Worlds Finest Recap

This is the long awaited Supergirl and Flash crossover night! We are feeling a bit like we just opened all our presents on Christmas day and now we are just staring at them in awe. We won't review or talk about Batman v Superman (at least in this post) but the brightness and comeradery from the pair was refreshing and joyful. We had a permanent smile affixed to our face. Here are the moments that really had us smiling below:

  1. Siobhan was in the D.E.O. for analysis: This was a clever way to start the show. We were wondering how Siobhan would know that Livewire hated Cat Grant and Supergirl and for that matter, where she was. It makes sense that they would be confused as this was the first time they've encountered powers from a person not alien, technological, but mystic.
  2. Hearing the Flash Theme: When Supergirl and The Flash met for the first time... almost tears of joy. What really had us going was hearing the Flash's theme on Supegirl! OMG these two heroes are just so amazing together! We were loosing it! Also, when Kara was set on fire, ha ha ha, wow, nice rethink there Barry.

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  3. Ice Cream: YES! Kara's reaction to getting ice cream is incredibly cute! In the dictionary, when defining the word 'adorkable' there is a picture of Barry and Kara. They are infectious!
  4. Siobhan's talks with her crazy aunt: Having Siobhan talk with her aunt was the context we were looking for. Everyone knew that she was going to have her downfall in the Silver Banshee this episode but we needed that scene to help define the context for the powers. Simple yet purposeful!
  5. 'That's my Spaceship': It was just a simple scene but after Barry runs around checking out the D.E.O. he see's Kara's ship. Kara's reaction to showing him her spaceship was too cute! Wah this is the best show on TV.
  6. Barry Tornado Arms, Kara Super Breath: These two heroes are amazing together and then all of a sudden they start using their powers together too! As Kara blew her super breath to subdue Silver Banshee and Livewire, Barry picked up on it right away and starting adding to the blast with his tornado arms. We were rolling out of our seat!
  7. Kara and Barry on the Balcony: This scene was incredibly touching. Barry does have more experience and has gotten wiser with his abilities. Kara is stronger and more powerful but is lost without the backing of National City. Barry really was a lifeline for Kara. He told her what she needed to hear to stay strong and keep being Supergirl.

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  8. Winn's passionate plea for Siobhan at Catco: In episode 3 Winn blocked a door barring Supergirl from leaving a room. Not a feat that many humans would dare try. This episode he pleaded with Siobhan to keep her from going all darkside. That's just who Winn is. Much like James is a moral compass for Kara, Winn is a constant in her life too. A positive battery of good energy.
  9. The people protecting Supergirl: This is the primary difference between Batman v Superman and Supergirl, when the crowd rallies around Supergirl to protect her from the villains. It was Supergirl being that symbol of hope again. On top of that, when Livewire was about to kill the whole crowd for helping her, Kara pleads for the crowd. Even down and out, Kara is there trying to protect people. It reminded us so much of Christopher Reeve.

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  10. Kara throws Barry across the dimensional barrier: This final scene with Barry and Kara was just the icing on the cake in terms of cuteness. They used each others third names, Girl of Steel, Scarlet Speedster! Much like when your favorite sports team wears their third more uncommon uniforms during a game, we squealed hearing it!

Finally, Kara gets the courage to make her move with James and unfortunately Myriad is activated. This was a good segue way into the next episode and perhaps Supergirl picked up a few Flash fans tonight for more episodes. All in all it was everything we wanted it to be!

Also, if you enjoyed the episode, you can re-watch it now with commentary from Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti right here!

What did you think of the crossover? Was it everything you thought it could be? Was it more? Let us know in the comments below and the forum! Also, help us keep advertisement free by visiting the support page!

Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"

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