along the lines of:

All P is S,
All S is M
Therefore all P is M.

Kara stands for hope and both inspires and mentors Nia,
Nia's background could help bridge between humans and aliens.
Therefore Kara's inspiration and mentoring helps bridge between humans and aliens.

This would mean Kara is still the most important factor.

Quoting LibertyPrime:
Quoting Brierrose:
Nia can actually be a bridge between humans and aliens in a way that Kara can’t.

If I thought this was true, I would ragequit the show in a heartbeat and never look back.
The season's theme with alien distrust is a very explicit analogy of the current immigration issue within the US. I see Kara as the alien immigrant who came to Earth, learned the language, earned an education and has been working as a citizen for almost half of her life. Nia, on the other hand, was born to an alien and a human, making her a natural Earth born citizen. So, to imply that Nia would be a better bridge between the alien community and the human community, I think, is a bit of a slam on Kara and other immigrants who came into this world/country, most likely "illegally". Nia may be an alien, but with the repeal of the alien amnesty act, her citizenship shouldn't be at stake like it would be for Kara. Plus, I believe this whole concept is contrary to the point that I believe the producers are trying to make.

This is all very interesting. I feel the best way to show Kara as a bridge is her using her powers to help ordinary people. That would combine seeing her in action plus the hope and optimism she exudes. What better way to undercut Agent Liberty fearmongering? Unfortunately we've seen very little of Kara helping ordinary people since season 1.
#27 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisSully 2019-04-19 14:24
Quoting Eire El:
I suppose you could think of it along the lines of:

All P is S,
All S is M
Therefore all P is M.

Kara stands for hope and both inspires and mentors Nia,
Nia's background could help bridge between humans and aliens.
Therefore Kara's inspiration and mentoring helps bridge between humans and aliens.

This would mean Kara is still the most important factor.

Quoting LibertyPrime:
Quoting Brierrose:
Nia can actually be a bridge between humans and aliens in a way that Kara can’t.

If I thought this was true, I would ragequit the show in a heartbeat and never look back.
The season's theme with alien distrust is a very explicit analogy of the current immigration issue within the US. I see Kara as the alien immigrant who came to Earth, learned the language, earned an education and has been working as a citizen for almost half of her life. Nia, on the other hand, was born to an alien and a human, making her a natural Earth born citizen. So, to imply that Nia would be a better bridge between the alien community and the human community, I think, is a bit of a slam on Kara and other immigrants who came into this world/country, most likely "illegally". Nia may be an alien, but with the repeal of the alien amnesty act, her citizenship shouldn't be at stake like it would be for Kara. Plus, I believe this whole concept is contrary to the point that I believe the producers are trying to make.

That's what I love about this website and its frequent users. Our ability to share ideas, sometimes passionately disagreeing on topics, even playing devils advocate with each other at times. Yet we always do so amicably.
I agree.
+1 #26 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisKelly 2019-04-16 15:09
I am more than willing to take the wait and see route. I however look back on history, and what we have gotten about this time each season has been pretty fillery in substance. Except for The Fanatical which was pretty good last season most eps around this time have been kinda filler. I am one that would go for 13 episodes of what we have had these last 3 eps....When I saw Teng was in town I screamed yay finale, then found out he wasnt directing....☹My hope is for lots of Supergirl action in the next few episodes.....hmmmmmmm. Still hoping.
+1 #25 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisLibertyPrime 2019-04-16 04:11
Quoting Eire El:
That's what I love about this website and its frequent users. Our ability to share ideas, sometimes passionately disagreeing on topics, even playing devils advocate with each other at times. Yet we always do so amicably.

Indeed! That is exactly why I signed up here. :-)
+3 #24 RE: American Dreamer Synopsisjacksc01 2019-04-16 01:44
Quoting Eire El:
That's what I love about this website and its frequent users. Our ability to share ideas, sometimes passionately disagreeing on topics, even playing devils advocate with each other at times. Yet we always do so amicably.

Quoting LibertyPrime:
At this point, it's strictly an academic discussion/"what if" scenario. :-)

Eire El you have a good point there. I know this is one of the rare sites where what you state is so true. :-)
+4 #23 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisEire El 2019-04-16 01:15
That's what I love about this website and its frequent users. Our ability to share ideas, sometimes passionately disagreeing on topics, even playing devils advocate with each other at times. Yet we always do so amicably.

Quoting LibertyPrime:
At this point, it's strictly an academic discussion/"what if" scenario. :-)
+4 #22 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisLibertyPrime 2019-04-15 19:39
Quoting Eire El:
I suppose you could think of it along the lines of:

All P is S,
All S is M
Therefore all P is M.

Kara stands for hope and both inspires and mentors Nia,
Nia's background could help bridge between humans and aliens.
Therefore Kara's inspiration and mentoring helps bridge between humans and aliens.

This would mean Kara is still the most important factor.

One could take that view. I would disagree, feeling that Kara would be yet again upstaged.

What makes Supergirl truly special isn't her powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal humans. Those are great, but it is her ability to connect and inspire that sets her apart. Mentor or not, for Kara to cede that to Nia on the basis of the latter's blended heritage would be an unforgivable offence against the character.

And I am speaking altogether hypothetically; I don't see any indication that is a direction they would pursue. At this point, it's strictly an academic discussion/"what if" scenario. :-)
+3 #21 Show's still about Ms Danvers, thank you very muchFedguy 2019-04-15 19:20
Is Kara retiring after this season then? If not, a tad bit early the pass the torch huh?
+1 #20 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisEire El 2019-04-15 15:43
I suppose you could think of it along the lines of:

All P is S,
All S is M
Therefore all P is M.

Kara stands for hope and both inspires and mentors Nia,
Nia's background could help bridge between humans and aliens.
Therefore Kara's inspiration and mentoring helps bridge between humans and aliens.

This would mean Kara is still the most important factor.

Quoting LibertyPrime:
Quoting Brierrose:
Nia can actually be a bridge between humans and aliens in a way that Kara can’t.

If I thought this was true, I would ragequit the show in a heartbeat and never look back.
+2 #19 RE: American Dreamer SynopsisEire El 2019-04-14 16:08
In Ireland we are catching up on episodes while you guys are on a break. I have seen as far as “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” so Lena’s maternal line being Irish is spoiler safe. Besides in Season 3 “Trinity” Lena’s middle name is established as Ciarán.

Quoting Brierrose:
Eire El if you don’t know already I don’t think it’s spoilery to tell you they have now established Lena’s birth mother was Irish, that one is a clear nod to Katie.

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