All About Eve Gallery

"All About Eve" is the first episode we are going to see where Red Daughter's motives actually affect our Girl of Steel! In the newly released images for the episode, it looks like the fallout from Supergirl's supposed actions at the White House are far reaching! The DEO looks to be on high alert when the Girl of Steel arrives! Of course, we have no way of knowing if that really is Kara or not! Among the photos there are also shots of Kara, Alex and Lena visiting someone who we think is Eve's mother! Check out the images for yourself below and let us know what you think!

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#20 RE: All About Eve Gallerysuperbill 2019-03-30 16:10
Interesting body language in picture # 11. Brainy looks pleased and confident, Alex has holstered her gun and looks cautiously hopeful, Haley looks impassive; her personal feelings may be at odds with her devotion to duty.
+2 #19 RE: All About Eve GallerySully 2019-03-30 06:07
Quoting Eire El:
Don't worry about, I've misread things plenty of times myself. After a long stressful Friday at work this misreading of my comment has made my day. Thank you for putting me in fits of laughter KaraD. :)
Quoting KaraD:

Oh boy! So sorry, I totally misread that. I know what homophone means. It's has the same meaning in French. My first language is French so sometimes, I mix up things. ;) I will take out my comment. I feel a little bit ridiculous now... :)
Misread, misspelled, added too many words, forgot words, forgot what I was saying.....yeah, that's me on any given day. I'm actually surprised I caught the difference.
Clearly, Col Haley is asserting her dominance and commanding that her sweet potato pie be the only delicacy permitted within the confines of the DEO.
Well...clearly, Col Haley is wrong. But with her previous lack of judgement on Supergirl matters, we really shouldn't be surprised.
+2 #18 RE: All About Eve GalleryLibertyPrime 2019-03-30 04:30
Quoting ks774:
Quoting Sully:
As for the photos, I'm positive that photo #6 is Kara showing her utter disbelief after Colonel Haley relays to her that she doesn't like cruellers. And in photo #8, Alex is further dismayed when Haley goes on to declare that donuts will not be allowed in the DEO due to their unhealthy content. ;-) So, I'm afraid that it's official - because of irreconcilable differences, Alex will now have to quit the DEO and the team will have to reform out of J'onn's office :-)

Clearly, Col Haley is asserting her dominance and commanding that her sweet potato pie be the only delicacy permitted within the confines of the DEO.

The dastardly fiend has gone too far., this time! Thankfully the Girl of Steel stands firm in her never ending battle for hope, help, and donuts for all.
+1 #17 RE: All About Eve Galleryks774 2019-03-29 23:53
Quoting Sully:
As for the photos, I'm positive that photo #6 is Kara showing her utter disbelief after Colonel Haley relays to her that she doesn't like cruellers. And in photo #8, Alex is further dismayed when Haley goes on to declare that donuts will not be allowed in the DEO due to their unhealthy content. ;-) So, I'm afraid that it's official - because of irreconcilable differences, Alex will now have to quit the DEO and the team will have to reform out of J'onn's office :-)

Clearly, Col Haley is asserting her dominance and commanding that her sweet potato pie be the only delicacy permitted within the confines of the DEO.
#16 RE: All About Eve GalleryEire El 2019-03-29 16:49
The First time I saw that scene last year I had to rewind and listen again to be sure I heard it right. The mechanical equivalent of a double take. The sutlety of the homopho'n'ic :) reference is entertaining.

Quoting Kelly:

Actually, I didnt even think that.....I just know what a hacky sack is, pretty good at it actually...
+2 #15 RE: All About Eve GalleryKelly 2019-03-29 15:26
Quoting Sully:
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting Eire El:
Yes, M'onel says it so quickly that it's a cleverly used homophone phrase.

I really don't think the show would use an homophobe phrase even to make a point. The CW and the actors like Melissa and Chyler work hard to be inclusive and respectful.
Eire El wrote homophone, not homophobe. Homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another, but means and/or is spelled differently.

As for the photos, I'm positive that photo #6 is Kara showing her utter disbelief after Colonel Haley relays to her that she doesn't like cruellers. And in photo #8, Alex is further dismayed when Haley goes on to declare that donuts will not be allowed in the DEO due to their unhealthy content. ;-) So, I'm afraid that it's official - because of irreconcilable differences, Alex will now have to quit the DEO and the team will have to reform out of J'onn's office :-)

Actually, I didnt even think that.....I just know what a hacky sack is, pretty good at it actually...
#14 RE: All About Eve GalleryKaraD 2019-03-29 11:59
Quoting Eire El:
Don't worry about, I've misread things plenty of times myself. After a long stressful Friday at work this misreading of my comment has made my day. Thank you for putting me in fits of laughter KaraD. :)

Quoting KaraD:

Oh boy! So sorry, I totally misread that. I know what homophone means. It's has the same meaning in French. My first language is French so sometimes, I mix up things. ;) I will take out my comment. I feel a little bit ridiculous now... :)

So happy to have contributed to your entertainment! LOL Making people laugh is a specialty of mine. I'm a bit of a joker. ;)
+3 #13 RE: All About Eve GalleryEire El 2019-03-29 11:18
Don't worry about, I've misread things plenty of times myself. After a long stressful Friday at work this misreading of my comment has made my day. Thank you for putting me in fits of laughter KaraD. :)

Quoting KaraD:

Oh boy! So sorry, I totally misread that. I know what homophone means. It's has the same meaning in French. My first language is French so sometimes, I mix up things. ;) I will take out my comment. I feel a little bit ridiculous now... :)
#12 RE: All About Eve GalleryKaraD 2019-03-29 10:00
Quoting Sully:
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting Eire El:
Yes, M'onel says it so quickly that it's a cleverly used homophone phrase.

I really don't think the show would use an homophobe phrase even to make a point. The CW and the actors like Melissa and Chyler work hard to be inclusive and respectful.
Eire El wrote homophone, not homophobe. Homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another, but means and/or is spelled differently.

As for the photos, I'm positive that photo #6 is Kara showing her utter disbelief after Colonel Haley relays to her that she doesn't like cruellers. And in photo #8, Alex is further dismayed when Haley goes on to declare that donuts will not be allowed in the DEO due to their unhealthy content. ;-) So, I'm afraid that it's official - because of irreconcilable differences, Alex will now have to quit the DEO and the team will have to reform out of J'onn's office :-)

Oh boy! So sorry, I totally misread that. I know what homophone means. It's has the same meaning in French. My first language is French so sometimes, I mix up things. ;) I will take out my comment. I feel a little bit ridiculous now... :)
+5 #11 RE: All About Eve GallerySully 2019-03-29 09:49
Quoting KaraD:
Quoting Eire El:
Yes, M'onel says it so quickly that it's a cleverly used homophone phrase.

I really don't think the show would use an homophobe phrase even to make a point. The CW and the actors like Melissa and Chyler work hard to be inclusive and respectful.
Eire El wrote homophone, not homophobe. Homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another, but means and/or is spelled differently.

As for the photos, I'm positive that photo #6 is Kara showing her utter disbelief after Colonel Haley relays to her that she doesn't like cruellers. And in photo #8, Alex is further dismayed when Haley goes on to declare that donuts will not be allowed in the DEO due to their unhealthy content. ;-) So, I'm afraid that it's official - because of irreconcilable differences, Alex will now have to quit the DEO and the team will have to reform out of J'onn's office :-)

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