Last week was quite the episode! Over 91% of our site voters put the episode at five stars or above! Going into tonight, we don't see how you follow up an episode like that! The Red Daughter is now active and she is making life hell for Supergirl. Additionally, Lena is feeling the betrayal that Lex has brought and she is starting to tumble with revenge and a more dark side. Of course, with Lex on the loose, Supergirl needs all the help she can get and approaches the DEO and their resources. A lot happened tonight, here's what stood out to us:
- Lex's Letter: We start with the clip of the episode that showed the letter from Lex. Alex gets to it first and reads it. The note lets Alex know that Eve is involved and working with Lex. Supergirl and J'onn hover above the city after having looked around the entire south Pacific. J'onn attempts to cast a psychic net but he hears his father's voice and falls to Earth. Supergirl catches him.
- Supergirl Seeks the DEO: The DEO is tasked with protecting Washington while the Alien Amnesty Act is repealed. Colonel Haley, in a uncharacteristic move, allows Alex and Brainy to help Supergirl and the trio get to work. Supergirl gives Brainy his ring back! Meanwhile, Dreamer is at the Fortress of Solitude trying to learn what Lex was up to.
- J'onn and M'yrnn: When J'onn finally says that he isn't a man of peace, M'yrnn returns in some form to take the sacred scrolls of Mars back. J'onn of course says they are in his mind so there is no way he can take them but M'yrnn manifests them onto the table and heads out of the office. Because J'onn fainted, M'yrnn stays for one cup of coffee.
- Eve's Aunt: Eve's Aunt was very very sick and Eve healed her with Lena's cure. She received the serum that gave powers as well and when she pulls a cake out of the oven without mitts, it becomes clear to Lena, Alex and Supergirl that she is lying. Supergirl is able to get her to tell them that Eve has a secret lab she worked out of. Then we cut straight to...
- Eve and Red Daughter: Eve and Linda (Rara, Ranvers? Not sure which name we all chose for Red Daughter) are walking through the sewers in disguises. Eve tells Linda to head down an ally way and to put on a new costume. Linda catches Eve's tone and tells her she speaks English better than Eve does.
- James is in Trauma: James has been the target of Lex over 7 times and his sister has come offering a list of counselors that can help him through his trauma. That said, James is in denial about his needs and dismisses his sister. She reluctantly walks out.
- Harun-El: Supergirl discovers that Lena has been working with Harun-El. She is scared and tells Lena that she is disappointed. But Lena points out that everytime they are getting close to reconciling, Kara goes all "high road" on her. Supergirl then just admits that she feels the weight of the world on her shoulders and that she is scared that Lex is out there. Alex, Lena and Supergirl all agree to bury the hatchet. Just then a Metallo project half human comes out to protect the lab. Alex, Lena and Supergirl are able to work together to destroy the robot/metallo. We also learn that is how Otis was brought back to life.
- J'onn the Manhunter: J'onn and his father continue to talk through J'onn's issues while drinking coffee. J'onn and M'yrnn finally get to the heart of the matter. J'onn doesn't know who he is or how to be a man of peace. He finally stands up and acclaims that he is a MAN HUNTER! A very powerful scene! J'onn finally accepts that he is who he is and it is revealed that M'yrnn was a projection that J'onn created. J'onn decides that he might be able to save the scrolls if he can return them to Mars and keep them safe.
- Red Daughter Strikes: Supergirl thinks she's where Eve is. When she goes to check, it's actually a fake and the Lex Luthor suit shoots out and covers the Real Supergirl. While trapped, Red Daughter strikes! She burns a hole into the White House and enters the Oval Office. The Secret Service begins attacking, throwing James (who's there to cover the Alien Amnesty Act Repeal) into a panic-attack. Red Daugther dressed as Supergirl then burns senators, congressmen, and secret service agents to death. She claims, "Let them hate, so long as they fear" and sets fire to the White House as she leaves. Kara is finally able to get the Lex suit off only to see the White House burn!
In the final wrap up moments: The President declares Martial Law. He says Supergirl is now public enemy number 1! James heads to his sister's where he asks her to stay. He really has a problem that he needs help with. Finally, Supergirl is summoned by Lena and Alex. She assumes she is going to be arrested but Lena and Alex stand by her. J'onn departs for Mars and isn't around to hear Kara's calls for help.
Did the episode stand up to what last week set up? Was it another home run? Let us know in the comments below and in the forum! Keep us advertisement free and visit the support page!
I just meant that when we consider intellects like the Luthors', we could go all day in that vein--"Assuming Lex anticipated that Lena would deduce that Lex would have found out that Lena had..."
Quote: You've got me on this one. I've not seen the Princess Bride
Most people seem to be using Rara, not sure where that name came from but it's one I don't care for. When she calls herself Linda, Linda Lee in The House of L, a name which is a big part of Supergirl history then I'm sticking with calling her Linda.
Linda didn't act very Supergirl like at the end of the episode with her attack on the White House but given she's being manipulated by Lex Luthor I'm putting that all on him. I hope that Linda figures out for herself that she's being used by LL or is taught the right way by Kara. Kara and Linda could then team-up in the finale (E22) to defeat Lex and send him back to prison. Not likely too happen of course but hey everyone has their own wishes for things they would like to see on the show.
Hmm. That's true. I suppose I must fall back to "personal idiosyncrasy?"
Quote: At the end of the scene, Lena starts to walk out, saying essentially, "Let me know when you want to tell me. I'm patient." Lillian says, "Wait." Lena turns to face her. End scene. (Grr. Stupid hiatus.)
Another possibility that cannot be ruled out is that Lex planted the map to make Lena believe all of the above and have Lillian feed her misinformation.
But we're a step away from Vizzini in the Princess Bride, " clearly I cannot choose the wine in front of you/me."
I imagine you are a very good teacher. You make people think. Looking back, the best always seemed like supervillains at the time!
Quote: Quite possibly this could be the case. I only question it because Lillian isn't new to knowing the details of what Lex is involved in. She's been around the entire time of his criminal life and even been a part of it. I actually could see her being more integral in his plan than what we've been shown. So why would he suddenly see her knowledge of his activities as a threat? Perhaps if they had shown some previous footage of that being the case, Lena's assumption and Lillian's belief of it wouldn't seem so out of the blue. Did it work? Did Lena gain Intel from it? I can't remember all the details of that scene- I need to go back and watch that part again I guess.
Quote: I was thinking of a scenario where he is apprehended and police/prosecutors then obtain access to the map. Building a case would be harder without clear intent.
Quote: I thought that was the point of Lena's visit. She knew the only logical reason Lex would kill Lillian was that mom knew something critical to his plan and feared someone would get it out of her. Lena used the map and implicit threat behind it to appeal to Lillian's self-interest and "flip" her. It would seem as though she may have succeeded. We have too long to wait to know for sure.
Quote: Playing a bit of devil's advocate here, but if the authorities were to find a map that indicated Lillian's location, would it really matter to them whether the intent was to go in and kill her or to rescue her? Because, if they found said map with her location marked, it would most likely be a sign that a break-in was possible and propel them to move her from that location to spoil any type of attempt to get to her.
Quoting LibertyPrime: I don't underestimate Lex's evilness, but I just wonder what the purpose behind it would be? Lex is fueled by self-interest and as far as we know, Lillian has only helped thrust him in the spotlight, not taken it away. I would think he would see her as someone that could assist him attain the power and control he wants. So, why eliminate her?
But then, you aren't a supervillain.
I hope.
Quote: Not that I am one to stick up for the SG Writer's Room, but I am not convinced it's weak. Vague actually helps Lex. Using a skull and crossbones or more obvious symbology could be used as evidence of intent to kill, in the event the map falls into the hands of the authorities. Alex and Kara saw a simple, "Here's mom," in red ink--nothing more.
It makes sense to me that Lex's mother and sister would understand the intent behind the ink color from past history. Lena decided to leverage it to her advantage. The fear in Lillian's face indicated (again, to me) that she had no illusions about about what it meant. It seemed delightfully subtle for the show.
We all draw our lines was what is plausible, though.
Quoting Brandtm2:
Never underestimate Lex's capacity for evil.
This is an interesting discussion if Lex will rescue or kill Lillian. Personally I think it's too much even for Lex Luthor to kill his own mother. I'd rather the red ink means it's what he'll do to Lillian's captors.