Ace Reporter Recap

Ah, it's so good to be back! Talk about getting through the long wait, yikes this was almost as bad as the winter break. Oh well, Supergirl is back and will be uninterrupted until the finale which includes SUPERMAN! So exciting, but enough about that, lets get into tonight's episode! Andrew Kreisberg has been quoted saying he wanted this episode to explore the ethics of journalism which is a big topic to tackle! On top of that, we would get a further glimpse into Lena Luthor's past as well as some fun times with Guardian and Winn. Here are the moments that stood out to us!

  1. Kara is a Bad Cook: So is Kara trying to become a good cook in the conventional way using ovens and stoves? We ask because if we remember right from season one, she is an amazing cook with Turkey just using her heat vision. Ha, either way, this is perfect adorkable Kara doing her thing! So sweet to see.
  2. Kara Snaps Back Snapper: Kara can't hold down her reporter instincts and she stands up for herself, and puts Snapper in his place when he tries to cut her off! We love moments when we can see Kara, not as Supergirl, stand up for herself!
  3. Kara Gets a Bomb to the Chest: YIKES! We all knew this was coming from the preview a month ago, but seeing it happen and this time with extra special effects was pretty dang jaw dropping! Whoever is controlling those nano-swarm robots has a lot of explaining to do. Of course, if you've been to our spoiler page you know who that is!
  4. Supergirl Freezes the Nano-Swarm: While it could be taken that Kara was listening in on Snapper's conversation with James to get a competitive edge, she proves, as she always does, that it's to look out for people. In this case, she saves Snapper with her freeze breath just in the nick of time!
  5. Kara and Mon-El Break Into Jack's Office: Some of our favorite memories of Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, were when Lois and Clark would get into trouble investigating a story and Clark would have to find a way to save them. This scene with Kara and Mon-El reminded us so much of those days! The two doing a little trouble for the greater good. It was funny, cute, fun and kept you on your toes!
  6. Kara Comes to Snapper For the Greater Good: Kara did what was right because she is Supergirl and needed to protect the aliens from Cadmus when she made her blog, but as Kara the journalist, she had to apologize to Snapper for going against him. He isn't a great mentor but she is learning from him which needed to be recognized. The scene was very well done even with a bit of humor on Snapper's part.
  7. Lena Chooses Supergirl: We have been wary of Lena's true intentions this entire season yet whenever she is tested, she proves to be on the side of the just. Given the choice between Supergirl or Jack (her love), she chose Supergirl who was, in this case, an innocent. Lena sacrificed Jack to save the Girl of Steel.
  8. Kara and Lena: This was amazing! We know that Katie has some amazing acting chops and seeing her get to stretch those acting muscles with Melissa had us loving the pair! The writers did a really good job with letting Lena recognize that she wasn't feeling anything and fearing what she would become when she did feel again! Just like Supergirl is to everyone, Kara offers herself to be a moral compass for Lena.
  9. James, Winn, and Lyra: These three are pretty funny and having the final scene with James and Winn was a good moment for Mehcad and Jeremy. We like seeing those two together. The things James said to Winn about brotherhood and Clark really had us feeling the realities of friendship.

Final wrap up! Kara gets her first byline and its beautiful! Snapper seemed like he had his feelings hurt that Kara went against him in the Alien article but she had to do that as Supergirl. As Kara, she needed to win Snapper back and the two's reconciliation was akin to a Cat and Kara moment! Very sweet! Last but not least, WHAT IS RHEA DOING!!!!!

What did you think of Ace Reporter? Did it stop the presses or was it just another episode in season 2? Let us know what you thought in the comments below and in the forum! As always, help us stay committed to being your advertisement free source for Supergirl news and visit the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#59 RE: Ace Reporter RecapZendar 2017-04-27 16:00
Quoting Kiwi:
1) Ian Gomez did a brilliant MISS TESCHMACHER, nearly as good as Calista's early in the season.

Why was Snapper yelling for Eve in the first place? She works for James, not Snapper.
#58 RE: Ace Reporter Recapsuperbill 2017-04-27 07:00
Quoting Kiwi:
A few more thoughts after watching the episode for a 3rd time tonight.

1) Ian Gomez did a brilliant MISS TESCHMACHER, nearly as good as Calista's early in the season.

2) It was fun to watch Kara and Mon-El go on their little adventure to Jack's office (I laughed when Mon-El flashed the torch and Kara told him to put it away as she's a woman with X-Ray Vision), after so many episodes exploring their relationship it was refreshing to see them together like that.

3) This was the 2nd time this season they used the screening date of the episode on a document, on this occasion the Catco article by Snapper and Kara was dated April 24, 2017. Previously in S2 E3 'Welcome to Earth' the Alien Amnesty Act document signed by the President was dated October 24, 2016 (the screening date of that episode), I personally enjoy little touches like that.

Absolutely agree, Kiwi! I too love the little touches of detail. It's my 30+ years as a tech writer showing, I guess! LOL
#57 RE: Ace Reporter RecapKiwi 2017-04-27 03:17
A few more thoughts after watching the episode for a 3rd time tonight.

1) Ian Gomez did a brilliant MISS TESCHMACHER, nearly as good as Calista's early in the season.

2) It was fun to watch Kara and Mon-El go on their little adventure to Jack's office (I laughed when Mon-El flashed the torch and Kara told him to put it away as she's a woman with X-Ray Vision), after so many episodes exploring their relationship it was refreshing to see them together like that.

3) This was the 2nd time this season they used the screening date of the episode on a document, on this occasion the Catco article by Snapper and Kara was dated April 24, 2017. Previously in S2 E3 'Welcome to Earth' the Alien Amnesty Act document signed by the President was dated October 24, 2016 (the screening date of that episode), I personally enjoy little touches like that.
#56 RE: Ace Reporter Recapigold531 2017-04-26 15:52
Quoting Argo:

I noted the same thing, except I wasn't sure if Lena realized it. Personally, I don't think Kara made a slip, rather it was a subtle hint. Lena made a difficult decision and Jack begged her for him to dies. I believe there probably is a very strong bond between these women and I anticipate that at some point Lena will know Kara's other identity. They have surpassed their families' history. Remember, Lillian had no compunction to leave Lena to her fate in Luthors. So I hope the EPs keeps this friendship going.

Also, Lena is a,tough executive and woman in the business world. As Cat has said, women need to work harder. Lena is that type and will play the cards close to the vest. My hope is that she knows Kara is who she is and Supergirl is what she does. I really think that the introduction of her character has been a strong point for the Season.

I think she noticed it for sure. If you look at her face after Kara says it, it looks like this realization has dawned on her. I agree that it was a not-so-subtle hint from Kara. Seemed pretty deliberate. Lena is a tough badass and I really want to see more scenes of her and Kara kicking ass together. She knocked the hell out of Beth! :-)
#55 RE: Ace Reporter RecapArgo 2017-04-26 14:35
Quoting igold531:
I also think that Kara pretty much confirmed for Lena that she was Supergirl when she said: "I will always protect you." Whether that was a slip on Kara's part or intentional- I think that was the result. You can almost see the realization on Lena's face.

I noted the same thing, except I wasn't sure if Lena realized it. Personally, I don't think Kara made a slip, rather it was a subtle hint. Lena made a difficult decision and Jack begged her for him to dies. I believe there probably is a very strong bond between these women and I anticipate that at some point Lena will know Kara's other identity. They have surpassed their families' history. Remember, Lillian had no compunction to leave Lena to her fate in Luthors. So I hope the EPs keeps this friendship going.

Also, Lena is a,tough executive and woman in the business world. As Cat has said, women need to work harder. Lena is that type and will play the cards close to the vest. My hope is that she knows Kara is who she is and Supergirl is what she does. I really think that the introduction of her character has been a strong point for the Season.
#54 RE: Ace Reporter Recapigold531 2017-04-26 13:19
Quoting jacksc01:
I love the friendship between Kara and Lena. Its just nice to see a friendship that happens and it comes across as genuine and its just a nice thing to see in the series. I just also finished finally watching season 1 episodes again and I have to say that was one beautiful season of episodes. James and Winn were fantastic in it and their love for Kara/SuperGirl was loyal - they helped her character develop. I love the original cast and would hate to see James go - so I really do hope that they do find a way to keep him at the DEO because he deserves to be kept as a SuperGirl character - he has definitely earned it. I also loved the scene in "Childish things" where J'onn was training SuperGirl in flight technique. J'onn is that level headed father figure (and hidden hero figure). As always, I love the Alex - SuperGirl interactions and scenes - the core of the show in my opinion.

I miss the sister interaction. Their relationship was the soul of the show- completely agree. Kara's character grew leaps and bounds in season 1 and where I think she grew somewhat in season 2- I feel her story has been overshadowed by everything else. Season 2 has felt like a mish-mosh. I hope they fix it in Season 3. :-)
#53 RE: Ace Reporter Recapjacksc01 2017-04-26 12:22
I love the friendship between Kara and Lena. Its just nice to see a friendship like this and it comes across as genuine and its just a nice thing to see in the series. It also provides Kara a girl friend to hang out with who is a strong person. I just also finished finally watching season 1 episodes again and I have to say that was one beautiful season of episodes. James and Winn were fantastic in it and their love for Kara/SuperGirl was loyal - they helped her character develop. I love the original cast and would hate to see James go - so I really do hope that they do find a way to keep him at the DEO because he deserves to be kept as a SuperGirl character - he has definitely earned it. I also loved the scene in "Childish things" where J'onn was training SuperGirl in flight technique. J'onn is that level headed father figure (and hidden hero figure). As always, I love the Alex - SuperGirl interactions and scenes - the core of the show in my opinion.
#52 RE: Ace Reporter Recapigold531 2017-04-26 10:12
I also think that Kara pretty much confirmed for Lena that she was Supergirl when she said: "I will always protect you." Whether that was a slip on Kara's part or intentional- I think that was the result. You can almost see the realization on Lena's face.
#51 RE: Ace Reporter Recapigold531 2017-04-26 10:12
Quoting RobertAnthony:
Quoting Gene Steinberg:
I realize the writing is on the wall, the scripts are written, and the shows have been filmed.

But I do hope they don't take the predictable step and have Lena become another Luther, a criminal. It would be far more entertaining and rewarding to see Kara fight to help her remain a good person, rather than just the villain of the week or the season. Otherwise it echoes the Clark/Lex dynamic of Smallville in which they started out as friends.

Or am I alone in that feeling?


Gene-o, you're not solo in those thoughts. If Lena goes heel, it will be a major copout and be like watching a Sylvester/Tweety or Road Runner/Coyote cartoon from childhood or even on video...if you've seen one, you've seen them all; referring to a Super/Luthor battle.

If they make Lena evil it will almost be too predictable and boring. She needs to be her own hero. This episode showed how much Kara trusts Lena's judgment. She told Lena to get out of there but when Lena said she had a better idea Kara didn't hesitate. I love their friendship & I think they could make a good team fighting together with Kara having to follow her moral compass and Lena able to work inside that grey area to get the same results.
#50 RE: Ace Reporter RecapChucky 2017-04-26 04:51
The Guardian subplot need to be stopped. Its going nowhere, if they cant find other things for James then he should leave. The whole thing is so out of place when Kara and the others are intergrated in the main plot. Also i do not get those that do not want Lena to become a nemises to Kara. There is absolutely no meat on the bones in just a friend role for her. Why make her a regular for that. Mon-El is a very cool addition to the show and he is very funny too. When he finally get his suit from the comics. Its gonna be awesome to see him in crossovers, team ups with Superman and Supergirl, J'onn

Other than that this show is still one of the most entertaining shows and Hands down best CW and DCTV show.

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