The obsidian lenses seem to be capable of a great many things. More over, in virtual reality, not only can you become someone like the Girl of Steel, fly and have all her powers, but you can also meet your younger self? Take a look closely at the gallery images below. You'll catch one image with Alex in the super suit talking with Olivia Nikkanen who plays young Alex. What interesting twist could there be that requires Super-Alex to speak with her younger self? Check out the gallery below:
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Let's hope you're right. I'm sure our devoted administrator will give us the info after tonight's episode.
Hmm...I checked my cable system for the episode to air on WPIX CW 11. The boxes allow you to check for more episodes. And sure enough, the episode is supposed to air next Sunday.
Ah, that would make sense.
I think the Lex-centric Benoist directed episode will be important in pushing the story arc forward. I am looking for to it.
That's the Virtual Reality bad guy ...pretty sure that must be the gun that wraps up SuperAlex in Kryptonite rope.
I thought he gave up the idea that guns make you powerful.
I had the same reaction. I totally get that her presence will be limited in the next 2 episodes and I'm so happy that Melissa gets to realize her dream of directing. But I would have liked at least one picture of the main character. Also, I think I'm actually more excited about the episode that Mel will be directing than this one but I'm always able to find a few things that I like in an episode no matter what.